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British Sign Language

Today in Primary 6/7 we have been working with Mrs Wells from the Education Outreach Service to start a 6 week block learning British Sign Language.
We have given thought to all the different ways we communicate and how important they are.  We’ve found out that communication is so much more than sound, and we have looked at the importance of facial expressions.

Welcome To P6/7

Welcome back to all the pupils today, it has been lovely seeing everyone back, and has felt like a happy place to be.

Primary 6/7 have had a day of settling back into school life today, we created self portraits to add to our collections that have been growing since we drew them in nursery. We then animated our portraits which caused a fair bit of amusement for us all.

We have started to think about building our own arcade machines, which is going to challenge us to use lots of problem solving skills over the next few days.

We have given thought to what we want to learn in our topic on Rainforests and Biodiversity, then finished the day with some games outside.



We have been working extremely hard creating products to sell.
There has been lots of learning as we have worked though the project, we have used Excel to build spreadsheets to track spending and cost, we have build an understanding of ordering materials, and how to make products that will be appealing to our customers. 

Fun and Feelings

On Friday, Caroline Leask was in school visiting every class. She did a session with each group focusing on emotional regulation, feelings and relaxation.

These sessions were donated to the school by Jillian Mouat that runs the Picnic Press, through her new Community funding initiative.

We are very thankful to both Jillian and Caroline for supporting our school!


Snow Closure 14th March 2023

Hi Everyone,
another snowy day! Make sure that you all get outside at some time today and enjoy it!

I have reposted ideas from last week for you to have a go at, if you didn’t last week (see below).

Here are some new ideas for today –
1. For P7s could you please do the Maths Diagnostic test
2. For P7s Sumdog maths tables challenge
3. For all P6/7s there is a Sumdog grammar challenge
4. Could you all please complete your reading group homework from yesterday. If you complete that please try to get as much Accelerated Reader as possible read today. Can you complete a book and test?
5. If you still have time or would like to make a Blookit for the class, could you do a Blookit about Chocolate (from our lesson yesterday) or do some research about Fairtrade and make a Fairtrade Blookit. We’ll look forward to doing them tomorrow.

JessicaEUROQUIZ – The quiz that was due to take place today has been postponed until Tuesday 28th March. This gives you extra time to study! Have a look at the websites Mrs Smith emailed on recently.

Have fun outdoors.
• Try building a snow family with different heights of snowmen
• Build an igloo out of snow blocks- use an ice cream tub as a mould
• Create targets to fire snowballs at
Be first to get outside and see if you can make your own snowflake design in the snow, just using your footprints and walking around very carefully. Remember that snowflakes have 6 points.
• If you have a sledge, find a safe slope to sledge down
• Try capturing your fun on your camera or tablet and make a movie about it
• Practise your spelling words by writing with a stick in the snow
• Make an ice sculpture by collecting leaves, shells, fruit etc and putting them into an empty jar with some water and a looped ribbon sticking out of the top. Freeze it in the freezer then hang it outside as a decoration
• When you have had enough of outdoor fun and need to warm up, write a story or news report about your day. If you create a report, why not film yourself reading it in the style of a newscaster and add footage from outside?
In the song ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen there is a line that says ‘in frozen fractals all around’. Find out what fractals are and have a go at drawing your own.
• Look up the weather from around the world. Create a weather map showing the world weather using symbols and a key. Create questions to ask of your map e.g. Where is the coldest place? What is the difference in temperature between the hottest and coldest places?
• Create a poem about a winter’s day
• Look out of the window and sketch the scene you see. Try using pastels or paint if you have them
• Watch a movie and write a review to share with the class when you return to school
• Research an animal that lives in a cold place and create a fact file.
Find out words for snow in as many different languages as you can.

See you all tomorrow, Ms Scanlan