Scottish Poetry Finalists 2022

Well done to everyone who took part in our Scottish Poetry Recital competition. It was a tough decision for our learners to vote on their two best performances from each class to share with the school. Please see the link below to watch each finalist recite their poem.

1st and 2nd place will be awarded on Wednesday 2 February with all children receiving a certificate.

We are so proud of everyone that took part and for our families taking the time to practise their poems at home! #achieve

Primary 4 6.1.20

Hello everyone!

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year! We can’t believe that we’re half way through the school year already!

We are looking forward to welcoming back the boys and girls tomorrow and we are sure they will have lots of news to share with us 🙂

Here is some information for the term ahead:
– PE days: Both classes have PE with Mrs Ferguson on a Wednesday. P4M will have their other session of PE on a Tuesday while P4C will have their second session on a Thursday.

– Homework: This week the children will be given out a non-fiction reading book to read at home. We will also be completing work on non-fiction texts in school. Your child will have this book home for 2 weeks. A Scottish poem will also be in your child’s homework jotter. We will be working on learning and reciting Burn’s poetry in school but would also appreciate if your child could work on this at home too. They will recite their poems to others on the w/b 20th January.

– A visitor from NYCoS (The National Youth Choir of Scotland) will be working with both classes for 8 weeks beginning on Wednesday this week. The children will learn fun new songs and learn different music concepts. Starting next week sessions will take place on a Monday.

– Look out for our class newsletter in your child’s bag this week. Inside is a more detailed outline for the term ahead.

Thank you for your support. Have a good week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 15.2.19

Hello everyone

It was lovely to see so many parents/carers at the consultation evenings on Wednesday and Thursday. We look forward to welcoming you into the classroom again on Monday 25th February at 9:05am for our shared start or on Thursday 28th February at 2:50pm for our shared finish. At these events you can work with your child in the classroom on some numeracy activities. We hope to see lots of you then 🙂

This week the children have been working hard to learn their 8 times table and their division by 8 facts. We’ve been using a great new song to help us which is linked below. The children love singing along! Some of us have begun to look at using the written method of division too and are working well. Any support you can provide your child with their times tables and division facts would be greatly appreciated 🙂

8 times table song

In our topic we have been looking at maps and photographs of Edinburgh some of which were created or taken over 100 years ago! We looked at some of the differences and similarities between the land, buildings and sanitation in those times and now. We noticed that there were no cars on the roads, the houses were built very closely together and many families stayed together in one room. We also noticed that many important landmarks such as the Forth Rail Bridge, The Scott Monument and Edinburgh Castle had been around for a long time!

In RME we have been learning that people’s beliefs can impact on the decisions that they make everyday. We have been focusing so far on Judaism and exploring what foods are Kosher and Non-Kosher. This has led to many interesting discussions.

Reminders –
The children are on holiday from school on Monday 18th February and Tuesday 19th February. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday.
There will be no homework given out next week.
Indoor PE will be on Wednesday for both classes.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 6.2.19

Hello everyone

It has been another busy week in Primary 4 this week.

In reading each group has been working on a variety of activities related to their short class novels. Well done to everyone for reading their larger novel at home. Some children are even finished reading these already! 🙂 If your child finishes their reading book at home we would appreciate if they could bring this back into school at the earliest opportunity. We would then ask that your child continues to read at home choosing their own book from home or a book from our classroom library. Thank you for your support with this.

Our topic of Scotland is going well. This week we have been learning about various Scottish characters from fiction and non-fiction books. We have explored characters such as Greyfriars Bobby, Maisie, Hairy Maclary and Katie Morag. The children were then able to retell their stories in the form of story boards and in their own books. Well done everyone for your fantastic work.

We have been working hard to develop our vocabulary each week through a variety of word boost activities. We are now furthering our understandings by identifying if the words we are learning are nouns, verbs, adverbs or adjectives. We are categorising these words on our word boost wall displays in our classrooms.

P4C say goodbye to Miss Roscilli on Friday. She has spent 5 weeks teaching and working with the children and we will miss her when she goes. We wish her the best of luck for the future.

