P3 Snow days

Hey P3,
Hope you are all enjoying the snow!
Couple of things you can be doing to keep learning:
1- help shovel the drive, but be safe!
2- make a snowman and measure the height
3- practice your times tables and division (in particular the 4 times table)
4- draw out and colour different fractions, remember the bottom number is the total number of parts!!
5- write me a story about anything you want! Try to have a beginning, middle and ending!

See you all soon, we will finish up the bread experiment when we get back!!!

Mr. H

P5/6 Snow Day!

Hi P5/6!

Hope you are all out or have been out enjoying the snow this morning before any more arrives!  Here are some outdoor ideas for you to keep busy…

1. A Headless Snowman

Make a snowman without a head. Then take turns to stand behind the snowman as if your head belongs to the snowman.  Have a range of props such as wigs, hats, scarves, sunglasses to wear.  Take photos of each other doing different poses!

2. Roll it up

Make the biggest snowball possible whilst creating a maze or interesting pattern of grass to follow afterwards. Does the size of the snowball relate to the length of the path created?

3. Guess the object

Look at different things covered with snow and guess what they are. Go back once the snow has melted and see if you recognise the feature.

4. Snow Sculptures

Most people just build snowmen. Make a snow dragon, or a monster instead. The possibilities are endless. Build a miniature yeti or just his giant pair of shoes to stand in. Or, you could create your favourite book character in snow and take a picture to share on World Book Day.

5. White Hunter

Collect together and hide a range of white objects in the snow. Can your friends or family find what you have hidden? Are all the objects truly as white as snow?

6. Funny footprints

Think up new and different footprint tracks in the snow. Instead of walking along, try jumping with both feet together or hopping. Do the hop-scotch. Walk sideways. Skate along and try not to leave a gap between your footprints. Do a funny dance. Is it possible to create an asymmetric pattern when you use both feet?

7. Track animals

Animal and birds leave trails and tracks. Find some tracks and follow them. Do this quietly to avoid frightening any thing or anyone.

8. Frozen Marbles

With all these below zero temperatures,  it might be possible to freeze coloured water inside balloons. Once they have frozen, remove the balloon and you are left with giant marbles or snow bowls!

10. Helping Others

Help the adults clear your paths and driveways to make it safer for people to get around.

However, if it’s getting a little cold outside for you now, there’s plenty you can do to keep busy inside……

1. Snow themed fantasy writing and illustrating

Since today would have been our writing day, think about a fantasy world where it is winter and snowing all year round (think of Narnia).  Write your own fantasy setting for snowy world and, create a fantasy character that lives there.  Think of all our special effects writing techniques and try and include those too.  Draw your character to go with your fantasy story setting.


Yesterday, we talked about persuasive writing techniques.  Create your own persuasive poster about why schools should be open or stay closed on snowy days like today.  See how many of the techniques you can remember!

2. Reading

Catch up/get ahead on your reading and take some extra time to prepare your vocabulary sheet work.  You could also do some vocabulary work on a book that you are reading yourself and share these when we are back in school together for World Book Day.


Think about where we are with our Charlie Bone class novel.  What do you think is going to happen next and why?  Predict what is going to happen to Charlie Bone and his friends at Bloor’s Academy, to Benjamin and Runner Bean and to the mysterious case….

3. Maths

Create you own Number Talks SPLAT! challenges on the computer or by drawing them out.  They could be Fraction SPLATS or Nested SPLATS or, you could come up with your own brand new SPLAT version!



Simplifying and equivalent fractions practise…..





Keep warm P5/6!

Miss Kennedy





Snow Day Activities

Check out the blog under ‘important documents’ to find things for all P5-7 to be busy with during our snow day.

Other ideas for P5:


  • How many tennis ball sized snowballs does it take to go round the perimeter of your garden?
  • Put out a slice of bread for the birds. How many birds come down to your garden to eat it? How many different types of birds do you see?
  • Time yourself to see how long it takes you to clear the snow from your front door to the pavement.
  • Build a snowman. Measure in cm to see how tall you can make it.


