Recording Stars

After performing at the Nursery/Primary 1 Nativity this morning, our choir  went into a recording session to record their performance more professionally. Although the children found recording the different elements separately challenging to begin with, they soon got the hang of it and learned a lot about how the music industry produces finished products . Here are the results:

Primary 7 Blog 03.12.18

The Christmas Fayre was such a huge hit! Thank you so much to everyone who came and supported us. We will be counting up our profit today and this will be put towards our P7 hooodies.

In Maths we have been focusing on angle and coordinates. We have been looking at how we use angles to draw different types of triangles and ensuring that they are accurate by checking with a partner. In coordinates we are moving on to using all four quadrants to plot points. We will be able to use every quadrant and discuss how we know where to plot sets of coordinates.

We had art in class last week and we were working on our collaborative skills. Each child was given part of a whole picture and asked to copy the details on their part, and then we would put all the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle to see the whole image. We had to think about scales and shading for this task and work with the people who had the connecting pieces to ensure the picture would be proportionate. The results were incredible and showed us just how differently each section could be interpreted.

Last week was an incredibly sporty week for us all! We started off with the handball tournament on Tuesday where the team didn’t lose a match! They came first overall and we are very proud of them! Wednesday saw two sporting achievements; Keira and Lauren who placed 6th and 8th in the SSBX skiing competition and the P7 Sportshall Athletics Festival! We are extremely proud of the girls for placing so high out of almost 100 participants and we hope our P7s had a great time at their festival.

The St Andrews Day assembly was a huge hit. Well done to all classes for their beautiful singing! Parents, there is still time to ask your child to sing the original version for you!


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays Indoor Kit Tuesday

Homework – spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays. We are now concentrating on sentences and will not be expecting the children to complete a spelling activity.


Thank for your continued support,

Mrs Wylie, Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

Primary 7 23rd November 2018

Our little elves have been working hard! The classes have been extremely busy this week making and advertising their products and games for the Christmas fayre next Friday (30th). Everything is coming together and we are finalising our floats, prizes and layout of the stalls next week. We have our expected profits calculated so we hope to see you all there to support us!

In Maths we have been continuing to look at negative and positive integers and relating this to everyday life, such as in temperatures and bank accounts. We even spotted the relationship we have with negative integers at the moment, as we are borrowing money for the floats for our school fayre enterprise! Fingers crossed we will have successful stalls and games at the fayre and will make lots of positive profit.

The St Andrews Day assembly is fast approaching and this year the Primary 7s will be singing a new song for you all. We have been dedicating time to learn Auld Lang Syne, and not the version you sing at New Year! We are learning the original version which is much slower and sweeter. Ask your children to teach you it!

In light of Book Week Scotland, we had a fantastic, informative session at Carmondean Library yesterday. We were learning about different types of books, how books are shelved and how to apply for a library card (which your child has been given a letter about). We hope this has encouraged the children to visit the library more and share their experience with those at home.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework – spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays. We are now concentrating on sentences and will not be expecting the children to complete a spelling activity.


Thank for your continued support,

Mrs Wylie, Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

What a ball we had watching the Glasgow Rocks!

On Sunday night a group of P6 and P7 pupils along with Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wotherspoon and Miss Millar headed to The Emirates Arena in Glasgow to see the Glasgow Rocks  take on Surrey Scorchers in the British Basketball League.  What an amazing experience from start to finish.  There was fun on the concourse before the game with pointing fingers, gorilla mascot and a magician and then it was onto the fast paced game. Glasgow Rocks gave us lots to cheer by winning 103 – 76. We loved every minute and would definitely go back and highly recommend others to get along to one of their games.  Check out their website for details on future fixtures.

Gymnastics Team

All gymnasts in the team should be learning their routine for the forthcoming gymnastics competition. A reminder that Level 1 gymnasts have 6 skills to remember and Level 2 and 3 gymnasts have 8 skills in their routine and they must also have linking moves between each skill.

I look forward to seeing these routines again on Thursday afterschool.

