Primary 1 Update 6.6.18

Hello All,

This week we are continuing to develop our knowledge of life on a farm and have been creating eye catching posters with a partner displaying key facts about sheep. We are looking forward to visiting a real life working farm this week. Also in school we will be making our own bread.

In Maths we have been continuing our work with money and counting out amounts including 5p coins.

In Literacy, the children have been learning about vowels and identifying them in the middle of words.

Next week, we will have a focus on the World of Work and the classes will be researching a wide variety of different occupations. Please can you discuss any occupations within the family with your child and the responsibilities/ daily activities that come with the job.

We have been continuing to practise hard for our upcoming assembly – we hope to see as many of you as possible on Tuesday (12th June).

Thank you for your continuing support,


Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 1 30.5.18

Primary 1 are now well into our farming topic. This week the children have enjoyed learning about different animals which live on a farm and the products we get from each animal. Today we will be looking at the life cycle of a chicken and will think about the foods we eat which include chicken meat or eggs. On Monday each child was given some words to learn for our upcoming assembly. Please rehearse these words at home with your child regularly. The children will be encouraged to say these words with no prompting, speaking in a loud, clear and slow voice. The assembly will be performed to the infant children and parents on Tuesday 12th June at 9am. A letter went home with your child yesterday with more details and a tear off slip to be returned to school as soon as possible. There was also a letter sent home with information about our upcoming trip to Craigies farm on the 7th of June. Please return the letter as soon as possible with a £4 payment.
Our phonics sound this week is ‘ck’. We have been thinking about words which contain this sound in class and were able to come up with interesting sentences containing each word.
In maths we are continuing our work on money. The children are learning to make amounts up to 10p using 1p and 2p coins.
Thank you for your continued support.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 23.5.18

This week primary 1 have been learning the ‘oo’ sound. They are confidently able to think of and write words with the spelling rule. The children have also been able to spot words containing ‘oo’ in their reading books. Please continue to practise these words at home in the time your climb exercises.
In maths, the children have been learning to add coins together to make amounts up to 10p. If you can speak to your child about the coins 1p-£2 when you are out shopping it will greatly help this learning.
As part of our farming topic we have been learning about the different parts of a plant. The children were able to label a picture of a flower. We have also been using the beebots to travel in different directions across a farm map.  Tomorrow we will be welcoming a farmer from the Royal Highland Education Trust to school. She will be explaining about life on a farm and her experience as a farmer. The children have been thinking about questions to ask her.
Reminders: PE is on Thursday. Please come to school prepared with a named PE kit.
Homework folders should be in school every day since we read books in class throughout the week.
Thank you
P1 teachers

Primary 1 17.5.18


This week Primary 1 have enjoyed being able to get out into the sunshine for some of their lessons. The children were able to write their common words had, has and see in chalk on the playground. They impressed the teachers with their ambitious sentences using these words.
In our farming lessons we have been continuing our learning about arable, livestock and mixed farming. The children were able to sort some of the foods we eat into the farms they originate from. They have also been learning about plants and how to look after them. Yesterday each child planted a sunflower seed, they are all excited to watch them grow.

In maths, the children are beginning their learning about money. The children were able to identify the coins up to £2 and add small amounts using 1p coins. We will be moving onto making amounts up to 10p using 1p, 2p and 5p coins next week. Any support you can give your child recognising and counting money at home will be helpful.
Next Monday is a school holiday, hopefully the sun stays out and the children can all enjoy a fun day outside!
Thank you for your support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 Update 9.5.18

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed the lovely long sunny weekend!

Just a short but as always busy week this week!

In Writing the children have been learning about the features of fairytale stories and for the past 2 weeks we have taken time to create stories with a beginning, middle and end, come up with good and bad characters and created ‘happily ever after’ endings.

Here is some of their super work:

In addition to the normal class PE specialist time, over the next couple of weeks, the children will also have the opportunity to have a taster session of Judo.

In Science, we are continuing with our work on electricity. The children have been learning about appliances which use mains or batteries to provide electricity.

