Monday 18th May




This week’s spelling words don’t have a rule, but instead are all words that are tricky and easy to misspell.

Take some time to look at the words and identify how they are spelled. What patterns do you notice? What letters does it not have that you thought it might?

absence, ancient, certainly, definitely, disappear, existence, guidance, government, irrelevant, muscle, niece, receive, rhythm, temperature.

You all know lots of spelling exercises, choose your favourite on and practice them.


Modern languages

Let’s refresh our memory about how to say different types of clothes in French. See which of these you can remember and look up the meaning of the rest of them. Then draw someone and label their clothes in French.


La chemise

Le pantalon

La jupe

La chaussettes

La chaussures

La veste

Le chapeau

Le manteau

La casquette

La cravat

La robe

Le tee-shirt

Le parapluie


Main task

Read the next few pages on holes and answer the comprehension questions.


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  1. How many spots does a yellow spotted lizard have?
  2. Where do Yellow Spotted lizards like to live?
  3. Why didn’t Stanley use soap in the shower?
  4. What does “wreck” mean?
  5. Does Stanley like his new nickname?
  6. Why is the second hole harder than the first?
  7. Why does Stanley lie about what Camp Green Lake is like when he is writing to his mum?




Sumdog assessment


Everyone has an adding and subtracting assessment on sumdog. Could you please do it.




This week, we will work on our time skills, focusing on how we use time and timetables in our own lives.


As we get ready for High School. We are going to need to be able to read a timetable independently and know where you need to go and when.


Have a look at this timetable and answer the questions about the timetable. You don’t need to write them down, you can just answer them verbally.



Word problem of the day


I need 400g of flour to make a loaf of bread. I want to make 4 loaves of bread and I have 2 kg of flour.

  1. Do I have enough flour?
  2. How much flour will I have left over at the end?
  3. How many loaves can I make with 2kg of flour?


Friday 15th May

Friday 15th May



Spelling test – get someone at home to test you on this week’s spelling words or any –ous words. You could also test someone else in the class.



Report writing is a great skill and is used in many jobs – journalist, police officer, teacher etc.

Check out this lesson to learn how a sports reports writes a report and have a go writing one yourself.



Try some handwriting practice. Sometimes if you don’t use a pen or pencil for a while it can feel weird! You could write a letter to someone else in lockdown, a friend or family member, to help to make them feel good by telling them what you’ve been up to and asking them how they are getting on. You could then post it to them. Do it in your best handwriting and it will definitely cheer them up! You could also do this on a computer to practice your typing.



Word problem of the day

How did you get on yesterday?

Johnny gets up at 9am. He spends 20 minutes in the shower and 15 minutes eating breakfast. He then decides to go for a walk. When he returns from his walk, he looks at the clock and sees that it is 10:30am. On his walk, he walked 1.3 miles away from his house and then turned around and walked straight home. He watched TV for 70 minutes and then had a 15 minute nap. 

1.What time did he finish eating breakfast at? long after he woke up did he get home from his walk at?

3. how far did he walk? long did his walk take?

5. What time did he wake up from his nap at?

6.How long after he finished his shower did he start to nap?


  1.   9:35 am

2.    1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes)

3.    2.6 miles

4.    55 minutes

5.    11:55am

6.    2 hours 20 minutes (140 minutes)


Today’s word problem of the day

I have £100 in the bank.

On Monday, I spend £20 on toys and £5 on food.

On Tuesday, I earn £10 from my Granny for cleaning her garden.

On Wednesday I give £10 to my sister because she was nice to me.

On Thursday I spend £50 on a new football top. I also get on the bus which costs £1.50

On Friday I find £3 down the back of the sofa.

1.How much money did I spend on Monday?

2. How much money do I have at the end of Tuesday?

3. True or False – at the end of Wednesday, I have £50

4. What is my total amount of money spent?

5. do I have enough money on Saturday to buy a new pair of trainers that cost £33?


Comprehension. When we do maths comprehension, we need to read the information carefully first and find the information that will help us answer the questions. In this type of comprehension, numbers and names are the things that will help the most.

You can take notes about the passage as well, this can help.

