Primary 6 7/10/2021

This week in Primary 6, we have been learning how to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 through a combination of number and worded questions.

To apply for the position of pupil council representative the children had to  complete a job application form. The children had to think about the skills and qualities they would need to be a good pupil council representative.

In reading, the children analyzed a passage which described a setting in great detail.  The children had to identify the adjectives and other key words which helped visualize where the setting. The children loved using this information to draw and colour the setting.

In Spanish P6 have been learning how to say colours and in French they have been learning to describe their hair and eye colour in detail.


Thank you for your continued support


Have a lovely October break!


Mr Drysdale and Mrs Scott

Primary 2 22.3.21

Primary 2 have settled well back into class. It feels like we have never been away.

We had great fun taking part in the Red Nose Day dress down on Friday. We also made Red Nose Day posters with our own jokes on them to make people laugh.

Our homework is being posted on seesaw regularly and it’s great to see so many children completing the seesaw activities! Reading books are coming out weekly and our P.E days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday (outside for both of them)

In writing we are doing lots of descriptive pieces. The children are using the describing bubble to help with identifying good adjectives to write descriptions about characters and settings. The children are trying to hard to hit all their core and genre targets. Well done Primary 2!

In maths we are working very hard on our 2, 5, and 10 times table. The children have been playing times table games, listening to times table songs and completing times table activities. Learning our times tables have been a challenge but the children are working hard! We have also been learning to tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to) we have so much work to do on this as telling the time is very tricky if the skill is not being used regularly. If you could practise this at home, it would be appreciated.

We are still working our way through our Romans topic. The children have been learning about the Roman Gladiator and the activities that happened in the Colosseum. We also made Roman gladiator helmets and Roman soldier shields.

Thank you again for all your support and if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 2/3 1.5.18

It’s the 1st May! We can’t believe how quick the year is going!

We have been working very hard in Primary 2/3. We have drawn ourselves with pencil and then added the features of a pirate: eye patches, Jolly Roger, hats, earings and black and gold teeth. We cut up coloured paper to make it more like a collage. They are now on display in our classroom with our own “Pirate name”.

We have been singing lots of pirate songs using a variety of instruments and incorporating dance moves. Encourage the boys and girls to perform one of the songs for you!

Today we are going to be writing a Pirate acrostic poem. We will use our writing skills and pirate knowledge to write some really interesting Pirate poems.

In Maths we have been learning about arrays. Both Primary 2 and Primary 3 have been using arrays to help solve multiplication questions and Primary 3 have been using them to help answer division questions too! We are so shocked at how easy times tables are becoming!

Its a big Eco-week this week and we will be learning about keeping our local environment clean and tidy, planting in our allocated planters and learning about the biodiversity of the coral reef. This should link nicely with our topic of Treasure Islands.

P.E- Outdoor on Monday, Indoor on Thursday


Miss Rafferty


Primary 6 29.11.16

Hello everyone!

Primary 6 are having a very busy and productive week so far. Our “A Tale Unfolds” topic is well underway and the children are participating very enthusiastically. We have been exploring different camera angles and have been using these whilst filming others to great effect. We’re looking forward to the rest of the topic!

The children have also begun rehearsing hard for their assembly which is next Friday. Please continue to encourage them to practise their words at home.

In maths both classes have been continuing to work on our multiplication skills. We have been doing this through a variety of activities including whole class multiplication challenges. Well done to Murray & Louisa who are the current champions in Miss Clark’s maths class. Keep practising!

Please note that the children no longer have indoor PE with Miss Inglis on a Wednesday. From now on P6 PE days will be:
Monday – Indoor Gym with Miss Clark & Mrs Wylie.
Thursday – Outdoor Gym with Miss Clark & Mrs Kelly.

Enjoy the rest of your week! 😊

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly



The date of our assembly has now changed to Friday 16th December – even more time to practise! 😊

Primary 6 04.11.16


We have had a very busy week in Primary 6. On Monday we started to learn a song for a Scottish Assembly which will be taking place when our ERASMUS+ visitors arrive in a couple of weeks time. We are learning “You’re Welcome Wullie Stewart” a song written by Robert Burns about the arrival of his best friend. The children have received the words home with them. Please encourage them to learn their words by Monday.

We have started our new Interdisciplinary Topic of Europe. The children have been using Atlases to complete a variety of tasks to help them to gain a better understanding of the geography of the continent. The children are now working in groups using their research skills to create a poster about a European Country for our classroom display. The children have made a great start to these posters and Mrs Kelly and I are looking forward to seeing the finished products! We will also be using our writing session next week to write letters to our European Visitors; telling them about our country and asking them questions about their own. We are looking forward to our visitors reading our letters and replying!

All groups in maths have begun work on multiplication and division in class. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home as knowledge of these facts can help them to access many other more complex areas of maths in the future. Thank you for your support with this. Here is a useful website that can help the children to practise their times tables and division facts:

Maths Game

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.

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