All posts by Mrs Wadley

Halloween Party

It was great  to see so many pupils, parents and grandparents at the Parent Council Halloween Party tonight.  Superb constumes and great pumpkins.  Special thanks to Mr and Mrs Bell for judging the competition.  We know it was a hard decision.

We hope all the bairns enjoyed their dancing and games.  They certainly looked like they were having fun! 🙂

Have a look at the well deserved winners below:

Hip Hop Workshop

First day back after the October holidays and our P7 pupils were treated to a Hip Hop Workshop.

Organised by Shetlandarts Room 2 Manoeuvre’s are visiting Shetland with their ‘Without a Hitch’ hip hop dance theatre production. As part of this a 50 minute workshop was offered to our P7 pupils.

The pupils were guided through Hip Hop dance techniques, improvisation, partner work and choreography by Artistic Director Tony Mills.    We couldn’t believe how well they all did after a short workshop.

The performance ‘Without a Hitch’ is showing at the Garrison Theatre on Thursday 26 October at 7.30pm for anyone wishing to see more.


Swimming Galas

This week pupils in P4-7 have shown great stamina, competitiveness, enjoyment and super team working skills during their participation at this year’s swimming galas.

We were fortunate to secure sponsorship once again from G4S and held two exciting mornings at the pool.  This term each class has received a six week block of swimming lessons and what better way to show off their progress and talents than to take part in the galas?

The P6/7 gala was extremely close and was  won by house team ‘Olaf’ who beat ‘Magnus’ by only three points.

The P4/5 gala was also won by ‘Olaf’.

Thanks to Mrs Wood for organising the event and to parents/carers and family members for coming along to support the children.

Jubilee Dance

It was wonderful to see so many pupils, parents and grandparents at the Jubilee Dance tonight.  What a super night – great music by the Peter Wood Dance Band, a lovely supper – big thank you  to Carol Jamieson, champion bannock maker and Dorothy Robertson for the soup.

The P7 pupils did a fantastic job pulling it all together and getting the school looking so good. We were impressed with all the dancing.

Thank you for supporting us and helping us raise money towards the P7 trips this year.

Jubilee Dance

Bell’s Brae Primary Jubilee Dance

The Primary 7 classes are planning a Family Dance with music by the Fustra to celebrate Bell’s Brae Primary Schools 60th Anniversary. The Primary 7 pupils are taking responsibility for organising the dance and plan to use the proceeds from the event towards their Primary 7 Edinburgh Trip and Activity Week in June.

The Dance will be held on Thursday 28th September from 18:30 – 20:30. There will also be a supper provided and raffle tickets will be on sale on the evening.

Tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis. Due to Fire Regulations 200 tickets will be made available.

Tickets are priced at £4 per adult, £2 per child or a family ticket can be purchased for £10 – this will admit two adults and two children. As this is a family night children must be accompanied by an adult.

If you would like to purchase tickets look out for a letter in your child’s school bag or download a copy from the  letter’s page on the website.

We are delighted that the Fustra has offered to support us with this event and are sure it will be a fun, memorable evening to mark our Jubilee Year.


New School Session

Welcome back to everyone for the start of another school year.

What a lovely start to the term we have had.  All our new pupils have settled in so well and it has been lovely to hear all their holiday news.

Apologies for all the letters at the start of term but we want to keep you informed and share information with you.   All our letters can be found under the parent section of the website.

As always please get in touch with a member of school staff if you have any questions or queries.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland want your views!!

We’d like to hear your views.

We know that your are busy enjoying the ‘summer’ break but the wheels never stop here at the National Parent Forum! To help us represent you at a national level, and to inform new resources, we’d like to hear your opinions on two topics.

Social Media 

We would love to hear from you all about how your school uses ( or doesn’t!) social media. Click here for the survey.

National 4s

Last year we surveyed parents whose young people had sat the N4 qualification, but now we have reopened the survey to hear from more of you! So if you can spare five minutes click here.



Goodbye and Good Luck

Today has been an emotional rollercoaster as we said  goodbye to a long standing member of staff,  Mrs Malcolm and all our P7 pupils.

The P7 pupils have been wonderful ambassadors for the school. They have grown into lovely young people who are a credit to themselves and the school.

A slideshow of their time at Bell’s Brae was shown during assembly today. Here you can see all the memories they have made while at Bell’s Brae.



Instrumental Concert

Yesterday afternoon our pupils in P6 and P7, who receive instrumental instruction in school, entertained their parents/carers and family members to a superb afternoon of music.   Thank you to all parents/carers for their kind donations which totalled £130.16!

The pupils are all extremely talented and their commitment and dedication to their instrumental instruction is obvious.

Big thanks to the instrumental instructors for the commitment and patience with all the pupils.

We hope you enjoy watching their performances.