Tag Archives: TeamWork
Glasgow Science Centre came to visit P5, P6 and P7.
Bell’s Brae Tirricks Netball Team
A huge well done to our netball players who travelled to Brae on Friday evening to compete against teams from Unst, Brae and Yell. They won two tough games and lost one.
As always, a big thank you to parental volunteers for providing transport for our players to ensure these fixtures can take place. 🙂
P1 Teddy Bears’ Picnic
On Tuesday, Primary 1 enjoyed their ‘Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ as part of their ‘Toys’ topic.
As it was Pancake Day, we enjoyed making and eating pancakes for our picnic. So did our teddies!
Primary One Social Snack
Primary One continue to enjoy their weekly “social snack”.
We take turns preparing the snack by spreading, grating, mixing, cutting, rolling and slicing different food items.
We like to talk about what we are eating; discussing foods we like and foods we are not so sure about. Eating a snack together encourages us to ‘try’ different foods we maybe haven’t tried before.
Today, we made Valentine’s cakes 🙂
Primary 1 Social Snack
Every Friday, 1 pupil from each Primary 1 class take time to prepare a snack for all P1 pupils. We call it our social snack as we enjoy taking time to eat and talk about our snack together. Each class brainstormed suggestions for what we could make.
We made scones this week – they were delicious!
NASA Lunar Lander Challenge
Primary 5 have been learning all about Space this term. As part of this, we looked at the Moon Landing by Apollo 11. They were set the challenge to work in pairs in order to create their own lunar landing module using only the materials provided.
They had to think carefully about their design to make sure their astronauts (big marshmallows!) didn’t fall out of the module when dropped from a height of 30cm. Some managed to drop their module successfully from a height of 2m!!
It was excellent to see such brilliant problem solving and a range of other maths skills from all of the pupils.
STEM in P7
P7 have been lucky enough to have Emma Chittick in for three sessions delivering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities. During her visits the pupils had the opportunity to program Lego robots and create wind turbines and solar cells. This related very well with our Climate Change topic and they all became very competitive to see who could get the biggest output from their design!
Primary 5 coding
As part of our ICT lessons over the last few weeks, some of the P5 pupils kindly agreed to share their knowledge on coding using a programme Scratch with both Primary 5 classes.
They started each session by doing some direct teaching using the interactive whiteboards in the classroom. The pupils then used the ICT suite where they have been responsible for their own group of pupils to help them learn how to code their own computer programme.
All the pupils have been really engaged and love using Scratch and it has been excellent to see the children sharing their own knowledge and skills with their peers and taking ownership over their learning.