Literacy Group Meeting


Session 2023/2024

We were delighted to meet the newest members of the Literacy Ambassadors pupil voice group.  We had a very productive first meeting and can’t wait to get started on our Gold Reading Award.

30 August 23

29 November 23


Session 2022/2023

Literacy Pupil Group Meeting Minutes

27 Apr 23

22 Feb 23

28 Sep 22

26 Oct 22

April 2023 – Reading Schools Award Silver

We are delighted to have been awarded our Silver Reading Schools Award. This is all down to our amazing Literacy Pupil Group and the hard work they have put in to redeveloping our library, ordering new book titles, setting up the library and promoting reading within our school!

January 2023

The Pupil Group met today in the School Library and we spotted the things we liked in it.

We love the new rug and the colourful cushions.

It is good to sit on the sofa and read.

The library is cool.

The children spent time looking at Authors Live and have asked teachers to watch some clips with the whole class.

You can watch these at home too with the following link:



We have had a busy month.

Firstly, we have begin our daily Reading Buddies. Pupils share stories with each other every day after lunch.

Next, Room 14 made their book recommendations at Assembly. We look forward to hearing recommendations from other classes over the weeks to come.

Room 18 visited the Town Library on Monday-each week classes will be walking to the Town House to meet Elaine, the children’s librarian.

Finally, the annual Book Fair has arrived. Many children have already had a look through the shelves and are excited about reading novels that interest them.

See the attached note of our latest Pupil Voice Meeting.


Total Communication Pupil Group Minutes 31.8.22

Total Communication Group

November Minutes

Points from previous meeting:

·         Slot in Together Time confirmed with Mr Oneil for sign of the month and for Christmas signs for December

Main discussion points from today:

·         List of volunteers to do the sign of the month at assembly

·         Learned how to sign “how are you?”, “happy” and “sad”

·         Display materials finished for the display in the dinner hall.

Focus Article: Article 13

The child shall have the right to freedom of expression: this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.

Action Points:

·         Pupil Group to join in with the songs at assembly

·         Volunteers to share the sign of the month at assembly

·         Mrs Benson to put up display in Dinner Hall

October Minutes

Points from previous meeting:

·         Recapped last minutes

·         Discussion with Mr O’Neil Recapped

Main discussion points from today:

·         Sign of the month at assembly

·         Group to do signing along with the songs at assembly

·         List of volunteers for recordings for visuals/signs around the school and the website

·         Group want to do seasonal vocabulary at assemblies

·         Group decorated lettering for the display board

Focus Article: Article 13

The child shall have the right to freedom of expression: this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.

Action Points:

·         Group to finish the display letters and return

·         Mrs Benson will collect group in the next few weeks to do the recordings for the display

September Minutes

Points from previous meeting:

·         Recapped previous meeting

·         Handed out lanyards – discussed visuals and what they would be used for

Main discussion points from today:

·         Learned Makaton for “How are you?” and “happy” and “sad”

·         Makaton sign of the month at assembly – took a list of volunteers

·         Discussed possible signs to teach – generated a list

·         Discussed making videos for the school website – lots of volunteers for this too

·         Discussed creating a display board for signs for everyone to see and reference – pupils thought this was a good idea

·         Group ideas

o   Stories to share at assembly/on website

o   Songs

o   Games

Focus Article: Article 13

The child shall have the right to freedom of expression: this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.

Action Points:

·         Speak to Mr O’Neil about introducing sign of the month at assembly

·         Mrs Benson and Mrs McQueen to create display board

August Minutes

Points from previous meeting:

·         N/A

Main discussion points from today:

·         What is total communication?

·         Lanyards – group decided it would be useful for each member to have a lanyard – we picked what symbols would be useful

·         We discussed using whiteboards for children to be able to draw their needs and wants

·         We discussed using sound buttons on class displays so everyone can access the information on these

·         We talked about Makaton at assemblies and introducing a school Makaton sign of the week

Focus Article: Article 13

The child shall have the right to freedom of expression: this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.

Action Points:

·         Mrs McQueen and Mrs Benson to create lanyards for group members with the chosen visuals

Animal Ambassadors

August 31st 2022

Welcome to our Animal Ambassadors page!

We held our first meeting of the year today and everyone is really excited to be part of this group.

We talked about the different things we could do at home, at school and in the wider community to help animals. We had some great ideas, e.g. Making a bug hotel, growing plants to support the bees, not littering and reusing items to create artwork. It was lovely to see the children thinking about the smallest of our creatures, the insects, as these are usually forgotten in favour of the cuter and cuddlier ones. Well done, team! We will be exploring these and more ideas over the coming months…

Please find below the minutes of our first meeting:

Date: 31.8.22
Points from previous meeting:
This is our first meeting of the year!
Main discussion points from today:

Today we all introduced ourselves to other members of our group. We begin to
think about some things that we can do in our school to help animals, particularly
in our woods area. We came up with these ideas:

• Create bird feeders in the Winter to hang on the trees in the woods
• Bring speakers into the school to talk to everyone about animals
• Make bug hotels in the woods
• Create fact files about animals that live in the woods and hang these up in
the woods so that people can learn about them.

Focus Article:
Article 12 – you have the right to have your opinion listened to and taken seriously.

Action Points:
• Contact people to see if they can come to our school to teach us about
• Continue to think of other ways we can help animals before the next meeting.

Minute Taker: Emaan

Sports Ambassador Pupil Group (Meeting 1)

The Sports Ambassador Pupil Group had their first meeting.  Everyone was present,

Roles of the Group

We discussed the role of the group.  Some of the roles highlighted include;

  • Promoting active lifestyles by encouraging our school community to take part in sporting activities
  • Encouraging celebrating achievements – ‘out of school achievements’
  • Achieve the GOLD SportScotland Award

The group also discussed what Extra Curricular activities they would like to see at Chatelherault Primary School.  These included;

  • football
  • badminton
  • dodge ball
  • netball
  • tennis

Digital Learning Group – Meeting Minutes

It was great to welcome the children to our first meeting of our Digital Learning  Pupil Group. The children were fantastic at being able to discuss what technology helps their learning and how we can use it effectively.

The children identified a range of projects that we will be working on over this school session.

minutes 310822

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