P1a’s Learning this week!!

We have been busy this week learning how to add two numbers together e.g. 4+2 = 6.

We been using objects and our fingers to help us to do this.

The P1’s have also been learning to build words with the sounds that they know. We have also been learning our sight words she and he.

We have also been working very hard at our handwriting this week!

For our harvest topic, we made super shape tractor pictures and finger paint trees.

Look at our super learning . . . .

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Primary 6 Learning Update

What a busy week!

Rhys enjoyed watching the Harvest assembly performed by P5. It brought back memories from when he did it!

Kian loved practising and performing the anti-bullying drama his group planned and presented. We are all looking forward to watching the film of each group and those of Primary 5/6.

Shayne liked watching what the P5s got up to at Lowport. It looked like they had great fun just like Shayne did when he went.

Amy enjoyed the assembly today learning who won the House Cup – well done Almond and Leving. Come on Lanthorn and Camelot!!!!!

Sophie really enjoyed working in her group for drama – she says it was really fun!



P3 Island Adventure

Yesterday P3, P2/3 and P2 went on the ferry from South Queensferry to Inchcolm Island. We were very lucky with the weather and enjoyed a beautiful sunny day spotting seals and having our picnic lunch on the beach.

Andrew and Emma M thought going to the abbey was really good especially going in to the rooms.

Caiden and the rest of the class thought going on the boat was FUN!

Linda loved seeing the baby seal. It looked up at us with its big brown eyes.

Emma S loved the island but decided she wouldn’t want to live there as she would have to get water from the well.


Our week in P4/5

We enjoyed writing this week about our dream piece of playground equipment.  Chloe M and Liam really enjoyed designing their equipment.  In science we learnt about evolution and why animals needed to evolve.  We learnt about white moths that adapted their colour to camouflage with the black trees. Carla was our star of week for being an effective contributor and Chloe & Emma took our Dojo of the week honours!

Nursery enjoy outdoor learning.

Over the last week we have enjoyed taking our learning outside.  We went out to find autumn leaves in the local area and now have been using these in our art work and for sorting at our science table.

We got duck food and went to feed the ducks and swans.  We noticed that the cygnets feathers are getting lighter and they were also really hungry!

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In the nursery we recycled some of our yogurt pots to make bird feeders to hang in the garden.  We were excited to see some of the birds eating from them when we went out to play but found out that it was very difficult to get pictures of them!

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Open Morning

Many thanks to all Parents and Families who gave up their time to attend our Open Morning on Friday. There were many positive comments made about the diversity of learning on show – from Vowel House and Colourful Consonants to Electrifying Circuits and Awesome Art. The House Captains and Vice Captains were very informative guides, making sure all adults found their way to the correct classrooms – well done!

All parents were very complimentary about the choir and said how good it was to hear the school filled with music once again. Thank you also to the beginner brass group who confidently showcased their skills.

Staff and pupils were delighted by the comments left by parents in each classroom – these will be displayed together on Parent Consultation Evenings.

I look forward to welcoming P.5 parents to the Lowport Assembly later this week.

Attention all P1 Parents!!

At the open morning I was asked if there was some more information about colourful consonants and vowel house available for parents.  To help you to be able to help your child with their sounds and with the mouth part colours I have added two files to the useful documents section.  One shows the different mouth parts and the letters that are made in certain parts of the mouth while the other tells the vowel house story.  Please let me know how you get on and if you need any more information or clarification.

P1b Highlights

Firstly, thank you to all who were able to come along to our open morning.  Primary 1 loved sharing their learning with you and did themselves proud by showing off their good behaviour too!

Some highlights from this week:

Cameron enjoyed building a lobster in his vertical learning group.

Casey loved when her mum came to the open day.

Abi liked playing games during golden time.

Hannah enjoyed when her grandma and grandad came into school and saw her working on the vowel house.

Kalan liked when his mum came in for the open day and they were writing sounds in the sand.

Tyler enjoyed when his mum came into the class and watched him sorting pictures on the Smartboard.

Isla enjoyed playing with the playdough with her mum.

Charley enjoyed decorating her bucked in the bucket fillers vertical learning group.

Paul enjoyed his mum and gran watching him on the computer during the open morning.

Caleb enjoyed when his buddy Ben ready him a story during buddy time.

Lauren enjoyed her buddies reading ‘Bambi’ to her.

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Lots of learning in P2

This week P2 have been learning how to spell ‘qu’ words. Some of the words that we have learned are:

  • quick
  • quiet
  • queen
  • quit
  • quack

Matthew: ‘I learned how to do the Jolly Grammar action for qu‘ (which is to make a beak with your hands like a duck quacking).

Ayla: ‘I liked helping Geraldine the Giraffe find lots of qu words’.

Kiernan: ‘I learned how to spell the word queen’.

Andrew: ‘I really liked watching the qu video on alphablocks’.


During science the children learned all about day and night through a torch and globe experiment. We looked at different nocturnal animals and wondered if there were any of these animals living in our own gardens!


Today P2 worked very hard and had lots of fun during our maths open morning. The children were developing their ordering, counting and adding skills within numeracy through practical activities.

Izaak: ‘I learned how to put all of the numbers in order on the computer game’.

Nicole: ‘I learned how to make a black and white pattern’.

Kieran: ‘I have been learning how to count t0 100 all week’.

Thank you to everyone who came to P2 during the open morning. It was great to see so many of you there to support your child.


This week Kiernan Hunter won the class prize for earning so many dojo points this week. Well done Kiernan!


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A busy week in P1a

P1a have been busy this week learning how to add two numbers together e.g. 2 and 4 makes 6.

We have also enjoyed going on shape hunts around the school – We found lots of triangles, rectangles and circles.

In sounds, we learnt the b and f sound. Can you remeber what colours they are?

We have also been learning all the set 1 sight words – The, the, A, I, is. We have been practising writing the words!!!

It was great to see so many parents at the Open Day ! P1a loved showing off their learning !!!

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