Then read the question and ask yourself what is the calculation you need to do to work out which answer is correct. You can also say – are any of these answers unrealistic? Which ones don’t seem correct?



Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday 14th May




Let’s do some punctuation work. Hypens and dashes are similar, but different. Check out this lesson to help you understand them better.


Main task


Read the next pages of Holes.

Today we are going to continue to expand our vocabulary. This means learning what words mean, but also guessing what they mean first.

We use clues in the text to help us with this.

First, read before the word, read after the word.

Then guess what it means and replace the word with that guess.

Does the sentences still make sense? If not, then your guess is probably not correct.

Then look up the meaning of the word.

Here are some words from Holes that you should try and identify the meaning of:

Picture 1

  • summoned
  • expelling

picture 2

  • dawdle

picture 3

  • aimlessly
  • expanse

picture 4

  • compound
  • clod

picture 5

  • plow

picture 6

  • grimaced


If there are other words on these pages that you don’t know the meaning of, you can also guess them then look them up.




Daily 10 practice = keep doing daily 10 everyday to help your mental maths skills. Three games everyday will really help your maths skills, but you need to be consistent and do it regularly.

Word problem of the day

We are going to start a daily word problem in maths. It is important to read the problem a couple of times and think about what information you can gain from the problem. It can also help to think about what information is missing from the problem and how can you work it out.

Then look carefully at the questions and as yourself what maths technique/skill/process do you need to use and what would the calculation (sum) look like.

The questions will start easy and get harder. See how many you can answer accurately and if you get them all you’re doing an excellent job. Answers will be posted tomorrow.

Johnny gets up at 9am. He spends 20 minutes in the shower and 15 minutes eating breakfast. He then decides to go for a walk. When he returns from his walk, he looks at the clock and sees that it is 10:30am. On his walk, he walked 1.3 miles away from his house and then turned around and walked straight home. He watched TV for 70 minutes and then had a 15 minute nap. 

1.What time did he finish eating breakfast at? long after he woke up did he get home from his walk at?

3. how far did he walk? long did his walk take?

5. What time did he wake up from his nap at?

6.How long after he finished his shower did he start to nap?

Main task

Adding and subtracting more than 2 numbers. When we do this, we need to think about which numbers go together the easiest and which ones you want to leave until the end.

For example, if two numbers add up to 10 or 100 then those are good to start with. Doubles are also good to start with. If there is one decimal number, it can also be good to leave that one until the end.


  1. 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 =
  2. 40 – 23 – 10 =
  3. 123 + 207 + 77 =
  4. 4,532 + 5,301 + 4,238 =
  5. 4 + 15 + 23 =
  6. 34 + 4.56 + 2.58
  7. 12,345 + 4,309 + 12,300 =
  8. 8,234 – 334 – 2,345 =
  9. 2,345 + 2,785 – 345 – 126 =


Extra challenge Brain Buster

  • 4,565,987,123 + 2.349 + 456,287 – 3,890 =
  • 01032 + 4.019101 + 4.0980203 – 3.08108 – 2.07827 =

Use a calculator to check your answers


Sumdog Championship

Today’s Sumdog Championship was another great event.

Congratulations to  Euan on his victory with a record 314 points.

Shout out to Ava for answering nearly 500 questions in total today and shout out to Roan for 90% accuracy during the competition.

Well done again to everyone who took part and is continuing to try their best during this tricky time. It’s nice to be able to spend some ~(vitrual) time together.


Same time next week.



Wednesday 13th May

***Sumdog Championship 11am today***


spelling words

hideous, suspicious, delicious, ferocious, poisonous, mysterious, miscellaneous, tremendous, generous, courageous, advantageous.

Can you think of any other –ous spelling words to add to our list?

Why don’t you type them as many times as you can in 5 minutes to practice.


French/modern languages

Write these dates in your language of choice

  • Wednesday 2nd January
  • Friday 15th February
  • Thursday 19th April
  • Saturday 22nd June
  • Sunday 11th August
  • Wednesday 31st December



Reread yesterday’s reading pages (scroll back on the blog).

Another skill of visualisation is continuing to write the story without knowing what happens next. This helps your prediction skills and helps to check your understanding of the story so far.

