Rights Respecting Schools Pupil Voice Group

The Rights Respecting Schools Pupil Voice Group is excited for the year ahead! Bursting with ideas, they are determined to uphold and build on our school’s Gold Rights Respecting status. Our enthusiastic members are committed to promoting children’s rights as outlined in the UNCRC and making a positive impact within our school community.

You can keep up to date with all our meetings and discussions using the minutes links below.

09.09.24 – Rights Respecting Pupil Voice Group

23.09.24 – Rights Respecting Pupil Voice Group Minutes

28.10.24 – Rights Respecting Pupil Voice Group Minutes

03.02.25 – Rights Respecting Pupil Voice Group Minutes

Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice Group 28.1.25

Health and Well Group minutes 


Today’s meeting for the Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice group. Below are the minutes from our meeting, keep your eyes open for updates as we make our wee school better for all.

Attendees: See Register

Points from previous meeting:

  • Fruity Friday to be introduced February!
  • Friendship day May 9th date confirmed!

Main discussion points from today:

  1. Welcome to the Health Wellbeing group – Chat time
  2. Children Feedback – New clubs starting see parent portal
  3. Friendship day date confirmed as 9th May well-done
  4. Create posters to promote friendshipkindness and equality started and to return to room 16 when completed.
  5. Fitness and mental health – Reminder poster for each class to participate in daily mile. P6 to remind classes weekly.
  6. Out of school achievements are being celebrated # see the whole person

Focus Article:

Article 13 –Everyone has the human right to express themselves, and Article 13 of the UNCRC makes it clear that this includes children and young people. Part of this right of freedom of expression involves being able to find out information for yourself— so you’re able to share it in the way you want.

Action Points:

  • Fruity Friday launch January 2025
  • Daily mile reminder P6 responsible for weekly reminders.
  • May 9th Friendship day  – pm Email all staff! Share information with whole school at assembly.
  • Happy hut – promote reading in the playground
  • Librarians volunteers
  • Flyers of local clubs on website and in school for children to access if able.

HGIOS January Minutes

We had our first meeting of 2025 today and the pupil group were very keen to discuss the quality indicator statements and what that meant for them. It was great to get everyone’s ideas. We have lots of exciting things coming up this term so take a look at our minutes to see!

Jan minutes

Health and Wellbeing Group Minutes 29.10.24

Health and Well Group minutes 


Today’s meeting for the Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice group. Below are the minutes from our meeting, keep your eyes open for updates as we make our wee school better for all.

Attendees: See Register

Points from previous meeting:

  • Fruity Friday
  • Friendship day TBC

Main discussion points from today:

  1. Welcome to the Health Wellbeing group – Chat time
  2. Children Feedback – Happy about variety of clubs and Library Book club – would like the cheer leading club.
  3. Friendship day and date  children to meet with SMT -TBC -April / May 2025
  4. Create posters to promote friendship, kindness and equality.
  5. Fitness and mental health – Daily mile classes record miles/ distance
  6. Children enjoying the rotation of play areas outside
  7. Out of school achievements are being celebrated # see the whole person

Focus Article:

Article 13 –Everyone has the human right to express themselves, and Article 13 of the UNCRC makes it clear that this includes children and young people. Part of this right of freedom of expression involves being able to find out information for yourself— so you’re able to share it in the way you want.

Action Points:

  • Fruity Friday launch January 2025
  • Posters to be distributed
  • Daily mile reminder
  • Sponsored sport event suggested



Today’s meeting for the Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice group. Below are the minutes from our meeting, keep your eyes open for updates as we make our wee school better for all.

Attendees: See Register

Points from previous meeting: Happy hut, In the playground how do you feel?

Main discussion points from today:

  1. Welcome to the Health Wellbeing group – Chat time
  2. Playground toys, areas for help/ adults in playground  – the children feel happy safe and secure.
  3. Afterschool clubs and variety of them – hockey, football, dance, athletics, gardening, choir and multi-sports. Happy with the variety but would like archery, book club and cheer leading clubs also.
  4. Guest coaches- children would like players of the games to come in and to help develop their  skills.
  5. Friendship day and date TBC – Day for children to develop social, friendship and communication and plays skills.
  6. Attachment awareness for kids and Happy hut – children know who and where to go for support and help.
  7. Healthy food awareness – Fun fruit FRIDAY… Can we do more to keep ourselves healthy and happy.

Focus Article:

Article 12 – We have the right to an opinion.

Action Points:

  • Date of Friendship day TBC
  • Library club/ Cheer leading group / Archery group possibilities for future clubs
  • Fruit Friday – TBC

HGIOS Minutes 03.09.24

We had our first pupil group of the school year today and we are a very excited team ready to look at our school and evaluate our strengths and identify action points.  We had a very busy meeting, have a look at our meeting minutes attached to see what we have coming up this term!

minutes 03.09.24

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