Primary 5 9.10.20


In Reading the children have been completing book reviews about the novel There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom. It has been interesting reading the children’s views about the novel and what happened to Bradley.

In Writing this week, the class were working on creative stories. It was lovely to hear all the wonderful ideas from the children; we have lots of learners with big imaginations! The children have also been learning more about adjectives and similes. We were very impressed with the words they were coming up with. Fabulous vocabulary from many.

Mrs Cuthbertson spoke to the children about Brass lessons. The whole class appear to want to learn to play! You will have now received information about how to sign up for Brass and/or Chanter lessons so hopefully we have some budding musicians in the class.

In Maths the children have been continuing to work on reading time in five minute intervals and introduced time duration.  This was challenging for many so any help you can give with this at home would be appreciated. Practice makes perfect!

Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a time/shape quiz and researching about bag pipes. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.

Parent Consultations were very different this year. We enjoyed meeting and speaking to you this week through skype and luckily there were not too many technical issues. It was also lovely to speak to many of you on the phone. Thank you for your continued support at this strange and challenging time.


  • The children are on holiday from Monday 12th October to Tuesday 20th We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 21st October.

Have a lovely holiday.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 4 13.2.20

Hello everyone

It has been a fun week in Primary 4. This week in maths we have been learning all about Roman numerals. We learned that Roman numerals are made of 7 different letters and how to use our numeracy skills to help to add different symbols together to make new numbers. Ask your child what they know 🙂

It was lovely to meet so many parents on Tuesday and Wednesday evening at parents consultation evenings. We look forward to welcoming parents back to into school on Tuesday 25th February at 2:50pm for our shared finish and on Thursday 27th February at 9:05am for our shared start. The focus of these sessions will be using the website Education City. Each session will be similar so you only need to attend one.

In French we have begun to learn about the items in our classroom. We drew our classrooms and labelled each object in French. Can your child tell the difference between un gomme and une trousse?

Please note that the children are on holiday tomorrow (Friday 14th) until next Wednesday 19th February. We will have PE as normal with Mrs Ferguson on Wednesday. We will also have an extra visit from NYCoS on Thursday for our singing lessons.

We hope you have a restful long weekend and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 3 13.9.19

We have had quite a few letters from bossy Mrs Thunder this week, giving us our missions and tasks to help SummerWinter, our weather fairy. We had to learn about the water cycle and the scientific words. We then used our knowledge of the water cycle into a drama, where we became the water and had to think of movements to symbolise each stage. We had so much fun and filmed the whole thing to be used as a training video for SummerWinter.

Our next mission is to recreate a weather forecast in teams. We hope to do some green screen work with this and film it also. We can’t wait to see whether people have been watching the weather forecasts over the past few weeks to help with the language we should use. Hopefully there will be some information on this in our ‘Share It’ jotters.

We are impressing everyone with our number talks techniques and strategies for partitioning numbers and using it to add together numbers mentally. We need to practice subtraction, as this has proven a little more tricky.

Next week is a short week, however the children have asked to learn about rainbows and how they are created. We have some fun experiments planned to explain this.

Please remember we are on holiday Monday and Tuesday next week, and Share It jotters should be brought into school alongside reading books to be returned and replaced. New books will not be given out until old books are returned.

Thank you for your support have a great long weekend, we look forward to seeing you all when we return.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


Primary 7 3.5.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy week in Primary 7. We had a visit from teachers and students from Deans Community High School today. They told us what it was like to move from Carmondean Primary to Deans High. They also answered any questions the children had about High School. It was a very informative session and very helpful for the children.

Some of the Primary 7 children will be leaving on our France Residential a week on Sunday (13th May). Please ensure that all letters are signed and returned and EHIC Health cards are returned to the school as soon as possible. If you require your child to take any medication on the trip then the appropriate form should be filled in and returned to the school before next Friday. For forms and any extra information please contact the school office as soon as possible.

The children created fantastic pieces of art work this week based on interesting skylines from around the world. They used photographs of famous skylines to help plan out their own. They then transferred their work onto black card and then painted beautiful skies with water colour paints which will frame their skyline. These are looking fantastic and will be on display until the end of term.

The children have also worked on creating informative posters for the Primary 6 children this week. Soon, the Primary 7’s will leave Carmondean Primary behind and the P6s will replace them as buddies to our new Primary 1 children in August. The children worked with a partner to create a poster that tells the Primary 6 children about their experiences of being a buddy and how to overcome any challenges. We will present these to the Primary 6 classes next week.

We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday next week. Have a lovely long weekend and we will see the children on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

PE days
Monday – Outdoor PE
Wednesday – Indoor PE

Homework – Spelling and Maths due Friday

Primary 1 Update 8.2.18

Hello All

We’re having another very busy week in Primary 1 this week!

In Maths we have been continuing with the concepts of Subtraction and Time and in particular telling the time using digital clocks.

In Health, the children have been discussing things that are safe/ not safe to go on their body. Next week we will be discussing things that are safe/ not safe to go in their body along with which adults they can trust.

On Thursday we were lucky to have visitors from Barclays Bank to teach us about money. We really enjoyed taking part in a treasure hunt to find and identify coins, playing a matching coins game and choosing items to buy with the coins we were given.


Also this week we have had our whole class photos taken and were delighted to see so many of you at parents night.

Please remember that next week is a short week in school as the children are on holiday on Monday (12th February) and Tuesday (13th February).

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 4 3.2.17

This week we have been working hard in our assessment jotters to show our abilities across the curriculum.  These will be in pupil trays  this week at Parents’ Evening, and hopefully you will be able to see the progress your child has made between October and January.

We have started to look at electricity in Science. We are looking forward to building our own circuits and making different components work using batteries and wires. This week, we began by looking at electrical safety. The children’s knowledge on this was good and we had an excellent discussion. One thing we need to investigate is how birds can touch electricity wires without being electrocuted.

Next Monday, you will see your child’s spelling words and format changing. Children will still receive spelling words to be studied at home, however these will be based on a different sound each week.

This sound should be learned, and words should be written out across the page in look, cover, write and check format as normal. Activities will be expected to be completed alongside twice a week. This will show the children’s ability to transfer their understanding of the words, and knowledge of the spelling rule.

As of next Tuesday for four weeks, P4S will have another session of indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure children have kit on this day. Reminders will  be written in homework jotters.


Parents’ Evenings take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both primary 4 classes currently have student teachers. The student teachers will be in the room during the parent consultations in order to learn from them. If this is an issue, please do not hesitate to make us aware beforehand by contacting the office.

Tuesday 7th – Indoor PE kit P4S

Wednesday 8th – Indoor PE kit both classes

Thursday 9th – Outdoor PE kit P4D

Dress Down Day run by P.S.A – Please come dressed in love hearts, pink or red, or even just your best                              outfit on Thursday and bring 50 pence as a donation. All money raised will go towards providing                                      resources for the school.

Friday 10th – Holiday


Homework due Thursday:

Children with their class talk information sheets due this day.

Spelling homework.

Reading homework plus one activity.

P4/3 Update 12.2.16

Thank you to all who attended our parents evening meetings. It was nice to see so many friendly faces and to be able to feedback positively on so many of the class.

Hope you are all looking forward to a lovely relaxing long weekend and maybe even have some fun plans. We start back on Wednesday and next week homework will be maths and reading but no spelling.

Our parent assembly is on 26th February (2 weeks time) More details on this to follow next week.

Enjoy the break, see you all on Wednesday.

Mrs Wallace

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