I am back in school on Wednesday if anyone needs to come and ask me any questions about it.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 7 09/11/18

Our P7 Remembrance assembly was a huge success! We were all very professional and confident in our delivery of our lines and our singing and acting was spot on. There were a few tears shed during our poetry and renditions of ‘Highland Cathedral’ and ‘Let It Be’. We all have been working so hard for the past few weeks and it definitely paid off. Well done to everyone!


We had a visit from Michelle with the West Lothian Drugs and Alcohol Service this week and have a follow up session with her next week. We looked into the effects of smoking on our health and the chemicals in a cigarette. We were given the task of giving up something for the week and recording the results. We had suggestions ranging from giving up sweets to biting our nails! We shall see how we all got on on Monday…

In Maths we have moved on to looking at angles, have been exploring different angles and how to calculate a complementary angle. We will be doing a lot of problem solving with angles in the coming weeks so please ask your child about it! We would appreciate it if you could become ‘Angle Hunters’ during the day and ask them if they can find an example of an acute, obtuse or right angle wherever they are. For an extra challenge, they can look for a reflex angle!

We had an informative transition morning at DCHS on Thursday and again in the evening. The children had the opportunity to meet staff members, experience moving from classroom to classroom and play some getting to know you games with key members of staff.  The children  were able to look around the school, ask questions and see all of the equipment and resources available at the high school.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework – spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays. We are now concentrating on sentences and will not be expecting the children to complete a spelling activity.


Thank for your continued support,

Mrs Wylie, Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern


Primary 7 – 26.10.18

This week our pupils have been being very serious in their writing. They have been working on poetry based on remembrance and the Great War. They chose which type of poem they wanted to write and identified what they should describe in them, which was what they see, hear, think and feel. They have worked so hard on them and produced some poignant, powerful and beautiful poems. Their challenge was to make Mrs Gilmour cry and we are sure they will do just that!

In Maths we are finishing off time and will be moving on to angles next week. Please continue to ask your children time based questions often, however, as this is a very valuable skill to practise.

We had a fantastic visit from the Science department at DCHS on Tuesday this week. We discussed the skills needed for science and had a shot at mixing chemicals, documenting the reaction and filtering the substance out. It was a fantastic, hands-on experience and we cannot wait for our next visit!

We are continuing to bring together our remembrance assembly and words have been given out to some pupils. There will be a part for everyone so don’t fret if they do not have lines yet! We discussed what we should include in our assembly and have had some brilliant ideas to make our assembly memorable.

We are also going to be going around the classes selling poppies in the coming weeks. We are suggesting a minimum donation of 50p per poppy, but encouraging a donation of £1. All proceeds go to the Scottish Poppy Appeal.



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework – spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays. We are now concentrating on sentences and will not be expecting the children to complete a spelling activity. 

Spelling next week will be a review week. The children will be revising all the words they have had from the beginning of term and the test will be made from a combination of all of these.

Homework for all pupils – to learn ‘Let It Be’ and to learn their lines for our assembly.

Thank for your continued support,

Mrs Wylie, Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

Cross Country success

We had  great success at today’s Cross Country event at Dechmont Law. Despite the weather conditions ( perfect cross country weather some would say!) we saw Makayla Thomson and Elisavet Marcoci win Gold and Silver in the girls P6  race and Casey Core win Gold in the boys P6 event.  What a superb effort and Elisavet and Casey pipped their opponents on the finish line which was very exciting to watch.  Everyone else did so well especially as many were taking part in this type of race for the first time.   As winners at this event last year we took 10 P7 runners back to event to represent the Deans Cluster in the P7 West Lothian race.  This was a much tougher race and we are so proud of the effort they all put in.  We need to wait until all the results have been checked to see if our P6s have won the team event this year and we are keeping our fingers and toes crossed.

If anyone now has the running bug please see the information that was handed to all runners at the end about local sessions or come and see Mrs Ferguson and I can help.

Well done to all!

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 7


We had a wonderful visit this week from Ben and Yoko from the Japanese Consulate in Edinburgh. After practising different greetings in Japanese we learned how to count to ten in Japanese and then we used our new number knowledge to answer a quiz all about Japan. We were astonished about some of the answers …did you know that there is a hotel in Japan where you are served by a dinosaur robot? Ben and Yoko also taught us how to make origami sumo wrestlers; we even had our own sumo matches! Arigatou Ben and Yoko.