Reminders –

Parents consultations take place next Wednesday (5-7:30) and Thursday (4-6:30) evenings next week. We look forward to seeing many of you then.
The children are off school on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th February for the February break.
PE days:
Tuesday – Outdoor PE (weather permitting, otherwise Indoor PE)
Wednesday – Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson
Spelling & Maths homework tasks due each Friday.
Reading larger novel/own novels for enjoyment at home. Pages to be read each week and indicated in spelling jotters.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson & Miss Roscilli.

Primary 4 30.1.19

Hello everyone

This week has been a fun one in Primary 4.

In maths we have introduced division and the children have been impressing us with their knowledge of dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. We will continue to work on this next week as well as introducing division and multiplication by 8. The children are learning about the link between division and multiplication. Any support you can provide your child with this would be greatly appreciated.

In topic Miss Clark’s class have been exploring DC Thomson and the world of comic books with Miss Roscilli. Today they made their very own comic strips all about meeting and defeating a dangerous Kelpie. They look fantastic so far 🙂 In Miss Donaldson’s class they have been exploring the world of Scottish mythical creatures! They learned about Kelpies and Water Horses and made excellent artistic creations that show several mythical creatures from Scotland. They look great!

Well done to Noah and Katie who recited their Scottish poems at the Burns Afternoon. The rest of Primary 4 also performed the Scottish song “Bananas” to visitors at the event. Well done P4!

Reminders –

P4C have PE with Mrs Ferguson tomorrow (Thursday 31st) for one week only. Next week P4C and P4D will have PE on Wednesday again as normal.
Spelling homework is due on Friday.
Reading pages for Monday and written in spelling homework jotters please.
Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson and Miss Roscilli

Primary 4 25.1.19

Hello everyone

It’s been a good week in Primary 4 this week. Our topic of Scotland is now in full swing. The children identified where the 7 main cities in Scotland are on a map and used coordinates to mark them on their own maps of Scotland. They then worked in a group to research one of the cities in order to teach the rest of the class. The children took fantastic notes about the other groups posters. This was a tricky task but we were very proud of how hard the children worked.

This week was our annual Scots Poetry Competition. Well done to Brodie, Katie, Isla B and Noah who were chosen to perform their poems in front of the school. Thank you for all of the help and support you provided the children at home with learning their poems. All of the children worked very hard & performed their poems confidently.
A big well done to the overall P4 winners Katie and Noah. They will perform their poems to visitors to the school on Monday at our Burns Afternoon.

We have been continuing to practise and develop upon our multiplication knowledge in class. Any support you can provide your child with learning their times table at home is greatly beneficial. Next week we will be moving onto linking multiplication to division facts as we consolidate our knowledge of dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

Your child should have received a letter home this week inviting you take part in shared starts and finishes that are taking place throughout the school. Primary 4s shared start is on Monday 25th February and shared finish is on Thursday 28th February. On one of these days you are invited to come into your child’s classroom to learn with them. The focus in both these sessions will be Numeracy. The sessions will be about half an hour long. Please note you should only come to one of the sessions as they are both very similar. Please see the letter for more details and if you have any further questions than please do not hesitate to contact us.

Spelling homework – due Friday
Reading pages – due Monday (own choice of pages in novel)
Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE (P4D) – Wednesday

Thank you for all your help and support. Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson & Miss Roscilli.

Primary 4 week 5.3.18

Welcome back after our snowy days off.
We hope you had a super time enjoying the snow and are feeling ready to come back to school.

Our parent assembly is coming up in a few weeks so please remember to practise your words. If you have any lines. Not everyone has a role that can be practised at home so please do not worry if you don’t have words.
I have attached the song words for the assembly if you would like to have a go at singing at home. The links on youtube are also below.

Song Lyrics 17.18


There will be homework given out on Tuesday this week as we were not here on Friday to hand it in.


P.E on Wednesday indoor, PE that is planned on Tuesday as outdoor may be inside due to weather conditions.

