Parent /Teacher Interviews Stakeholder Consultation

We have just completed two evenings of Parent/Teacher Interviews conducted online using Skype for Business. Both evenings were highly successful and we now need to give some consideration to how Parent/Teacher Interviews should be conducted in future.

To help us decide and plan for the future, we would be indebted if you could complete the following questionnaire (5 questions) and submit your response. Thank you in advance for your help.


Calling all Parents/Carers of P1 Children

Your child received a Book Bug Bag from the Scottish Book Trust at the end of last term. To continue to improve this initiative, the Scottish Book Trust would appreciate your feedback on the resources supplied. Please click the link below to complete a short survey. Thanks for your cooperation.

January Active Fun Challenge results

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in our January Active Fun Challenge. The number of active minutes logged across West Lothian Primary Schools was phenomenal and 32 primary schools in West Lothian took part.

Carmondean Primary logged 33 days, 2 hrs and 9 minutes of active minutes in January- AMAZING!

Take a look at the results video here to see which schools ranked in the TOP 10.

Judy Murray  announces the winner in the video and sets out a challenge to everyone.  I gave the challenge a try- can you do better than me?

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Despite school closure due to the pandemic, Parents who have been consulted would like our Parent/Teacher Interviews to go ahead as scheduled for this month. The interviews will be online through Skype for Business, same as last time. You shoud have received an email and/or text inviting you to sign up for an intreview on Wednesday, 10th or Thursday, 11 February sometime between the hours of 16.00 – 18.30. Please watch out for another email/text containing a link to your meeeting. If you are unable to connect through Skype for Business, you will receive a phone-call interview sometime after these dates.

To allow us to discuss remote learning, your child is also invited to the interview where you and s/he can share your experiences of learning online.

All the teachers are looking forward to meeting with you online next week.

Education Scotland Surveys

Remote learning – we want to hear from parents, carers and learners

Sustrans Outside In – Fun activities for students learning at home

Sustrans Outside In provides fun ideas and inspiration for parents to bring education, health and wellbeing activities into their home.

Parents can access resources by registering for our free parent newsletter. Over four weeks, they’ll receive weekly videos, themed activities, games and challenges designed by our experienced school officers.

Lego WeDo Fun!

This week the Primary 4/5 Bubble had lots of fun trying out Lego WeDo kits. The group worked hard building two different models and using the computer software to programme their Lego creations to move. They created a pair of free-standing Lego legs which when programmed correctly a motor triggered the leg to kick a football. Before moving onto a further challenge of creating a motion-sensor alligator, where the jaws snapped shut when an object entered its mouth.

For many students this was a brand new task for them, however they all rose to the challenge and were able to troubleshoot all their construction and programming problems. The children adapted really quickly to the programming software and by the end of the lesson they were giving Ms Munro hints on how to complete her model!

We cannot wait to show the rest of our class our creations when they return to school!

Remote Learning Day 1

Although we have had connectivity and bandwidth problems a-plenty today, the vast majority of children have managed to log in to their assignments and on-line live learning activities. A big ‘Thank you’ to children and parents/carers for your perseverance and commitment while these teething problems are sorted out. As we go forward, we should see less of the problems and more of the successes we are used to.  Rest well … tomorrow is coming!

January 2021 Active Fun Challenge

Happy New Year everyone.

I’m hoping that you all made your New Year Resolution to be as active as possible in 2021 because I have entered the school into a competition to find the most active school in West Lothian and in true Carmondean spirit we are in it to win it!

How can you help?

  1. Be as active as you can.  Any activity counts from taking taking part in PE lessons to walking your dog to dancing along to Just Dance.
  2. Record the number of minutes each week you are active and submit the number on this form. This most be done by 10am every Monday. ( first submission date is Monday 18th January)

  1. Every Tuesday the school with the highest number of weekly activity minutes will be announced and at the end of the month the school with the highest number of minutes throughout the month will be the champions.

Good luck, happy exercising and if you have any questions please get in touch.

Mrs Ferguson

Information on Home Learning from 11 January, 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

As directed by the Scottish Government remote learning will begin from Monday 11th January. The following arrangements are in place to ensure continuity of learning for your child during this time:

P1-P3 will receive learning experiences shared through Seesaw, which all children have access to using the Seesaw App or from

P4-P7 will use Microsoft 0365 Teams, which can be accessed through the children’s Glow account.  Information for parents/carers on how their child uses Teams is available on the following link:

It is expected that your child accesses Seesaw/Teams daily to engage with the planned teaching and learning experiences. Your child will have a number of tasks assigned to them each day, some of which may be live or recorded lessons. As part of learning and teaching, the children will share their learning, receive feedback and support where required.

