11.12.20 Primary 6

Primary 6 have been researching information about our selected countries in topic this week.  So far we have looked at traditional foods and have started to research music and musicians.

In RME we have been learning about advent and took part in an online event with Livingston United Parish Church called Bubblegum and Fluff.  We enjoyed learning about the true meaning of Christmas and made some decorations.

We completed our IT project this week which included animating part of the Christmas story and adding a soundtrack from Garage Band.  We hope to upload these to teams to allow the children share them with you.

For PE this month we are trying to run to the North Pole, we have been taking part by doing some running games.

This week we wrote letters to Santa attempting to persuade him give us presents this year.  You wouldn’t believe how good we have all been.

Have a lovely week  Mrs Jamieson, Ms Mathieson and Mrs Smith

Primary 5 – 11.12.2020


It has been an exciting week for Primary 5 in the lead up to the Christmas holidays!

The children were working on creating 3D Shapes from nets in maths this week.  This was quite a fiddly task however the class managed really well! Next week we are hoping to use our new skills to create a 3D Christmas decoration.

In Writing, the class were given the bad news that Santa’s elves were unwell and therefor Santa would not be able to deliver presents to everyone. The children worked hard on a persuasive letter to Santa discussing why they should be one of the few to receive a present! We had some great persuasive discussion and after the chaos of 2020 it is hard not to disagree that each one of them deserves a gift this year. However, good news from the North Pole tells us that all the elves are fully recovered and ALL children will be receiving their presents. Phew!

In Science, the children have been working extremely hard on their Endangered Animals fact-files and are now complete. Next Monday, they will be presenting their research to the class and we cannot wait to hear all their fantastic findings.

This week all the learners completed their first solo class talk on their landmark model and leaflet. It has been fantastic to see all the different creations that have been brought in and hear the lovely stories of making it home with family members. Each learner had created a tourist leaflet to go with their model to persuade others to visit. By the end of the presentations, we had planned a road trip around the United Kingdom to visit all these landmarks!

Primary 5M have been working hard on the Advent Calendar of Kindness this week and completing lots of different actions to spread happiness in the school and classroom. Our Box of Kindness is growing every day and soon will be taken to the local foodbank.

During PE lessons this week the class have continued to clock-up lots of miles towards the Primary 7 challenge to run to the North Pole. As a school, we have covered over 400 miles and have reached somewhere north of the Shetland Islands in the Atlantic Ocean!

In ICT, the children have joined a new Microsoft Team called the 12 Sways of Christmas. There are 12 challenges and the children can chose which ones to complete. This can be continued at home if they wish, and do not forget to share their creations with the class too!

Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • Homework on TEAMS this week, there will be a festive themed spelling and numeracy task as well as a Science Investigation – stock up on your ice cubes!
  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


War Poets Watch Out

The story so far:

Well, Primary 7 were looking at the war poets, particularly Wilfred Owen’s masterpiece ‘dulce et decorum est’ and were inspired to try writing their own poems on the subject of war. The results were truly stunning, so much so that the class held a competition to decide on the best work. Mrs Wylie was inspired to ask some veterans of World War II to judge the competition and, after a lot of debate and heart-searching, the veterans decided that instead of a winner, we needed a first, second and third with the other entries being highly commended. Here, for your delectation, are the winning entries:

Winner: Elizabet Dinolova

No Peace until the Eleventh Hour

Boys under eighteen going to the battlefield to fight for their country.

Blood marks from brave soldiers and noises loud enough to make you go deaf.

I am sitting waiting to fight, the fear in me taking over my happy memories.

Please let me go home; please don’t let me be scared.

I will fight, fight for my friends, fight until I take my last breath.

Hearing that there will be no peace until the eleventh hour.

By Elizabet


Second Place: Lily Bolton

I’ll Never See the Light Again

Several months on the battlefield

Only to perish by guns and bombs

Little territory has been claimed

Desperate soldiers trying to survive

Impaled soldiers dying by the second

Everlasting gunshots over our heads

Racing against time but I think mine is up .

By Lily


Third Place: Rosie Chapman

Before It Ends

A day on the battlefield feeling tired and wet.

Begging for peace and some new boots.

Cries for help and guns fill my head.

Digging my way out of the toxic clouds.

Endless sorrow for soldiers’ lost lives.

Figuring out what I did wrong.

Grabbing my last breath before my death.

By Rosie


Highly Commended: Liam Jansen

The Last Breath

Marching in the trenches, sludge, sludge, sludge.

