Primary 1 w.b. 15.3.21

Good morning
Primary 1 are having a lovely week so far and have been enjoying some time outside in the sunny weather we have seen in the past 2 days.
This week in phonics we are learning the sound ch. We have been thinking of lots of words with these letters in them and have been trying to blend some of these words on our magnetic boards. We are also continuing to develop skills of reading and have been teaching the children to ask a question about their book. Thank you to everyone who is practising reading at home, it is great to see the children’s confidence grow. Please make sure that your child has their book each day in class so that we can read regularly.
In maths we are learning to tell the time. We are looking at analogue and digital clocks and are learning to tell an o’clock time on each of them. Next week we will move on to half past times. The children are working really hard at this and are impressing us with their knowledge.
In topic we are learning about the diplodocus dinosaur. The children wrote brilliant fact files explaining some of the facts they know about this dinosaur.
A reminder that tomorrow is Red Nose Day. The children are invited to come to school dressed as a super hero. We will be thinking about who the money will help and will be completing some fun activities in class.
Thank you for all your continued support.
The Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 7

78 years ago on the nights of the 13th and 14 the March, the Scottish town of Clydebank was bombed by the Luftwaffe. More than 570 civilians were killed and 11, 350 were declared homeless. This terrible event is known as The Clydebank Blitz. As you will be aware, Primary 7 has adopted different personas when studying WW2 and many of them are from Clydebank. The pupils had made their own homes and schools etc . The attached images show what the pupils discovered on Thursday morning. Our next task is to create what happens next. The pupils have now been told if they have been evacueed , called up to one of the services or are remaining at home as an essential worker. They must use factual information and events as a basis for their biographies.

We had wacky hair styles galore in Primary 7 this morning to celebrate Red Nose day. Interesting looks indeed!



We are continuing our plee to help P7s learn their words for the senior school show. A reminder that all costumes need to be in school as soon as possible. If you need help with any items please let us know.



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays  AND Indoor Wednesday

Homework – spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays. We are now concentrating on sentences and will not be expecting the children to complete a spelling activity.

Literacy Circles  – Homework task and reading will be given out on Wednesdays and is due the following Wednesday  .

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie, Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

Primary 2 11.3.19

Primary 2 have been busy learning about the desert and this week we are going to be learning about Africa and the animals that live in Africa. Primary 2R will be sharing some of their learning at their class assembly tomorrow so we look forward to welcoming you to school tomorrow. Some children received letters about a costume, please remember to send them in with their assembly clothes tomorrow.

In Maths this week we are going to be learning about symmetry. We will be focusing on finding one line of symmetry on a variety of different shapes and objects. Encourage your child to explain what the term symmetry means- can you find any lines of symmetry in the house?

Primary 2 have been invited to the Red Nose Day assembly on Friday. We will be watching a comedy show, dressing crazy and trying to create a big castle from our red nose day boxes. Friday is also Miss Henderson’s last day in Primary 2R. We will be sad to see her leave but we wish her all the best in her future teaching career. The children have loved having her in class! She will be joining us again for our class trip to the Zoo in April.

Our specialist timetable is changing shortly and Primary 2 will be receiving Art lessons from Ms Fox and P.E lessons from Mrs Ferguson. (our P.E will move from Wednesday to Thursday)

Homework was issued today and it is due back Thursday 21st March. Please remember to come to school with a water bottle and indoor shoes.

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 6.3.19

Hello everyone

This week has been a busy but fun one in Primary 4 so far. The children worked well in groups to make excellent mind maps about each of the 8 planets in the solar system. Each group focused on one planet and finding out particular facts about it including how many moons it had, how far the planet is from the sun and who the planet was named after. They then taught the rest of the class about their planet by presenting their mind map to the class. The class then took notes on each planet and each child now has a solar system book that they have designed themselves using their notes. Well done everyone 🙂

Tomorrow we are visiting P2 for World Book Day. Primary 2 will be sharing their favourite book with us and some activities that they have been doing in class. Primary 4 will also be sharing their favourite books with Primary 2. We will also share books that we have created in class.

Today was our last day of PE with Mrs Ferguson in Primary 4. We’d like to thank Mrs Ferguson for all she has taught the children this year. Starting next week both sessions of PE will take place with your child’s class teacher. Indoor PE will now be on a Monday and Outdoor PE will now be on Wednesday. We will remind the children of this and it will be written in their homework diaries next week.

We have begun the process of planning our assembly which will take place on Friday 22nd March. We look forward to inviting you to join P4 in exploring their learning related to our topic of Space. The children chose to learn about this topic and they are very enthusiastic about it. We can’t wait to show you what we have learned. Please look out for speaking parts or information about costumes in your child’s homework diary.

Reminders –
Your child has a moon record in their spelling homework jotter. Please encourage your child to look up at the sky each night and record what they can see. Remember – if the moon isn’t visible encourage your child to look at stars or other objects in the sky and look for anything interesting. There will be no spelling homework for two weeks so that your child can focus on this task. We will continue to work on spelling/phonics revision in class.