Homework is spelling, reading and assembly words/songs

Please make sure all clothing is clearly labelled


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 6 26.1.18

“And there’s a hand, my trusty fere”….We have had a braw week celebrating the life and works of Rabbie Burns. Most pupils were willing to try some haggis at our Burns supper and we enjoyed some dramatic renditions of Burns poetry. We ended our celebrations with a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Well done to all the pupils who put themselves forward for our school Scottish poetry competition!

Please remember to look out for fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday life .

Auditions have now been completed for our school show and parts will be announced very soon.

Our class novel has reached a very moving point this week, we have been discussing extreme happiness and sadness and thinking of ways in which we can describe how this feels. Our pupils are now coming up with interesting alternatives to using the words happy or sad.


PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays –

Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays 6Wo – Mondays

Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, Number Bonds. We have shown the pupil’s games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mr . Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 2/3 23.1.18

Primary 2/3 have been working very hard learning their Scottish Poems. The boys and girls have been practising in class and at home. Today the children are going to perform in front of their class and then two of our boys and girls will be invited to say their poem to the whole school. We wish them all the best of luck! On Thursday we will be learning about Robert Burns, singing Scottish songs and tasting some traditional Scottish food. I hope you all like Haggis!!

In our topic this week we have been looking and learning about the Roman soldier. We have discussed what they wear and why. The children have also learned what the Roman words are for shield, sandals and helmet. We are also going to be learning about Roman Numerals this week too.

Reminder- P.E is on a Monday and Wednesday so please can you send the children in with P.E kits. Also could they come to school with a water bottle.

Homework: Spelling, Reading, Poems/Scottish Song and Maths.


Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 23.1.17

Primary 3 are learning about Scotland this week. We will be investigating Scottish Cities, Scottish food, Scottish song and dance, Scottish flag and Scottish landmarks. We are learning about Scotland as part of our Erasmus project. We will be taking lots of photos of our activities and completing short activities.

We start our Futsal workshop tomorrow which we are very excited about. Children will be learning Futsal skills, controlling the ball with their feet and working as part of a team.

We are handing out a BIG piece of homework. We are asking the children to build a medieval castle. The homework task sheet can be found in their spelling jotters. We are asking for the castles to be completed by Thursday 16th February.

Spelling and Maths homework as normal.

P.E kits:

P3S- Monday and Tuesday

P3R- Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 4 week beginning 16.1.17

Hello welcome to the Primary 4 blog,

We have started our Scotland topic and have been working hard using online maps and Atlases to become more familiar with the United Kingdom. We have also focused on major cities with Scotland and are becoming more confident with our place within Scotland.
This week we will begin to focus on the cities and their features. We will also be researching Charles Rennie MackIntosh and will begin to create our own artwork inspired by this famous artist.

On Monday the 16th Google Expeditions will be taking place across the whole school. We will be exploring the day in the life of a mini-beast, as mini-beasts is one of our topics this year.

On Thursday all children will be performing their Burn Poems. Children do not have to put themselves forward for the competition however, they must still learn their poem as it is part of our curriculum.


P.E kits on Wednesday (Indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)
Reading – pages + 1 task from the homework sheet
Burns Poem – Must be learned for Thursday
Ms Fox has requested that children bring cereal boxes for art on Wednesday

Due to Poems and class talks maths homework will not be this week. It will resume in the following week.

Thank you for visiting our blog,
The Primary 4 teachers

week beginning 9.1.17

Welcome back and Happy New Year!!

We hope you have had a lovely winter holiday and have enjoyed your time off. We are happy to see everyone after the new year and are looking forward to starting our term.
In the spirit of new year we have all set our own targets for improving ourselves in language, maths and in our own health and well-being.

This week we have introduced our new topic, Scotland. Next week We will be becoming more familiar with countries and main cities within the U.K.
We have also handed out Burn’s Poems for our upcoming competition. While it is not a requirement to take part in the competition all children must learn the poem they have selected. We will be learning about the language in class reading and developing our Scot’s Vocabulary. Please could your child bring their poem to school and could you also help them to practice at home.