The sound of planes flying across the battlefield.

A horrific sight, blood spewing from the sodden bodies

With the taste of mud crawling in your mouth.

GET DOWN! GET DOWN! Pleading from the far end.

Explosion after explosion. Caring for others and not themselves.

Standing behind the wagon, head hanging with blood dripping from the nose,

Terrifying sights, witnessing the last breath.

By Liam


Highly Commended: Megan Davies


I didn’t panic, I really believed

That I would be devoted to the war.

Oh, I was so wrong; this is the place where panic was conceived,

Everyone feels alienated in this trench.

Our dear Captain, he was betrayed,

No one is laughing, we are all tearful.

We all set up a grave for him,

Crying and ashamed, we are all mournful.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it .

So vile, I am going to be crushed.

Family I need you, I want you.

Remember me forever, life is rushed.

By Megan


Highly Commended: Max Bolton

Winning the Fight

All in, we’re almost there!

Boys come on we’ve got to win!

Come on for our sons and daughters,

Destruction and death, all for peace.

Earth will tremble with our victory today.

Flaming buildings, towns in ruins but it’s over, we have won.

Glory and greatness awaits us boys,

Heroes beyond our lifetimes, true glory my friends.

In just a few more days, they will surrender.

Jerries sent running back home

Children back home will thank us always.

Land destroyed, millions dead.

Men deserve better than this.

Remember, never forgot, the 11th of November.

By Max


Worthy winners all – well done Primary 7

Primary 4 10.12.20

Hello everyone

It has been a very fun and busy week again in Primary 4. Yesterday we finished filming our part of the nativity story for Carmondean’s “Christmas 7” Project. The children were able to watch our part in class today and were very excited and pleased about how it all came together! Keep your eyes peeled for a festive post on the blog next week from Mr Shanks which will contain the full finished product! We can’t wait for you to see it 🙂

In numeracy this week we began learning the 7 times table. The children are now confident in using their strategies to help them to solve times table problems and Mr Woodward and I are impressed with how quickly they are now being able to learn these new facts. Keep up the good work everyone!

Our Animals topic is nearly over and what a great topic it has been! This week we learned about endangered animals and the reasons why some animals are currently endangered. We learned some interesting new words such as – “poaching”, “climate change” and “deforestation”. Ask your child if they know what these words mean. Today the children then used their artistic skills to sketch close up images of some endangered animals. The children were given zoomed in images of the faces of a tiger, polar bear, panda and elephant. They had to look closely at the details in the picture and try to use a grid to copy the animal in proportion. We also learned about the importance of using thin, light lines when drawing the outline and how to shade the darker parts of our drawings with a pencil and smudging with our finger. Mr Woodward and I were extremely impressed with the finished results! Next week we are going to turn these works of art into posters where the children will use what they have learned to share messages about how to save these animals from possible extinction. Wow – well done Primary 4!

Important information:
– Next Friday (the 18th) is a dress down day in school. Children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper, Christmas party clothes or casual clothes for a £1 donation. All monies go to the Carmondean PSA. The children will also be taking part in a Christmas Quiz!
– PE will take place as normal next week on Wednesday with Mrs Ferguson and on Friday with Miss Clark & Mr Woodward.
– This term will finish on Friday 18th December and the new term will resume on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

As this will be the last blog post of the term Mr Woodward and I would like to thank all of you for supporting your child and their learning so far in Primary 4. 2020 has been a strange year for all of us but it has been made easier for us as teachers by having your support and highly resilient and eager to learn children in both our classes!

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas with your families.
Here’s to 2021!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – Thursday 10th December

Hello All

We are filming a short piece of the nativity story tomorrow and some parents have asked if children should still come in PE kit. If they are able to they can wear school uniform on top e.g. polo shirt, sweatshirt or cardigan and PE bottoms e.g. joggers or leggings but this is not essential.

Thank you,

Primary 2 Teachers

Artists in the Making

It is always a pleasure to see examples of good work in school, but these two pieces blew me away completely. The children in P7 have been studying the book ‘Wonder’, and one of the tasks was to re-design the book cover. I think you’ll see what I mean with these two examples:




What ‘Wonder’ – ful examples from both children. I look forward to seeing more of their quality work in future.  Well done, boys!

P2/1 update 7th December 2020

Last week Mrs Steel and the children had a fantastic time out in the snow in the nursery garden. We hope you enjoyed seeing the photos on seesaw. Thanks so much for making sure your child had suitable clothing for the snow.