Red Nose Day celebrations begin next Thursday with a bake sale in the afternoon. There will be a talent show assembly held on Friday and a dress down day on Friday to raise money too.

Thank you for all of your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 6.2.19

It was lovely to meet some of the parents at the “shared finish” yesterday. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you all. We still have our “shared start” on Thursday if you wish to come along and see what we have been doing in Number Talks.

In topic we have been learning more about some of the Arctic Animals and how they adapt to their environment. The children have made penguins, polar bears and are going to be making arctic foxes. We have managed to put a few on our wall display in the corridor. We have also looked at a polar food chain. The children have been learning about the words prey and predators. They worked in small groups to create food chain mobiles which are now hanging in our classroom.

In reading this week we have been learning about visualisation. The children listened to a story with no pictures and they had to imagine/visualise what the character looked like. They all managed to draw the character very well and some even managed to draw the character’s house from the story.

In maths the children have been working out the missing minuend and subtrahend. They have been using addition, subtraction, counting on and back strategies to solve these problems.

Homework is due in tomorrow. The children will share their activities with a friend in class.

P.E reminders P2R (Tuesday, Wednesday)

P2M (Wednesday, Thursday)

Primary 6 are selling Red Noses for Comic Relief at the cost of £1.25


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 6 27.4.17

Hello everyone

This week has been a busy week in Primary 6.  We have been continuing to rehearse for our assembly tomorrow.  We hope you can make it to see our final performance in the new school hall tomorrow at 11:30am.  The children have been working so hard and we hope you enjoy our assembly.

This week we began learning about our new topic of Inclusion.  We will explore how life can be challenging for different groups of people and how we can work to include others.  Today we discussed the definition of the word inclusion and also how rules in society can be used to include or exclude people. We are looking forward to learning more about how we can be inclusive citizens.

In writing this week we wrote newspaper articles about our role in planning and organising the school’s Red Nose Day event this year. We learned that we all helped to raise a massive £1070.42 for the children in Africa and the UK that need it most.  The newspaper articles are looking fabulous and we are looking forward to seeing the final finished products!

Our PE times have changed slightly from the information given last week.  We will now have a Futsal instructor coming into school every Tuesday morning to work with the children.  Both classes can come to school dressed in their PE kit with their school uniforms in their bag.  Futsal will take place on a Tuesday morning with Outdoor PE on a Wednesday morning.

Please remember that each week your child is given both spelling and maths homework. Miss Clark’s class will also soon be given weekly reading homework. Homework is usually due in on a Thursday or Friday. Please ask your child about this.

Thank you for your support. Remember children are off on holiday on Monday 1st and Thursday 4th May.  Have a fantastic long weekend and we will see the children on Tuesday morning.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Kelly.

Primary 7 – 24.03.17


It has been another busy week for Primary 7. On Wednesday the children performed their show for the rest of the school and the nursery. It was a great success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed watching Alice the Musical. Thank you to everyone who has helped us to provide costumes for the show. There are still a few children who still have not brought in their costumes – could they please do so for Monday. Tickets are selling fast for the evening performance so if you would still like to buy tickets please send your form in as soon as possible.

The children have been delivering their WW2 class talks. It is obvious that many children have spent a long time researching and preparing their class talks. Well done to these children!

The children have been writing imaginative stories, trying to include all the information that they have learned about WW2. The most written so far is 6 pages – what a lot of reading we will have to do!

Yesterday we took part in Earth Hour by designing hearts to show what we love about nature and the environment. Look out for these on the Earth Hour trees that will be appearing in the corridors very soon.

We are taking part in Red Nose Day today. The children will be dressing down and buying cakes at the bake sale. If your child has forgotten to bring their donation for dressing down then please send it in on Monday.



Spelling homework

Maths homework

Last week of Literacy circles – please ensure all homework booklets are up to date and books handed in on Monday

School show 1.30 and 6.30 on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 3 20.3.17

Primary 3 are looking forward to their trip tomorrow to Edinburgh Castle. The weather is not looking great so could everyone come to school dressed for cold weather? Half of our trip will be spent in a workshop however the other half will be outside in the castle rooms and grounds. All children need to bring a packed lunch with them unless they have ordered one from the school. Everyone is looking forward to finishing up our topic with the visit to Edinburgh Castle.

We also have our medieval banquet this Friday which we are all looking forward to. Children have invited one member of their family to come and join us to celebrate our learning. Children have been asked to dress up for the occasion and everyone will get a chance to have some food and play some medieval games.

We are marking Earth Hour on Thursday by turning off our lights for one hour and creating hanging love hearts to share why we love our earth.

Primary 6 have organised Red Nose Day and have asked the children to donate cakes for a bake sale on Friday 24th March. Children have also been told they can dress up as one of the characters or wear the colours: red, black or white.

P.E has changed:

P3R Monday and Tuesday (Futsal)

P3S Tuesday (Futsal) and Wednesday

Homework will continue as normal: Reading, Maths and Spelling

Any questions about up coming events please feel free to contact us.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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