During writing this week we composed haiku poems .The results were poignant and thought provoking. Some pupils created Japanese and a contrasting Scottish haiku. Some of them are displayed in our writing corridor; please have a look if you are visiting the school.

We have been on an emotional roller coaster this week during our Wonder reading sessions. In the first section of the book we listened to the voice of August, the second section is told through August’s big sister Via. It opens with the words, “Far above the world, planet earth is blue”. We wonder is anyone knows were these words come from?

Within numeracy we are continuing to look at multiples of 10 and problem solving involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays

Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework –spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .

Maths – Mrs Wylie’s Calculators and Denominators – homework due on Thursday 27th September.

We hope everyone has a lovely September weekend .

Thank for your continued support.

Sayonara !

Mrs Wylie , Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

Primary 7

“Your deeds are your monuments”

( Wonder by R.J.Palacio)

Mr Browne’s percept this week created some interesting discussing in class. We thought August summed it up very well, “The things we do are the most important things of all…That’s why your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of with stone. “

We created some thought provoking wonder displays this week . We have a question for you …what do you wonder about ?

We journeyed to Asia this week to begin our topic on Japan. We now have origami cranes decorating our classrooms, a symbol of peace inspired by the life of Sadako Sasaki . Please ask your P7 to tell you her story, it’s very memorable. We are delighted to announce that we are having visitors form the Japanese consulate next week.

Taking inspiration from our visit from the author David McPhail , we have created detective stories this week , focusing on creating interesting sidekick characters . Look out Holmes and Watson!

Within numeracy we are continuing with rounding and estimating . We also spent time on multiplication games which can be played anywhere. Please ask your primary 7 to show you .



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays

Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework –spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .

Maths  – Mrs Wylie’s Calculators – homework due on Wednesday  . Mrs Wylie’s Denominators – homework due on Thursday

Thank for your continued support.

Sayonara !

Mrs Wylie , Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

PE Kit reminder

Just a wee reminder of what pupils need to bring on PE days.

Indoor – navy shorts, white t-shirt and indoor shoes/trainers

Outdoor – joggers, t-shirt, sweatshirt/hoody and outdoor trainers

Each class will have PE twice each week. Check out their class blog for up to date information on when PE Kit is needed.

A big shout out to P7 who are setting a great example already with the whole class remembering to bring PE kit each week.  Well done!

Thanks for your help in supporting this.

Mrs Ferguson


Lunchtime handball training for P6 & P7

Anyone in P6 and P7  who enjoy playing handball and would like the chance to be in the school handball team should come to the big gym hall on Thursday lunchtime ( 6th September)

Please bring gym kit and a water bottle.

The school handball team was very successful last year coming 2nd in the West Lothian and going on to represent West Lothian at the Scottish Finals. We are hoping for similar success this year!

Mrs Ferguson




Primary 7

It was lovely to see so many of you at our meet the teacher session on Wednesday, thanks to those who came along. Our first term newsletter has now been distributed and it provides a brief overview of what we will be working on. We continue to be very impressed with the attitude all the primary sevens are demonstrating with regards to their buddies, well done!

“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind”

We are currently reading Wonder by R.J.Palacio and just as Bradley Chalkers became an extra member of our class in primary six , August Pulman  seems to be having the same affect  . We will be continuing with the novel over the next few weeks and discussing the various precepts …primary Sevens please explain what that means!

We are easing gently into numeracy and maths, looking at rounding, estimating and symmetry. Due to popular demand we are starting Beat That! today.

Our Bounce Back hall display is almost complete and the impact of the programme is evident in how much the pupils can recall about the stories we looked at last year. We will continue to discuss strategies that we can use to build our resilience and determination.

Within our writing lessons this week we used Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes as inspiration to create our own twist on traditional tales, our pupils’ imaginations made it a rather surreal experience!

Next week we will be beginning our topic on Japan .



PE – Outdoor Kit Mondays

Indoor Kit Wednesdays

Homework –spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .

Thank for your continued support.

Mrs Wylie , Mrs Muir and Miss Mulhern

Primary 7 13.6.18

Hello everyone

It was lovely to welcome everyone back after their week of transition at Deans Community High School last week. We were very pleased to hear that the children thoroughly enjoyed their transition activities and now feel more familiar with the high school environment.