We’ve really enjoyed using seesaw for communication and home learning and we hope you have too.  It’s been great seeing so many photos and videos of the children learning at home.

This week we will be starting looking at patterns in maths which gives us an opportunity to do lots of Christmas related activities. In reading we will be continuing with our summarising skills as well as building up our sight vocabulary (the words which we need to try and recognise straight away).  The primary 1s will also be continuing to try to blend together the letters they know to make words and the primary 2s will be using a variety of strategies to help them read unknown or tricky words.

Things to remember:

PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. PE will continue to be outside.

Friday 18th December will be a dress down day. If your child would like to make a donation of £1 to dress down they can wear their party outfits, their favourite colours or a Christmas jumper.

Thanks for your continued support.  As always, if you have any questions, please contact the office and we will get in touch.

Mrs Muir and Mrs Steel.

Primary 2 7.12.20

Primary 2

Primary 2 have now been given access to SeeSaw. We hope you have been able to log on and complete the subtraction activity that has been set for all the boys and girls.

Here is the homework for the next 2 weeks. You can also find this sheet on SeeSaw. They are all Christmas themed activities! Remember you can post pictures etc on Seesaw to allow us to see your work.

Homework Sheet – Monday 7th December

We have been practising our sign language to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The children are doing very well and can’t wait to show you.

We have been working on our subtraction skills in Maths. We can now all confidently use a number line and 100 square to help us with our subtraction sums.

Last week we were learning about rhyme. We found rhyming words in poems and even managed to think of rhyming words such as log-frog, pen-men and make-bake! It was very tricky but the children worked hard.

This week we are learning about Christmas traditions. Can you talk with your child about what family Christmas traditions you have? Do you always pull crackers? Do you watch/listen to the Queens speech? Do you eat Turkey on Christmas day?

Our P.E days are still Wednesday and Thursday. Can all children make sure that they bring a water bottle with them and indoor shoes.

We hope you all have a wonderful week,

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 1 7.12.20

Good morning.
Primary 1 had a great week last week, finishing off with a fun trip to the nursery garden for some fun in the snow and outdoor learning.
This week we are learning about h and w in phonics. The children are becoming really confident thinking of words with each sound at the beginning and are learning to blend letters together to create short 3 and 4 letter words.
In maths we are going to be learning about pattern. The children will be completing lots of Christmas crafts exploring simple shape and colour patterns.
We are also going to be learning about Christmas, looking at the Christmas story and how Christmas is celebrated in the UK.
This week we are continuing to give out homework on seesaw. There will be a few activities to complete over the week. We have been very impressed with the works we have seen on seesaw over the last 2 weeks. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 3 Update 04.12.20

Hello everyone, we cannot believe that is another week of P3 finished!

We have been busy this week learning all about the Egyptian gods, their roles and what the special symbols meant. We created our own gods. The children were very creative. We had a god of birds, one to protect pyramids and even a god for unicorns!

In Writing this week, we wrote to the weather station to persuade them for snow on Christmas day. We think they have given the snow to us far too early!!!

Our Nativity practise is well under-way and the children have been very good at learning lines and contributing to our class section for our recorded Nativity story to be released very soon.

We have been continuing to learn new strategies for division in Numeracy and this week we started to look at the short division method (written strategy). Well done everyone!

A few reminders:

  • PE days are now a Tuesday and Thursday
  • We are now actively using Seesaw as a means to add homework tasks. As from Monday, there will be tasks on Seesaw for homework to submit.

If you have any questions, as always, please get in touch.

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the snow!

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

Primary 5 – 03.12.2020


Happy December! The snow arrived right on time for the lead up to Christmas!

As 2020 has thrown us many curveballs, we have had to adapt our usual nativity performance. Instead this year, each class will be filming a section of the Christmas Story which will be edited together. We have been holding auditions and creating our script ready for filming next week! Look out for this on the blog in coming weeks!

In Eco this week, Primary 5M gathered lots of sticks from around the playground and skilfully made them into photo frames! They are excellent and we cannot wait to put pictures in them next week and see the finished product– a perfect Christmas present?

Primary 5G worked hard on their advent calendar as well as making a Christmas wreath to decorate their classroom! Lots of Christmas crafts underway!

In Maths, the classes both moved onto learning about 3D Shapes. We recapped all the names of shapes we had learned before and started introducing their different properties. In Coordinates, P5M had fun plotting out points and joining them up to form a funny picture!