Thank you for your continuing support,


Primary 1 Teachers



Primary 1 3/5/18

This week Primary 1 have joined our school wide ‘Eco Week’. As a school we are working towards renewing our Eco Schools recognition. Primary 1 took part in the school wide litter pick up in the playground on Tuesday. We were able to talk about the danger litter causes to animals which might use our playground. We have also planted lettuce seed in our plant box outside the office. We will continue to look after these plants and hope to be able to taste some of this lettuce by the end of term. We have been learning about biodiversity in class and the ways we can protect endangered species.
Yesterday Brambleberry left us to travel back to his Enchanted Forest. So we have now started our new topic: ‘Farming’. In the coming week we will be learning about arable and livestock farms and the differences between them. We will be thinking about where the food we eat comes from.
In maths we are learning to double numbers and share amounts between 2 or 3 (e.g. finding a half or third of a number). We are continuing to practise addition and subtraction throughout the week and appreciate any help you are giving your child with this.
Homework is due on Fridays. This week there was reading and maths. Please also continue practising sounds and common words.
PE is on a Thursday, please remember to bring a named PE kit and water bottle.
Next week the children are off school on Monday and Tuesday, we look forward to welcoming them back on Wednesday 9th May.
Thank you for your continued support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 Update 25.4.18

Hello All,

This week we really enjoyed a visit to the forest as part of our Enchanted Forest topic. We enjoyed observing and taking photos of trees, plants and wildlife. We made bark rubbings using a crayon and paper and collected a range of leaves and twigs to create a woodland picture back in the classroom.

In Maths this week we have been continuing with work on data handling by creating and interpreting picture graphs and consolidating our work on tally marks.

In Writing this week we are going to create our very own class fairytale with special openers like ‘Once upon a time…’, ‘Far, far away…’ etc. If your child has any traditional fairytales at home, it would be great if you could explore the features together including the opening, the magic, the ‘happy ever after’ and the main characters.

Please remember P1 gym day is a Thursday and we would be very grateful if you could ensure your child has PE kit with them on this day.

Thank you for your continuing support,


P1 Teachers


Primary 1 Update 12.4.18

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a good Easter break and the children certainly seem well rested and raring to go for our final term in Primary 1.

This week the children have been very excited about the arrival of Brambleberry – a forest elf from an enchanted forest in Perthshire!

They wrote some fantastic descriptions about him using their knowledge of sounds and tried hard to include some wow words. He will be helping them learn lots about the forest including habitats and different types of trees. The children will have the opportunity to design and build their own fairy house with their Primary 7 buddy on Tuesday. Please can you send any materials in that they may wish to use e.g. empty cereal/shoes boxes, clean yogurt cartons/juice bottles or any craft materials to decorate.

In Maths, the children have been gathering and presenting information in different ways e.g. tally marks, pictograms etc. We are also continuing to practise telling o’clock and half past times on digital and analogue clocks.

Primary 1 PE is still on a Thursday and we would be very grateful if you could send the appropriate kit with your child on this day.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 1 w.b. 19.3.18

Primary 1 have had a fun week learning all about Easter and its traditions and celebrations. We have learnt about the Easter story and sequenced it in the correct order. We have also spoken about how Easter is celebrated around the world. Yesterday the children had lot of fun painting a hard boiled egg and rolling it down the hill. Have a look at the pictures below! This afternoon we will have a craft afternoon making Easter bonnets, Easter baskets and Easter cards.
In maths we have been learning about symmetry and pattern. The children have enjoyed completing the other half of Easter shapes and colouring them symmetrically. Please continue to work on this at home.
We hope that you have a wonderful Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone when we return on the 9th of April.
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 Update 14.3.18

Hello All,

This week in Primary 1, we have had a very active time raising awareness for Sport Relief.  Each class is running as far as they can each day and we will add the distances together  to see how far around Scotland we have run as a school! Thank goodness the weather has improved!!

In RME, we have begun learning about the Easter Story and Easter Traditions. As part of this the children will decorate and roll their own egg next Wednesday (21st March). We would be very grateful if you could please send in a boiled egg on that day for your child to decorate.

This week the children will take part in an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday organised by the PSA.

In Maths, we are continuing our work on Time and have been focusing on telling half past times on analogue clocks. Please help your child to practise this whenever possible.