The last 3 weeks of Primary 7 are going to our busiest yet! The children have been exploring the skills, qualities and qualifications that you need in order to succeed in a variety of different occupations. We have researched a huge amount of careers including video game testing, geology, plumbing and translation! Now the children are working in groups to display their findings in creative ways and will be creating advertisements to showcase their chosen career. All of this hard work will be on display at our Carmondean Open Morning on Friday morning.

Parents, families and friends of children in P7C can visit the school between 9:30-10:30am and parents, families and friends of children in P7M can visit the school between 11:00-12:00. We really look forward to seeing you & the children are looking forward to showing their learning.

Rehearsals for the Leavers Assembly are now well underway. The children now know their lines and are working on perfecting the show and practising the songs. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 27th June at 1:30pm in the big hall.

Next Tuesday 19th June the children will be going to Aberdour Beach with their P1 buddies. Please ensure that the children return their EE2 forms and £4 for the bus as soon as possible. The children should come prepared for all weathers and bring a packed lunch with them or order one from the school in advance.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 31.5.18

Hello everyone

We are approaching a very busy and exciting time in Primary 7! Next week the majority of children will take part in a full week of transition activities up at Deans Community High School. Children should come to Carmondean on Monday morning (4th June) at the regular time of 8:50am. Mrs Macaulay & I will then walk the children up to the high school for around 9:20am where they will meet their tutor group and begin to follow their timetable as they will in August. On Wednesday, the children will take part in an activity called the “Hurricane Challenge” instead of following their timetable. Most of this activity will take place outdoors so the children should attend the High School on that day dressed appropriately for the weather.

IMPORTANT: The children should make their own way up to DCHS for the normal time of 8:30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. They will return to Carmondean on Monday 11th June.

Rehearsals for our Leavers Assembly are in full swing and the children are working hard to make props and gifts for the ceremony. Please encourage your child to work on learning any words they need to memorise and also learning the words to the 3 songs that we will be performing at the Leavers Assembly on Wednesday 27th June.

The children have been working very hard both in school and at home to finish and perfect their “My Life so Far” projects that they have been working on since August. The final copies are due in tomorrow and Mrs Macaulay and I are so impressed with the quality of these projects. We can’t wait to see the final projects tomorrow. The children will present them at the upper school assembly later on in June.

Important days/dates:

Outdoor PE: Monday
Outdoor/Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson: Wednesday

Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 27th June @ 1:30pm
Prom: Deer Park Golf & Country Club on Thursday 28th June 6-6:30pm arrival until 9:00pm *Please note* Prom letters have been handed out and should be returned by Monday 11th June.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 24.05.18

Hello everyone,

This week has been very busy in primary 7.

Our classes have been put back to normal as everyone is back from France. Everyone enjoyed the trip but they are happy to be home without any rain!

Some of the primary 7s took part in the DCHS maths challenge. We sent 2 teams. One of the teams came 3rd and the other came 4th. We took part in difficult challenges which we worked as a team to complete.

We have made great progress in our leaver’s assembly and can’t wait to perform for our family and the school children in other primaries.

In class maths we have been learning how to use a protractor accurately to measure the degrees of different angles like a right angle, straight angle, and obtuse angles.

In PE we have been helping Mrs Ferguson to test the activities (for example – jumping hurdles and throwing javelins) which the school will be doing to earn points on sports day next month.

Remember everyone in primary seven should have a completed my life so far by the 1st of June.

This blog was written by:

Zoe, Robyn,  Callum D and Zayan.


Monday – outdoor PE kit

Wednesday – indoor PE kit

Friday – My Life So Far final draft due

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Primary 7 – 11.05.18


It has been a short but very quick week for Primary 7.

We have been very busy in numeracy learning a range of skills including taking away using chimney sums, solving algebraic equations, calculating the area of shapes, and working with more complex decimals and percentages.

On Wednesday morning Mr Krausen from the maths department at DCHS visited P7C to work on algebra. It was really challenging because we had to try to unlock a box by solving various equations.