In Numeracy, the children have moved on to multiplication tasks. It is essential that the children know their 2-10 times table. In the coming weeks, it would be great if you could practise these at home so the children are able to recall these facts quickly. There are lots of fun games that can be used to help this;

In our Great Britain and Northern Ireland topic, the groups presented their fantastic posters to the class. It was great to see such colourful and informative posters and have a chance to share all our fantastic knowledge with one another. We also had the chance to talk about the landmark models that we made at home, and share the process of constructing them! From salt dough to Plaster of Paris, each one of them was so unique. This week we worked on creating leaflets persuading others to visit our chosen landmark (when they are allowed!).

Primary 7 have set Carmondean Primary School the challenge of running to the North Pole before December 18th to deliver a very important message to Santa! In our PE lessons this week we have been counting up our laps to add to the tally. Primary 5 have ran nearly 100 miles (four marathons!) this week!

As of next week, PE will now be on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is a spelling and a numeracy activity as well as an Article 27 (“Adequate Standard of Living”) of Rights Respecting School activity . Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 6 4.12.20

Who knew we would end the week in a blanket of snow! Very exciting but also a reminder of how we are now heading into Winter so a small plea to check your child is wearing lots of layers, appropriate footwear etc as we will still try to get outside as much as possible.

Our PE days currently remain unchanged so this will take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Our focus will be on some Xmas running to the North Pole and Hiit training till the end of term followed by some rugby skills in the new year. Also on Friday’s we will be doing our weekly mile. The children need to wear school uniform for this but appropriate footwear for walking.

We began our section of the Nativity yesterday using Ipad animation and the garage band app. The children were very motivated by this and we can’t wait to see the end result and showcase it for you all.

In writing we wrote a persuasive piece on why reading is important and how it prepares us for the world of work. Ask your child some of the reasons we came up with and the language we used to make it persuasive.

In Maths we looked at quadrilateral shapes and the properties of these. Some were a little tricky to distinguish between such as the rhombus and the parallelogram but we will continue this next week.

In French we have been describing ourselves, our hair colour, length and type along with the colour of our eyes. See if your child can remember the phrases and test you, even describe a teacher and see if you can guess who it is!

Have a lovely weekend and you may even get to build a snowman or two today!

Mrs Smith, Ms Matheson & Mrs Jamieson

Primary 4 3.12.20

Hello everyone

This week has been a fun, busy one in Primary 4! We were very excited to begin PE lessons with Mrs Ferguson on Wednesday (well done to everyone for remembering their PE kit!) The children learned of Primary 7’s challenge for the rest of the school to “Race to the North Pole!” before the Christmas holidays! The children ran, walked and skipped their way around the playground in order to add more miles to our tally. Primary 7 told us yesterday that collectively as a school we have ran the distance between here and Shetland already! We are looking forward to adding more miles to the total next week in PE!

In Reading we have been continuing to develop our skills of prediction and questioning. We predicted what would happen next by drawing and writing about the next part of a brand new story. Then we wrote questions for our friends about our reading books! Mr Woodward and I were very impressed with the open questions the children were asking which were often quite tricky to answer! Next week we will look at the skills of clarifying and summarising.

In Topic we are continuing to explore our “Animals” topic. The children showed their knowledge and understandings of food chains through describing the different stages of one. The children were able to use words like “producer”, “consumer”, “prey”, “predator”, “omnivore”, “carnivore”, “herbivore” and even “photosynthesis” to describe the process – wow! Ask your child if they know what these words mean 🙂

Preparation for our part of the Carmondean Christmas Show is coming along nicely. The children have learned a dance which will form part of the show as well as making signs to be shown during the performance. We are looking forward to filming the performance next week! Watch this space for more information!

Reminders – PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
There will now be no new homework issued until after the Christmas Holidays.
Please send your child to school with a full bottle of water.

Have a lovely weekend when it comes!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 1 News

What another fantastic week we have had in Primary 1! In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘b’ and ‘u’ and have been thinking of words that begin with these letters. We have been working closely on forming letters correctly, blending new words containing these letters and have been identifying the sounds on the magnetic boards. This week we were writing about our favourite storybook and why we enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who shared their favourite story with us on See Saw, it was lovely seeing you talking about your favourite books at home.