We have begun our new topic – The Enchanted Forest and have started by researching facts about woodland animals and will be learning about nocturnal and diurnal animals.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers


Primary 1 w.b. 5.3.18

Welcome back! It has been great seeing the children again after our few snow days last week.
This week there will be no homework folders going home. The children still have a reading book though and we appreciate all the work you are doing at home with it. If you are looking for anything else to do, please continue practising sounding out words and counting forwards and backwards to 30.
This week our maths focus will be numbers to 30. The children will be writing these numbers and counting out values up to 30. We are also working on telling the time to both o’clock and half past on analogue clocks.
In phonics we are learning some blended sounds (sh, ch and th). This week our focus is ch. The children have come up with lots of words containing ch and are making great progress reading and writing these words by themselves.
This week we are beginning our new interdisciplinary topic; ‘The enchanted forest’. We will be using different art techniques over the next few days to create our very own class forest in the classroom. We will be learning about woodland animals in our interdisciplinary lessons and this week will find out facts about badgers.
Reminders: PE is on Thursday mornings, please remember to bring a PE kit this day.
Children should have indoor shoes to wear around the classroom. This is especially important with the weather just now.
Your child has received home a letter for the PSA Easter Egg hunt. If you want your child to attend please bring in the return form and £1 as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 1-Snow Day Number 3

Good Morning Everyone

We hope you’ve been having great fun in the snow! When you are tired of building igloos, snowmen, snow dogs, snow tunnels, having snowball fights or doing snow angels here are a few activities to be getting along with whilst you warm up!


If you are able to print at home, you could try some of the games attached – all you need is a dice and 2 coloured pencils or 2 coloured bits of paper/ coins as counters.

Four in a row dice game

tell the time board game

Try playing some of the number games we play in school with someone at home.

-Choose any number to start between 1 and 10 and count up to 30 and back down.

-They choose 3 numbers (e.g. 11,12,13) you must say next 3 numbers (e.g. 14,15,16) see how high you can go

-They choose how many claps to do and you count them silently – tell them how many claps they did at the end!


If you have any old magazines/newspapers at home-can you find any of your common words (from your little blue jotter) and cut them out.

Practise clapping the syllables of everyone’s name in your family, even pets or your favourite toys names. e.g. oc-to-nauts!

On a Friday we normally do dictation – see if someone at home can read out a sentence with at least 2 th words and you try to write it down – can you draw a picture to go with it?Remember your finger spaces full stops and capital letter at the beginning!

If you are able to print at home, try out some of these games – you can teach someone at home how to play roll and read!

roll and read cvc game

Four in a row dice game


Other Activities

Practise your cutting skills by folding paper and cutting shapes to create snowflakes.

Practise your letter formation – you could even try some rainbow writing!

practise your letter formations

Keep cosy and safe,

Mrs Oliver and Miss Christy

Primary 1 Snow day

Hi Primary 1! We hope that you are having lots of fun out playing in the snow! Here are a few more ideas of activities you can get up to whilst you are off school. Please remember that these are only suggestions and we don’t expect you to do them all (unless you really want to!)
1. Read or watch some of these snowman stories:
Sneezy the snowman
The snowman (you can also complete the related games and activities
Olaf the snowman
After watching these stories see if you can tell the story back to an adult in as few sentences as possible. Can you draw your favourite part of the story and tell someone what happened and why it is your favourite part? Can you find any other snow related books in your house? Why don’t you try writing your own snowman story using as many wow words as possible!
2. Make a sock snowman. All you need is a white sock, uncooked rice, a coloured sock for the hat and ribbons/ buttons/ pens to decorate! Here are some instructions to follow
3. Go on a winter walk and see how many numbers you can find (door numbers, car registration numbers, road signs etc). Why don’t you take a picture of all the numbers you see?
4. Practise writing your ‘th’ words from time your climb in the snow. Or if you’d prefer to stay inside why not try making them out of playdoh, writing them in paint or using pens to write them in rainbow writing. Can you think of any other th words not of the sheet?
5. Create a dinosaur factfile of a dinosaur we haven’t learnt about in class. Use the internet or dinosaur books you have at home to find some interesting information.
6. This website has a number of phonics related games you may wish to play.
7. Keep active by playing outside or following these online videos:

We hope that you have having lots of fun playing in the snow. Please leave a comment to let us know how you are getting on.
Miss Christy and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 – More snow day activities!

Hello Primary 1,

We hope you’ve had a safe but fun morning in the snow so far! Have you tried any of the activities we posted earlier? If so, it would be great to hear from you or even see some photos! If you are having some quiet time this afternoon and warming up a bit after playing in the snow, here are some games to practise what we have been learning in class:  – Crack open the dinosaur eggs by reading words with th and sh. Watch Geraldine Giraffe tell you all about ‘th’ words. Practise recognising larger numbers and for more of a challenge find the numbers ‘in between’! Practise telling the time o’clock and half past on analogue clocks. practise subtraction skills.