We will be handing out class talk homework also. This will be done in stages so not everyone will have their talks at the same time, please do not be alarmed if your child does not get a talk letter this week as it may just mean they will in the following weeks.


Look out for our newsletter as there is a change to our time table. We will have indoor P.E on Wednesday and outdoor P.E on Thursday.
Please ensure that all uniform and kit is labelled with your child’s name
There are lots of items of uniform left in the class that are not being claimed and others who have lost named pieces that they cannot find. Please could you all check that your child has taken the correct items home and that they are not missing anything.

Reading – refer to task sheet for activities to match
Burn’s Poem
Class talks (for children with letters)

Thank you,
The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 4 18.3.16

We have started a challenge to round off our learning about Scotland and its main cities. We have been put into groups and provided with a big map to fill with information about 4 of the main cities. This  should be information for tourists and demonstrate the knowledge we have gained. I will post pictures of the finished products next week!

This week Primary six did a super job of organising Sport Relief bake sale. It ran smoothly and we all enjoyed a little sweet treat in preparation of our sporty Friday!

Primary 4 , 4/3 and 5 have also started casting for the school show. We are excited about it and are learning of the cast list today. Thank you to everyone who auditioned.

In other news, look out in Morrisons for Carmondean Primary School’s entries to the Easter competition. They are being displayed in the window of Morrisons at Carmondean and the winners will be chosen next Tuesday.


Monday: Indoor PE kit

Tuesday: outdoor PE kit

Thursday: Last day before Easter break

Homework for next week:

Due Monday 21st: Miss Smith’s Maths class – Multiplication homework

No Spelling this week.

Primary 4, 19.2.16

This is just a quick entry seeing as it has been a very short week!

Assembly words have been handed out this week. Please help your child to learn them.

Reading from Monday will be connected to our reading books and based on the techniques we have learned during Reading Routes. As a result, can children ensure they bring their reading books with them to school every day.


Please sign homework diaries

Outdoor PE: Tuesday, weather permitting

Indoor PE: Wednesday

Friday 26th February: Class assembly at 11:30am which you are all welcome to come to. Please make contact with the office if you have not already done so to tell them how many people you wish to come. This will allow us to have an appropriate amount of seats out.

The assembly explains information about Scotland’s seven cities and information about how Mary Queen of Scots was connected to some of them.



Spelling as normal


Red – 132 – 153

Blue – 113 – End

Green – 95 – 108

Learn assembly words and assembly songs.

Due 11th March – Class talk. If children wish to do this in pairs, they can, however both children should have the same amount of interaction with the class for assessment in listening and talking and answering questions.

Primary 4 12.2.16

Thank you to all parents who attended parent’s night over the last two nights. It was great to see so many of you again and the conversations had by all were extremely helpful. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support this year.

This week we said goodbye to Miss Leyland who had been in our class since we came back to school in January. The children put together a lovely card for her and wished her good luck on her next journey in learning and in life.

This week we received an e-mail with further clues for our travels of Scotland’s main cities. We put together the clues and found we were in Huntly, near Aberdeen. We have been researching the oil and fishing industries, the main rivers, Dee and Don and also the famous silver granite buildings!


We are off on Monday and Tuesday (15th and 16th)

Wednesday – Indoor PE kit required.

Friday 26th Parent Assembly more details to follow.



Even though we are off Monday and Tuesday Spelling and reading as normal.

Reading Pages:

Red: 110 – 131

Blue: 93 – 112

Green: 85 – 94

Maths: worksheet will be handed out on Wednesday.

Primary 4 4.2.16

Well, It’s great to be back and to see everyone again 🙂 I have enjoyed telling the children about all of the experiences and stories from Poland. In assembly tomorrow there will be a little taster of the things they can expect to be creating on the run up to Easter from the crafts Mrs Tartaglia and myself learned whilst there.

This week we have continued learning about Dundee. It is one of the main cities in Scotland and we now know all about the three J’s – Jute, Jam and Journalism. We even had a go at creating our own cartoon character and comic strip just like D. C Thomson.