We have moved on to subtracting within 10 in maths this week. We have been using concrete materials (blocks, 10s frames, counters, fingers and rekenreks) to help us solve subtraction problems. We have had the opportunity to play many fun maths games and have enjoyed working together. If you would like extra practice with this at home, have a look at the subtraction game on Topmarks: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/subtraction/subtraction-to-10

We explored the story of Mr Kringle’s little toy shop during our topic time this week and asked the children to predict what happens next in the story. We also looked at how toys have changed over time and compared baby toys to the toys older children use.

We have been working on counting up to 10 in French and played circle time games to consolidate our learning. We were also challenged to type our full name on the iPads during ICT.


We are now posting all of your child’s homework on See Saw. We aim to post three different home learning activities each week and this will be uploaded every Monday morning. We hope you have all managed to access this from home but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are having any problems.  This week we ask that you complete the segmenting and blending reading activity, the subtraction problems and a French activity to consolidate what we have been learning in class.

It has been lovely seeing all of your work on See Saw and well done to everyone who has posted so far. Thank you for your continued support with this,

Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 3 Update

Hello everyone, we hope this post sees you well.

We have had yet another exciting and busy week in P3!

Our Egyptian topic continues to amaze us. This week we have been learning all about the process of mummification. We selected pictures and put them into the correct order. We then had a look at some canopic jars (these were to store some of the organs from the body). Each jar was different and held a different body part. We learned about the heads of 4 canopic jars (different gods) and matched these to the correct body part. Finally, we learned more about what preservation means and started an experiment to see the mummification/ preservation process of an apple! We put half an apple into a salt and baking soda solution, and the other half into a water solution to see if there will be any difference to the way it is persevered. We are very excited to see what the results of this will be in a few weeks time.

Attached is a picture of our finished masks that we made with Miss Donaldson in Art. Don’t they look brilliant?!

In Writing this week, we have been continuing to work on our persuasive techniques and we created a poster to persuade people how important it is to follow the Covid rules. We were very impressed with the standard of work produced! Well done, P3!

In Reading, we have been learning about the role of the summariser, and finding some words that help to identify the main idea of a text.

In Numeracy, we have been learning some new strategies to help us with division. We learned about sharing and repeated addition on a number line. We are continuing to learn more strategies over the next few weeks.

Some reminders and things to note down-

  • PE will now be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Mr Williamson and Miss Smith will teach this on a Tuesday and Mrs Ferguson will teach on a Thursday.
  • Homework is due in this Friday (04.12.20)
  • Your child will be sent home with their login details for Seesaw this week and we would really appreciate it if you could practise logging onto this with them. Just scan the QR code in and that should take you to your child’s class page. We have been practising this in class so the children should know how to do this. Once logged on there will be a short activity for the children to complete and then submit to their teacher. We are going to be using Seesaw more often as a means of communication. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

As always, thank you for the continued support. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if need be.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith.

Primary 7 – 27.11.20

Hello, as usual we have had another busy week in P7!

In Writing, we have been using our knowledge of persuasive techniques to argue why reading is so important. We were shocked to find out the number of children reading every day for pleasure is at its lowest since the National Literacy Trust started monitoring it in 2005 with only 26% of young people reading every day in 2019!

In Numeracy, we have been making great progress with our work on decimals. Primary 7 have also been looking at money in Maths where we have been looking at budgeting. This prompted some great discussions about how people tend not to pay with cash as much these days when at the shops and the difference between debit and credit cards.

Primary 7 have also been busy helping to launch the Race to the North Pole Challenge with Mrs Ferguson! The whole school has until the 18th of December to run to the North Pole from Carmondean (a mere 2360 miles!) in order to deliver Santa a special Christmas message. To spread the word we have been making posters and completed the very first laps during P.E. which came to an impressive total of 51 miles! P7 will be in charge of keeping track of our progress over the next couple of weeks.

Our P.E. days are changing slightly from next week as P7W will now have Mrs Ferguson on a Wednesday. P7M will continue to have P.E. on Thursday with Mrs Ferguson and both classes will still get P.E. on a Monday with Miss Morris and Mrs Wylie. As we are now entering December Primary 7 have been reminded to wear appropriate clothing so they can wrap up warm on these days (i.e. long trousers or joggers, a school jumper/cardigan, a thick jumper or fleece to change into for P.E., a waterproof jacket and hat and/or gloves if desired!) Thank you for your continued support with this.

We hope you all have a great weekend!

Mrs Wylie and Miss Morris

27.11.20 Primary 6

Primary 6 have had yet another busy week.

