Family Learning Event @ Bankton PS

imageimageimageimageMrs Sinclair, Support for Learning Teacher, hosted another highly successful Support for Learning Showcase Event today in Bankton.

35 Parents and their children participated in a Family Learning Event to share strategies and resources and how these can be used at home.

Parents were very positive about our family learning programme saying that Mrs. Sinclair had made it easy for them to support their children at home.

A special ‘Well Done!’ to our pupils who acted as ‘expert learners’ explaining resources & strategies to their parents.

Invitations for 1-1 Tutorials will be sent out soon.

Wonderful Workers in P1/2

Well done to all the children in P1/2 who have been working very hard this week.  In maths, we have been working on patterns and have tried to complete some patterns as well as creating our own.  Take a look!

We have also been trying hard to work out one more and one less, we have explored spot patterns and ten frames and have practised counting carefully to ten.  Mrs Lloyd thinks we are getting really good at this!

We enjoyed our weekly visit to the school library where we choose a book to take home and looked for some of the sounds that we’ve been learning inside our books.  We found loads!  P1/2 go to the library every Thursday so please try to remember to bring your book back on this day so that you can swap it for a new one

Enjoy your weekend boys and girls – more fun learning coming your way next week!

A short week in Primary One

Even though it was a very short week in Primary One, it has still been a very busy week …

We have learnt how to read and write the n and k sounds.

Kayla  – N is a blue sound

In maths we have been learning about patterns and how to repeat them. We have also been busy learning about one more and one less.

We also have other exciting news …

We had a visit from Wellow Bear. Wellow Bear is going to be staying at Bankton so he can learn all about Scotland.

We found out what Wellow Bear school badge means and we talked about where he came from.

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You have the right to practice your own culture,
language and religion

Recycling in P1 and P1/2 – Global Goal 12

As part of the ‘World’s Largest Lesson’ , P1  and P1/2 learnt about recycling and why this it is important to cut down the amount of rubbish that we throw away ..

Ruaridh – It will help to save the world

Kayla – We can recycle cardboard

Harry – We can recycle metal

Kyle – Wwe can recycle plastic

We also played a game where we had to think of a new use for a item we might throw away! P1 came up with some great ideas !

Rosie – It a stick to balance with

Jamie Wilkie – Its a walking stick

Finally, we all went outside to play a sorting game where we had to sort the recycling into the correct boxes. It was great fun !img_3245 img_3246 img_3247 100_7422img_3248 img_3249 100_7425

Working hard after our mid term break!

Caiden has enjoyed working with chimney sums to do his adding. Farrah thought that it was interesting asking the class questions to collect information for her tally chart. She found it lots of fun. Jack really enjoyed using the information to draw his graph.

We had lots of fun on Thursday when William from SmallTalk came in to speak French with the children and to show them some games. It was quite challenging remembering which word used a le and which one used a la. Lots of games kept us busy and active as we learned new words about the family and practised some of the French language we already know.

Emma and Carlos used their IT skills well to find out information on endangered animals which was part of our work on the world’s largest lesson. Lewis liked using the information he’d found to make a poster. Tiana learned that elephants are one of the most endangered species. If we don’t stop the poaching, there will be no elephants left in 25 years time! They will be extinct. It is important that we all look after our planet.

This Week in P6/7

This has been a short week but we have been very busy in P6/7.

This week we took part in the Worlds Largest Lesson. We have been looking at goal 14 -life on land, and 15 – life below water. We took a quiz about ourselves to see what amimal we are more like. Some were tigers,elephants, rosewood tree, orangatan, rhino, helmeted hornbill, pangolin but sadly no sea turtles.

We also did P.E with Mrs Murdoch we practised our ball skills.

We had a French lesson about different sports and movements…in French!

Written by Ceana and Emma.S 

P4 this week

This week we have continued our work on number talk. We use strategies like friendly numbers and number bonds to help us solve a range of addition problems. Next week we will move on to looking at different take away problems. We focused on the red cog- body sensations – this week where we look at how emotions feel in different parts of your body. We wrote on outlines of people where we felt different emotions. For our Global Goals, World’s Biggest Lesson we looked at inequality. We have learnt that some people around the world don’t have much money while other people are very rich. The top 85 richest people in the world have more money than the poorest 3.5 billion. Dojo Champ of the week was Louise! Well done Louise.

Invitation to Meet John Swinney, Deputy First Minister

John Swinney listening to the views of Bankton Parents
John Swinney listening to the views of Bankton Parents

imageBankton Primary School responded to an invitation from Education Scotland to meet John Swinney and discuss parental engagement in schools at the Parent Connect Zone at the Scottish Learning Festival. Elaine Smith, Mum of Ewan and Daniel and Yvette Graham, Mum of Mia, Amber and Lana agreed to represent the parent body and meet Mr. Swinney. They were impressed by his concern for parents and discussed the best ways to communicate the ‘big messages’ with parents beyond the school gate. They also enjoyed collaborating with parents from Glasgow, discussing ways of improving parent-school partnership.

Both parents represented Bankton extremely well – thanks to both Elaine & Yvette for making me a very proud headteacher.

The World’s Largest Lesson


Well done to all the classes that took part in ‘The World Largest Lesson’ today!

It was a chance for all the children to learn about global issues and think about what they could do to help!

What are the Global goals?

In September 2015 World Leaders introduced the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

This means that we need to think about how we protect the environment and resources for the future e.g our trees, climate, water etc

They have set 17 goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things by 2030.

Here is a short video explaining more about the Global Goals

Article 4

The government has a responsibility to make sure

your rights are protected. They must help your

family to protect your rights and create an environment

where you can grow and reach your


Confident Individuals in P1/2

P1/2 have had a very busy week and have been working very hard.  In literacy, we have been learning some new sounds.  We learned that ‘t’ is a quiet light blue sound made using your tongue tip and that ‘a’ and ‘i’ are black vowel sounds made by opening your mouth wide like a big tunnel.

We have also been working on holding our pencils properly and forming our sounds correctly in handwriting.  Before we worked in our jotters, we practised writing the sounds on our partner’s backs and the whiteboard.

In maths, we have been working on counting accurately and on reading the number names to 10.  We have been doing lots of work using ten frames and during number talks we have been explaining how we got our answer and have been challenging and defending others answers.

As part of our health work we have been discussing emotions and have been looking at the Inside Out characters and thinking about times when we felt a certain emotion.

Finally, in topic work this week we have been discussing the four seasons and brainstormed some of the things that happen in each season.  We went for a walk around the playground with our buddies and had a chat about some of the signs of autumn that we can look out for.  We have been singing this catchy seasons song – take a peek!

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