Ask an adult at home to type in 15 of your key words from your blue jotter and ‘Help a hedgehog’ by reading them correctly

Please let us know your favourites!

Primary 1 Teachers

PE snow day ideas

I wonder if any of you fancy being the next Lizzie Yarnold?  Have a look at the video clip of Lizzie winning her second gold medal at the recent Winter Olympics and then get out sledging today! Remember to be safe though!

If you don’t have a sledge you can just get out in the snow and try all different activities in it.  I think you’ll find it’s much harder walking, running and jumping in the snow.  How many different activities can you do in the snow and  how does your body feel when you try them?

And if you cant get outside here are some indoor activities you can try.

Cha Cha Slide Plan Challenge:


Dungeon Runner Fitness Quest:


Just Dance:


Snowed in HIIT Workouts:


Various Games and Activities:


Primary 1 Snow Day Activities

Good morning Primary 1!
Mr Shanks has posted a list of activities on the blog which can be completed today whilst the schools are closed. Here are a few alternative ideas. Please don’t feel like you need to do all of these, if you manage a couple that would be great.
1. Take a walk in the snow/ play in the garden. Talk to an adult about what you can see, smell, feel, hear in the snow.
2. Write a few sentences about what you are doing on your day off to bring into school when we return.
3. Practice taking away from numbers up to 10. Either make up your own sums or you can use this website (note: you will need flash to access it)
4. Practise writing your sounds in the snow.
5. Continue reading you reading book and non-fiction book from your homework pack.
6. Practise the days of the week and numbers 1-10 in French. Here are some videos we use in class:
Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions and you can post photos of what you get up to on the online learners journals.
Most of all… keep safe and have fun 🙂

Primary 1 w.b. 19.2.18

We hope that you all had a lovely few days off last week. The children came back with lots of stories about what they got up to and have enjoyed writing about their time in class.
We are nearing the end of our dinosaurs topic this week. We enjoyed learning all about pterodactyls yesterday and tomorrow will be finding out facts about the stegosaurus. The children have been creating super fact files all about the different dinosaurs we are learning about. Their favourite has definitely been the T-Rex!
In our Health and wellbeing lessons we have been following a programme called ‘Bounceback’. The children have been learning about how to ‘bounce back’ from mistakes and disappointments in life. On Monday we made bounce back people who remind us that we can bounce back from hard times.
In maths we are continuing our work on subtraction and telling the time. Today we learnt how to tell a half past time on analogue clocks. Thank you for your help consolidating this learning at home.
PE is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes to school with a named PE kit.
Water bottles should only contain water and should be named.
This week your child’s homework contained a purple jotter with a sheet entitled ‘Time your climb’. The children have been shown how to complete this sheet, but please ask if you need any more explanation.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 Update 8.2.18

Hello All

We’re having another very busy week in Primary 1 this week!

In Maths we have been continuing with the concepts of Subtraction and Time and in particular telling the time using digital clocks.

In Health, the children have been discussing things that are safe/ not safe to go on their body. Next week we will be discussing things that are safe/ not safe to go in their body along with which adults they can trust.

On Thursday we were lucky to have visitors from Barclays Bank to teach us about money. We really enjoyed taking part in a treasure hunt to find and identify coins, playing a matching coins game and choosing items to buy with the coins we were given.


Also this week we have had our whole class photos taken and were delighted to see so many of you at parents night.

Please remember that next week is a short week in school as the children are on holiday on Monday (12th February) and Tuesday (13th February).

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers

Primary 1 w.b. 29.1.18

Primary 1 have been having another busy week. We are enjoying our Dinosaur topic so far. The children are playing well in the dinosaur areas in the classroom pretending to be paleontologists searching for dinosaur bones. This week we have also acted out different dinosaurs in drama and made a sound map of a dinosaur land. Today we will be investigating dinosaur footprints.
In phonics, we have come to the end of our single letter sounds. The children are growing in confidence reading and writing short words. We will continue to practise this in the coming weeks before moving onto reading diagraphs (sh, ch, th etc). Thank you for all your help supporting your children with this learning at home.
This week you will have noticed that your child brought a non-fiction book home with them. Please read this book with you child and talk about how a non-fiction book is different from fiction. We will be doing work on this in class in the coming weeks.
In maths we are learning how to take away from numbers up to 5 and how to tell the time on analogue clocks. Thank you for practising at home.
– Please send your child to school with a named water bottle. This should only contain water.
– Homework folders should come to school every day so that we can read throughout the week.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

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