We have started our new topic called Who do you think you are?  We have chosen different counties round the world that some of our classmates come from and are beginning to research them.  This week we have also been working on mapping skills.  We have been locating countries in Europe and recording their location using grid referencing.

In Maths we have been working on division and properties of triangles.  Some of us have even managed to calculate the size of angles within a triangle.

In ICT we have been making our own music using garage band.

Have a good week


Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Smith, Ms Mathieson

Primary 5 – 27.11.2020


It has been a busy week for Primary 5!

In Maths, the children have to continue to practice using protractors to measure angles. The class have made fantastic progress and our now experts in this new skill. In Coordinates, the class were drawing their own coordinate grids (or as we found out are called Cartesian grids!) and plotting points.

This week, the children edited and redrafted their writing from last week on ‘why reading is important’. We have some great finished pieces with strong reasons for the importance of reading throughout your whole life.

In Science, the children are working extremely hard on their Endangered Animals fact-files. It has been a long process of research, writing and editing but the finished products are nearly complete, and they look fantastic!  

This week in our Great Britain and Northern Ireland topic, the class finished working on their display posters. We are very impressed by some of the excellent team work and negotiations skills as they compromised on opinions. We cannot wait to hear their presentations in the coming weeks.

Christmas (sorry to mention the ‘c’ word so early) is fast approaching. Primary 5M were getting in the spirit and were working to create an advent calendar of kindness for our classroom. We brainstormed lots of lovely kind actions that we can do each day of December to spread kindness and happiness in our class, community and to ourselves! We also will creating and foodbank donation box, where we will collect food items each day to donate to a local charity. Primary 5G will start this task early next week.

In Eco lessons, we had great fun ‘upcycling’ our old t-shirts into new tote bags! It was great to see old clothing going to use, and not into landfill! Now the children have no excuse not to help carry the shopping in!

Thank you for helping the children create and design their Landmark models. They are looking fantastic! If your child is still to hand in, please can you do this by early next week. Next week will be researching their landmark and creating a leaflet to persuade others to visit (when Nicola lets us travel!).

The children have been coming well wrapped up for PE lessons which is great to see. They have been working on pace and endurance in running, which is sometimes hard to remember not to zoom off right at the start! 

As of next week, PE will now be on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • Homework on TEAMS this week is a spelling and numeracy activity. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

Primary 4 27.11.20

Hello everyone!

We are having another fun and busy week in Primary 4.

This week the children found out about our school Christmas performance! Each stage in the school has been tasked with recreating a part of the Nativity story. The children have been excited to learn about Primary 4s plans and this week we began discussing different roles the children might have including dancing, acting and more! We are looking forward to putting our scene together 🙂

We have finished our work on 2D and 3D shape in Maths and we are now moving onto Symmetry. The children made a great start to this topic sharing lots of prior knowledge with Mr Woodward and I. We could identify which shapes were symmetrical and which shapes were not. The children used mirrors well to help them. Next week we will begin to create our own symmetrical shapes and objects.

In RME the children are beginning to learn about the Christmas Story with Miss Donaldson. This week they used Maps on the iPads to investigate where Nazareth and Bethlehem are in the world. They also explored how to get there from Scotland.

This week the children have been sharing the PowerPoints that they have spent the last few weeks creating all about their favourite animals. The children had to research information on their chosen animal including their habitat, diet, appearance and other interesting information. They also had to include text, pictures and slide transitions in their PowerPoint. Mr Woodward and I are so impressed with the PowerPoints that we have seen already and we have learned lots of new facts ourselves! We can’t wait to see the rest today!

Our PE days are changing.
Starting next week our PE days will be a Wednesday and a Friday each week. The Wednesday session will be with Mrs Ferguson our PE specialist while the Friday session will be with Mr Woodward and Miss Clark. Both sessions will continue to be outside. As the weather is becoming colder and more changeable please ensure that your child attends school on these days wearing long thick trousers/joggers, a school jumper, a thick jumper/zippy to change into at PE time and a waterproof jacket. The children will also require shoes on these days that are fine to get wet or muddy. Thank you for your support with this.

Reminders – Homework will be handed out on Monday each week. Each task will be on Teams but paper copies are also available from your child’s class teacher. The children have all three tasks explained in detail on the Monday and extra details can be found in assignments.
Please ensure your child brings a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled throughout the day if needed.

Thank you for your support as always.
Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

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