Welcome to Room 6
Primary 2/3
Welcome to our class web page. Everyone has settled well into Room 6 and we are all excited to learn and gain new experiences throughout the year!
Class Teacher- Miss McNeill
Support Staff- Miss Heaney and Mrs McCabe
CCC- Mrs Lochhead (Thursday am)
General Information
Gym days: Tuesday & Thursday (Indoor) – Sensory Gym
Outdoor Learning: Room 6 will take part in Forest School Sessions on Thursday mornings with Mrs Lochhead. Waterproofs and wellies can be left in school.
Diaries: Please check diaries daily for updates on the fun we have in class each day!
We have loved being on the bikes!
We have been exploring capacity and volume. We have focused on “full” and “empty”. We loved playing in the water tray and sand pit.
January 2025
In Maths, we have been exploring measurement. We have been focusing on “big and “small” objects. Everyone loved playing with the BIG ball.
Our social studies topic this term is “Castles”. Look at the amazing castles we created with Mrs Lochhead.
Fine Motor Skills
We used tweezers to lift pom-poms out of the tuff tray.
We have been following simple instructions to make play-dough.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
On a Monday morning we visit the library. We like to explore the different books on display. If we find any that we enjoy, we take them back to class!
On a Friday, Room 6 have been enjoying our visits to the music room. Each week we explore different musical instruments.
Christmas 2024 in Room 6
Community Walks
Cutting Skills
We made and decorated ginger bread men! They were a hit!
Room 6 worked very hard to create pom-pom crafts for the Christmas fayre.
Room 6 loved mark making with different cookie cutters. The night sky looks brilliant with the bright yellow stars.