Snow Day Activities

Check out the blog under ‘important documents’ to find things for all P5-7 to be busy with during our snow day.

Other ideas for P5:


  • How many tennis ball sized snowballs does it take to go round the perimeter of your garden?
  • Put out a slice of bread for the birds. How many birds come down to your garden to eat it? How many different types of birds do you see?
  • Time yourself to see how long it takes you to clear the snow from your front door to the pavement.
  • Build a snowman. Measure in cm to see how tall you can make it.


  • Choose your favourite book and make up a brief talk about why it is your favourite. Remember to include the title, author and summary of what the story is about. Extra challenge- create a powerpoint to go with your talk.
  • Design an alternative cover for our last class novel ‘Cool’.
  • Look out of your window and write a description of what you see and how it makes you feel. Use a thesaurus to try and help up-level your description.
  • Create a short newspaper report on a t.v. programme or video game that you watch/ play today.
  • Log on to Sumdog and see what rewards you can earn.

Remember – if you are out and about, make sure an adult knows where you are, who you are with and when you will be home. Wrap up warmly with a cosy jacket and sensible footwear and don’t forget the hat, gloves and scarf. Stay warm and keep safe.

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