Tag Archives: Biodiversity

Bird Science afternoon

Unfortunately the weather was against us this year, so we had to cancel our RSPB Schools Birdwatch. Instead Kevin Kelly came to explain to us the way that the information is used by the RSPB and the sort of birds that we are likely to see in Shetland.
After that we had an afternoon of finding out about owls. We learnt about how they live and what they eat by looking at a range of owl pellets. We had Short and Long eared owl pellets and Snowy and Barn owl too. It meant that we could compare each species.
We found lots of rats, mice, voles, birds etc in the pellets and lots of bones.
1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Week 1

It has been so lovely to see everyone back for the start of Term 4. We have been really lucky with the weather, so we have been able to have outdoor learning of some sort each day.

We have started our map skills project and have learnt to use scale, read length, use coordinates and directions and bearings.

On Wednesday we started our drama lessons with Izzy Swanson, which was really good fun.

We have been out to the pond area to check on the frogs and tadpoles and went back this afternoon with pond nets. We caught lots of tadpoles, but the exciting catches were several big diving beetles, water boatmen and a huge freshwater shrimp. We’ll go back in a few weeks to see how much it has changed.

Week 4

The Primary 7s have been doing lots of work on their group presentations. They have all been continued researching and have written their scripts. There are lots of interesting facts that they have been finding out. In French we have been using more adjectives in our writing , describing cats! We have started to think about what we are doing for our Christmas video, we had lots of fun on Thursday starting to film it and coming up with ideas.

Lots of the class have been doing the JRSO daily challenges and we had a very stripy zebra day!

Have a good weekend!

1 Star (7 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

End of Term 1

What a busy week we have had again. Finishing off all our owl pellet work. We have also been finding out about more food chains and webs, planting more trees, drawing and painting barn owls and finally listening to a fantastic performance in the hall this afternoon.

What a lovely term we have had and what a great class the P7s are.

Have a great holiday 🙂

Sonic rescue!

Ms Scanlan had rescued a hedgehog at the weekend and brought it into class to show everyone. We had a really good look at it and then released it into the tree area, so that it can find a safe place to hibernate for the winter. This morning Robbie told us that he had checked on Sonic and it had moved away from where we left it and hopefully is now snuggled up in a little nest.

We did some research about hedgehogs and found out some interesting facts about them and also did some French about Le herrison!

Lois took some great photos for us, thank you.