Room 12

Welcome to Room 12!

Welcome to Primary 3’s class page!

  • Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes in school. They will change into these when entering the school building.
  • If your child is bringing a bottle to school, we would encourage this to be water only.
  • Our PE days are a Wednesday and a Friday. Our Forest School day will be on a Wednesday during Terms 1 + 2. Please provide outdoor clothing and appropriate footwear for your child to change into.
  • You will find information about your child’s homework on Google Classroom or in the homework diary. Homework will be issued on a Monday and will be due in by Friday each week.
  • The children and myself will add a comment about our behaviour, work or effort each week in the diary.  Please discuss when the diary comes home on Monday and add your comment.

Thank you,

Mrs Thomson

Food Technology


Shortbread and a Story


Forest School

Working Together…


Creating our self-portraits for the forest art gallery…
Active maths…
Report a Glow concern
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