To support parents/carers to manage home learning, and ensure a consistent approach across the school, here are specific details of what to expect:

Learning in P1-7 will consist of lessons and activities related to Health and Wellbeing; Numeracy and Mathematics; Literacy and other areas of the curriculum.

Remote learning can be very difficult for families, so please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions or require further information. The school email is and the telephone number is 01506 432492.

Our school team will continue to provide all available support to your child and family where we can during this challenging period.

Yours sincerely,

Gillian E Millar

Head Teacher

Primary 4 Remote Learning Update

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the end of the holidays.
Mr Woodward and I have uploded a video to Teams explaining how Remote Learning will operate this month starting on Monday.
This video is available on both class Teams pages if you would like more information on this.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the end of the holidays.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

P3 Update 18.12.20

Hello everyone, we hope this post sees you well.

What a spectacular week we have had in P3. We have been getting into the Christmas spirit with lots of Christmassy activities including a Reindeer comprehension, mystery maths to reveal a Christmas picture and creating a Christmas present from the net of a cube! We also watched the ‘Covid Christmas’ Nativity (which is available on the school blog) and we were so impressed with all of the hard work that everyone has put into it! Well done Carmondean!

On top of all of that, we managed to find some time to watch a virtual pantomime ‘Robin Hood and his Socially Distanced Men’, it was a very fun afternoon! We then played some party games.  We have attached some pictures from the week’s festivities.

This will be our final blog post until after the holidays. We would like to take this opportunity to thank every child in our classes for working so hard and showing so much resilience in these very different, recent times. The children just amaze us everyday and we are extremely proud of everything they have achieved since coming back to school in August. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all families for your continued support, too.

And, finally a massive thank you to everyone for their lovely gifts and cards. They are hugely appreciated. We hope you all have a wonderful, safe and relaxing Christmas break, and we shall see you all again in 2021!

Take care, everyone,

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith

P2/1 Merry Christmas from Mrs Steel and Mrs Muir

Well it was a very different couple of terms but we have made it to Christmas!  Don’t forget that tomorrow is a dress down day (for a suggested donation of £1).  The children can wear Christmas jumpers, party gear or dress down in their favourite Christmas colours.

We hope you have a lovely break over the holidays and look forward to seeing you and the children in January.

Mrs Steel and Mrs Muir.


Christmas 7 Project

As we can’t produce our traditional Nativity Plays this year, we challenged the whole school to come up with ways to tell the Christmas Story that we could share with parents and friends. Each stage was given only a title and given free reign to produce their part of the story, which would then be stitched together to tell the entire tale.

Click below to watch ‘Carmondean Covid Christmas’.

I think you’ll be impressed – I know I was. Don’t forget to leave us a comment!

Primary 3 Update 11.12.20

Hello everyone,

We hope this post sees you all well. This week in P3, we have been finishing our Egyptian topic. We looked at the Scarab Beetle and discovered why the Ancient Egyptians believed these were important symbols during this time. We created our own design of a Scarab Beetle, looking at the different designs and symmetrical patterns that were often found on these symbols. The children made their own boxes to store their Beetles in. They look very impressive!

We have both been so proud about how engaged and committed the children have been throughout our Egyptian topic and we are sure that our learning will stay in everyone’s memories for a very long time. Even though we are sad to be finishing such an exciting topic, we have an equally exciting new topic starting after Christmas. We can’t wait to get started!

In Maths this week, we have been learning about 3D shapes. The children impressed us with their knowledge of many 3D shapes, including a hexagonal prism! We will be continuing this next week. In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn more about division. This week we introduced remainders to the children and attached are some pictures of some children using counters and cubes to help them group amounts into equal groups to make it easier to find out how many were left over.

Our persuasive writing continues to amaze us and this week we wrote to the Elves to persuade them that we have been good this year! We reckon the Elves will be very impressed with the children’s’ writing. Well done everyone!


  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday
  • Homework is due in this coming Friday (18.12.20) *please can you also make sure that your child’s reading book is returned on this date too*
  • There will be a Christmas dress down day on Friday where the children have been invited to come into school wearing a Christmas jumper or party clothes. We look forward to seeing all of the different designs!
  • Term finishes for the Christmas break on 18.12.20

Enjoy the weekend and take care. If you have any questions, as always, please get in touch via the school office.

Mr Williamson and Miss Smith    


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