Last week was Eco week. We have decided to continue to focus on Eco based activities and have been given a challenge to create an informative PowerPoint or poster based on plastic in the oceans. We learned that 80% of plastic waste in the ocean comes from the land and travels by river or by wind. It is causing the wildlife a lot of problems. We have been thinking of lots of ideas of how to reduce our plastic waste and how to prevent plastic going into our environment including oceans. We know how important it is to recycle our waste.

In PE primary 7 have been working on badminton. We have been learning about how to serve properly and keeping the shuttle going backwards and forwards. We have also been working really hard on aiming the shuttle in the correct direction. We have also been learning how to do an overhead clear which can be quite challenging. We have enjoyed playing the game ‘keep the kettle boiling’ – it is quite tricky but really fun!

On Thursday Mrs Clark and Mr Wright from DCHS science department came to work with  both classes. We took part in two different investigations. One investigation was to work out how long it took to dissolve different amounts of salt. The other investigation was to compare changes in temperature in penguins (obviously we couldn’t get any penguins so we had to use test tubes!) We had to work in groups and work together to carry out these experiments. We all had different roles in the group and had to communicate clearly with one another. We had to accurately read temperatures and measure mass and volumes. We cannot wait to go up to the science department during our transition week to carry out more experiments!

On Thursday we shared our buddy posters with primary 6. We have been working really hard on these posters which gave the P6s lots of information about how to be a good buddy and the benefits of being a buddy. Primary 6 had lots of questions which we answered really well!

On Sunday some of P7 are heading off to France. We hope they have an amazing time and we are looking forward to their daily blogs and pictures!


Sunday – P7 leave to go to France

Monday – Indoor PE

Thursday – Triathlon at DCHS

My Life So Far Due Friday 1st June


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Primary 7 3.5.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy week in Primary 7. We had a visit from teachers and students from Deans Community High School today. They told us what it was like to move from Carmondean Primary to Deans High. They also answered any questions the children had about High School. It was a very informative session and very helpful for the children.

Some of the Primary 7 children will be leaving on our France Residential a week on Sunday (13th May). Please ensure that all letters are signed and returned and EHIC Health cards are returned to the school as soon as possible. If you require your child to take any medication on the trip then the appropriate form should be filled in and returned to the school before next Friday. For forms and any extra information please contact the school office as soon as possible.

The children created fantastic pieces of art work this week based on interesting skylines from around the world. They used photographs of famous skylines to help plan out their own. They then transferred their work onto black card and then painted beautiful skies with water colour paints which will frame their skyline. These are looking fantastic and will be on display until the end of term.

The children have also worked on creating informative posters for the Primary 6 children this week. Soon, the Primary 7’s will leave Carmondean Primary behind and the P6s will replace them as buddies to our new Primary 1 children in August. The children worked with a partner to create a poster that tells the Primary 6 children about their experiences of being a buddy and how to overcome any challenges. We will present these to the Primary 6 classes next week.

We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday next week. Have a lovely long weekend and we will see the children on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

PE days
Monday – Outdoor PE
Wednesday – Indoor PE

Homework – Spelling and Maths due Friday

Primary 7 – 26.04.18


We hope you have all have had a good week so far.

This week in P7 we have started to plan our leavers assembly. The preparation for the assembly has been going good so far. Our assembly will take place on the Wednesday afternoon 27th  June.

Our prom committee have been working with Mrs Gilmour to prepare for prom on 28th June.

We have been working on training up the P6’s for door duty and becoming buddies. We have made an informative poster about how to be a good buddy and the benefits of being a buddy. We will be sharing these with Primary 6 soon and answering any of their questions.

In health we have been learning about relationships and the changes of growing up. We have learned a lot so far and have been asking lots of questions.

This term in P.E. we have been doing badminton with Mrs Ferguson. P7M have been going swimming at DCHS as part of our transition and P7C have been doing basketball. Monday 30th will be the final swimming session for P7M.

Over the last few weeks we have been adding and progressing our didbook profiles. Remember that you can access these at home.

Written by P7M


P7C – indoor PE kit on Monday and Wednesday.

P7M- swimming kit on Monday and indoor PE kit for Wednesday.

Gymnastics team – PE kit for Wednesday lunch time.

Spelling and maths due for Friday.


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

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