Great to see so many children completing their sentences in their homework jotters in joined up writing. It is not perfect at this stage but the experience of trying it right now is all we are aiming for. The effort from the children has been super. It is beginning to show in some areas of our class work also which is great!

This week, unfortunately letters have had to be sent home to children who have not been coming prepared for indoor PE. Each week we write reminders in our homework jotters and still there are a lot of people forgetting. We have PE on a Wednesday indoor and a Tuesday outdoor.

I’d like to say good luck to Miss Leyland who will be leaving us on Tuesday to continue her studies and experience of teaching. She has been an asset to the school and our Primary 4 class and has delivered fun and exciting lessons for the past 5 weeks. We wish her all the best 🙂


Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Parents night – Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th

Friday 12th – Valentine dress down. Wear something pink or red and dress for valentine’s day. Donation of 50p to raise funds for the school should you choose to take part.



Due Monday 8th – Miss Smith’s Maths homework

Due Friday 12th – Spelling and reading:

RED – Pages 90 – 109

BLUE – Pages 80 – 92

GREEN – Pages 64 – 84


Thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Miss Smith

Primary 4 15.1.16

We received a letter to kick start our Scotland topic which asked us to help with some research of Scottish myths and legends. Children participated in research tasks and found out three main mythical creatures connected to Scotland. These are Kelpies, selkies and Nessie.

We have been using our atlas skills to work out the countries and capitals of the United Kingdom. We also were learning more about North, South, East and West, as well as the points in between.

In science, we conducted experiments, learning about static electricity. We had some very interesting hairstyles afterwards as we had to think of ways to ‘charge’ our balloons.

I hope children have been practising their poems over the last week ready for our class competition next Thursday. There will also be opportunities in class to recite poems with the teacher and classmates before then. Class winners will then recite their poem to the school on Friday of next week. Winners from this competition will attend the main Burns poetry recital.

Thank you this week to everyone for having their PE kit in on the days we had PE with only the exception of one or two both days. It made a huge difference. Hopefully the weather will pick up for next Tuesday and we will be able to get out for some rugby. It was not in our favour this week.


Sign homework diaries

Tuesday –  Outdoor PE kit needed. Please bring warm clothes

Wednesday – Indoor PE kit needed.




Thursday 21st – Burns poem recital in class. Please have these learned. Children know the expectations for this as they differ between poems.

Friday 22nd – Reading Red – p.27-46

Blue – p.23 – 36

Green – p.20-28

Spelling – look cover write check each night. One night sentences in Berol script handwriting. Please note, this is to build confidence, and is as practice. I am by no means expecting perfection with linked script at this stage.


Thank you,

Miss Smith

Primary 4, 8.1.16

Happy New Year!

We hope you have had an enjoyable and well rested festive break. We are happy to be back and are looking forward to a busy term ahead full of learning.

We are very lucky to have Miss Leyland with us for the next six weeks. She will be working in our classroom and with the children throughout her time at Carmondean.

This week, we started our new Interdisciplinary Topic, Scotland. The children were eager to share their existing knowledge and keen to give their suggestions as to what and how they wish to learn.

We have chosen our Burns poems and these have been sent home with the pupils today. We have selected one out of the following four Robert Burns poems; On Holy Willie, Scots Wha Hae, A Bard’s Epitaph and Willie Wastle. I have attached these below. Click on the ‘Poems’ link to access them. These should be learned by Thursday 21st January.

Please check your child’s bag for a newsletter detailing what is happening this term.




Please sign and check homework diaries weekly.

Outdoor PE – Tuesday (Please bring old, warm clothes in case they get muddy.)

Indoor PE – Wednesday (Please check your child has appropriate indoor kit with them on these days. There are a lot of children coming to school unprepared.)

Homework Due:

Monday 18th: Maths co-ordinates worksheet Miss Smith’s Maths group.

Friday 15th: Spelling and Reading Homework. Spelling should have one day chosen for sentences written in Berol Script.

Learn Burns poem by 21st January.

Thank you,

Miss Smith

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