  • Choose your favourite book and make up a brief talk about why it is your favourite. Remember to include the title, author and summary of what the story is about. Extra challenge- create a powerpoint to go with your talk.
  • Design an alternative cover for our last class novel ‘Cool’.
  • Look out of your window and write a description of what you see and how it makes you feel. Use a thesaurus to try and help up-level your description.
  • Create a short newspaper report on a t.v. programme or video game that you watch/ play today.
  • Log on to Sumdog and see what rewards you can earn.

Remember – if you are out and about, make sure an adult knows where you are, who you are with and when you will be home. Wrap up warmly with a cosy jacket and sensible footwear and don’t forget the hat, gloves and scarf. Stay warm and keep safe.

Calling all Bankton Snow Learners

I hope you and your families stay safe in these difficult weather conditions! West Lothian Council have made this decision to keep all of us safe, particularly anyone having to travel on the roads.

Today is a day for fun learning – here are a few websites and activities for you to try out with your family:


log in to SUMDOG




Why not APPLY your maths and numeracy skills by:

*Baking a cake

*Timing how long it takes to clear the path of snow

*Measuring how tall your snowman is in cms – can you also measure ROUND the head/waist/base

*Measure the depth of the snow around the house – on the doorstep/in the garden etc




*Read / read/ read!

*Find an unusual place to read – make a cosy den and take a torch – under a table/under the    bed/ in a cupboard – MAKE SURE IT’s SAFE!

*Draw / Paint / Create your favourite book character out of junk to bring in for World Book Week

*Find out how to say “It’s snowing” in our other special languages – French and German

*Write a letter to Badger  to put in our postbox telling him all about your snow day

Can’t wait to hear about your SNOW LEARNING! – Make sure you have photos to share!

P3/4 Snow Day Activities

Just in case you haven’t seen the snow day activities on ‘Class Dojo’.

Play on Sumdog at
Play a board game with a friend.
Design your own board game and play it with a friend.
Play charades with your family.

Practise your reading.
Write a book review.
Design a new front cover for a book.
Choose a favourite character, draw them and use “wow” words todescribe them.
Create a poster or leaflet based on the subject of a non-fictionbook.


Look for signs of animal tracks out in the snow, can you identifywho made them?
See how big a snowball you can make – measure around it inhandspans or cm.
Go for a winter walk and look for signs of winter.

Make an animal out of snow and take a picture of it.
Create a winter picture.
Can you create a symmetrical snowflake?
Make up a winter-themed song and sing it to an audience.

Above all, don’t forget to enjoy the snow!

If you’d like to leave a  comment I’d love to know what you’ve been up to!

Hard Workers in P1a

We have been really busy in P1 recently.

In numeracy we have been working on numbers to 20 where we have been working on counting (especially backwards) and recognising the numbers. We have also been learning the number stories to 5 as well as the take away facts.

In non-number maths we have been learning how to read o’clock and half past times. We have also been making symmetrical pictures. (I will add photos when I can)

If you have time between snowball fights and sledging (or it gets too cold!) maybe you could practise some of these at home.

Also keep an eye out for items in your home that are run by mains electricity or are battery powered.

Remember it is world book day tomorrow so enjoy reading stories with someone at home too!

I’m going to sort some things for our door display and cut out some new things for the classroom (and watch my girls have fun in the snow!!!).

P2/3 winter activities


Winter Activities


Dear Parents/ Carers

Here is a Snow Day Bingo grid as a suggestion of activities to complete with your child during any snow days.

Practise our new learning in maths – ‘groups of’. Make snowballs and put them into groups – ask your child how many groups there are and how many snowballs there are in each group. Then take a group each and have a snowball fight!

Practise subtraction skills during  your snowball fight.

Write an imaginative story about the snowman that you built.

Use a stick to practise spelling tricky words in the snow.

You can also use the Read Write Count bags to complete literacy and maths activities.



Here are a few websites for any children wishing to continue to practise their literacy/maths skills.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ – lots of great addition, subtraction and spelling games






Thanks, Miss Edmond

Snow Day………..

Good Morning P1b,

I hope you are all enjoying the snow.  There are some winter activities on the blog (under the useful documents heading) if you are needing a wee rest from buiding snowmen and throwing snowballs!  We’ve been learning about lots of different things in class recently – why not have a go at making a symmetrical picture of having a look around the house for items that use batteries or mains electricity.  If you’d like to leave a wee comment I’d love to know what you’ve been up to!

Have a great day and I’ll see you again soon.

Mrs Lloyd

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