Health and Well Group minutes
Today’s meeting for the Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice group. Below are the minutes from our meeting, keep your eyes open for updates as we make our wee school better for all.
Attendees: See Register
Points from previous meeting:
- Fruity Friday to be introduced February!
- Friendship day May 9th date confirmed!
Main discussion points from today:
- Welcome to the Health Wellbeing group – Chat time
- Children Feedback – New clubs starting see parent portal
- Friendship day date confirmed as 9th May well-done
- Create posters to promote friendship, kindness and equality started and to return to room 16 when completed.
- Fitness and mental health – Reminder poster for each class to participate in daily mile. P6 to remind classes weekly.
- Out of school achievements are being celebrated # see the whole person
Focus Article:
Article 13 –Everyone has the human right to express themselves, and Article 13 of the UNCRC makes it clear that this includes children and young people. Part of this right of freedom of expression involves being able to find out information for yourself— so you’re able to share it in the way you want.
Action Points:
- Fruity Friday launch January 2025
- Daily mile reminder P6 responsible for weekly reminders.
- May 9th Friendship day – pm Email all staff! Share information with whole school at assembly.
- Happy hut – promote reading in the playground
- Librarians volunteers
- Flyers of local clubs on website and in school for children to access if able.