Tag Archives: technology

Scottish Wars Stop Motion

This term both P5 classes have been learning all about the Scottish Wars of Independence.  To finish off the topic, we worked in small groups to create a stop motion animation using lego.  This was really enjoyed by everyone.  Here are just a couple of examples.


NASA Lunar Lander Challenge

Primary 5 have been learning all about Space this term.  As part of this, we looked at the Moon Landing by Apollo 11.  They were set the challenge to work in pairs in order to create their own lunar landing module using only the materials provided.

They had to think carefully about their design to make sure their astronauts (big marshmallows!) didn’t fall out of the module when dropped from a height of 30cm.  Some managed to drop their module successfully from a height of 2m!!

It was excellent to see such brilliant problem solving and a range of other maths skills from all of the pupils.


STEM in P7

P7 have been lucky enough to have Emma Chittick in for three sessions delivering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities.  During her visits the pupils had the opportunity to program Lego robots and create wind turbines and solar cells.  This related very well with our Climate Change topic and they all became very competitive  to see who could get the biggest output from their design!


Primary 5 coding

As part of our ICT lessons over the last few weeks, some of the P5 pupils kindly agreed to share their knowledge on coding using a programme Scratch with both Primary 5 classes.

They started each session by doing some direct teaching using the interactive whiteboards in the classroom.  The pupils then used the ICT suite where they have been responsible for their own group of pupils to help them learn how to code their own computer programme.

All the pupils have been really engaged and love using Scratch and it has been excellent to see the children sharing their own knowledge and skills with their peers and taking ownership over their learning.

STEM Challenge

Today in P7S we took part in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) challenge relating to our class novel ‘Holes’ by Louis  Sachar.

In groups, we had to design and create a free standing hammock out of junk and craft materials which would hold a duplo character. We also tested them to failure to see how much weight they would hold – the winner could hold a staggering 750kg!