Write the next few pages of the story. You can do this as a comic strip or stop motion if you want, or you can just write it in words.

Think about the following things.

What is Elya going to do with the pig?

How is Myra feeling about Elya now that he told her to marry Igor?

What is Madame Zeroni going to do about it?

How is Stanley going to feel after digging another hole?

How are the other boys going to treat Stanley now that they know him a little bit better.

Is Stanley going to get any better at digging the holes?


Send me your final writing.




Weekly Sumdog championship at 11am today.


If you want some written work, here are some adding and subtracting problems.

If you would like to learn a bit more about adding and subtracting fractions, here is a bbc bitesize link you can try.

Finally, here is also an interesting science lesson you can try


Epic Reading

Epic Reading is an online library of books. They have made their books free during school hours for the rest of the lock down.

I have a made a log in for the class to use. You can log on and select books to read from 9-3. It is really important that you all keep reading regularly. It doesn’t have to be 2 hours a day, reading a little bit everyday will be enough.

You should be reading the class novel pages that I put up on the blog everyday, but if you have run out of reading at home and want some more, have a look at epic books.


The login details are

username =

password = woodlands

There is also an app you can download for tablets and phones.

Tuesday 12th May


This week’s spelling words have –ous in them. They are usually adjectives which means they are describing something e.g. a person or a thing. –ous comes from Latin and means “full of”, so the thing you are describing is full of this.

For example = poisonous is full of poison.

hideous, suspicious, delicious, ferocious, poisonous, mysterious, miscellaneous, tremendous, generous, courageous, advantageous.

Click on this link to explore more words and try an –ous word quiz.


French/modern languages

This week, we will explore dates and months. We have worked on numbers last week, so we can apply that learning to this topic.

Have a go at these games

Why don’t you make your own calendar with the dates and days in French (or another language if you want). You could put it on the wall and use it to plan your home school work!

main task

Our class novel is Holes. Continue reading these pages below to learn a little more about how Stanley is getting on at Camp Green Lake and to learn a little more about his ancestors and family.

The link to the pdf of the book is here and todays pages on the pdf are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

We are going to work on visualisation skills today. Visualisation is where you take the words and turn them into an image in your mind and also a picture. You need to focus on descriptive language.

First of all we are going to hunt in these pages for language features that will help us – adjectives, similes, metaphors and any other sentences which describe what you would see if you were there inside the pages of the book.

Adjectives are describing words e.g. dry, scary, sad.

Similes compare two things using “like” or “as” e.g. Stanley’s mouth was as dry as sandpaper.

Metaphors describe something without using like or as. E.g. Stanley’s tongue was sandpaper inside his mouth.

You should read the pages and try and find language describing the following:

  • Madame Zeroni and where Madame Zeroni lives.
  • Elya
  • Stanley
  • Camp Green Lake
  • The other prisoners


Once you have read the pages and written down descriptive language, you should draw two scenes – one involving Stanley and one involving Elya/Madame Zeroni. Remember to pay attention to the language in the book and make your visualisation (picture) accurately represent what the author has said. You can label your picture with quotes from the text to show how accurate it is.



This week, we are going to revise some adding and subtracting. We are just going to blast out loads of adding and subtracting including decimals, large numbers and more than two numbers. To get your brain ready for this, do a few games of Daily 10 adding and subtracting.

If you can add smaller numbers quickly, then you will be able to apply this to larger numbers.

Daily 10 –

Earlier in the year, we explored lots of different adding and subtracting strategies. When you see an adding and subtracting problem, ask yourself what the best strategy to solve that is.

Here are some strategies we created:

Partitioning = 36 + 22 = (30+20) + (6+2) = 50 + 8 = 58

Adjusting 28 + 9 = 28 + 10 – 1 = 38 – 1 = 37

Invicimal point = 3.2 + 2.4 = 32 + 24 = 56 then add the . back in = 5.6

Formal method = use a chimney sum

Counting on and back = 53 – 22 = 53 count back 2 = 51 count back 20 = 31.

Doubles and near doubles = 32 + 33 = 32 x 2 + 1 = 64 + 1 = 65

Try these adding and subtracting questions – there are three different pages. You can do one page, two pages or all three – you choose!

***Don’t forget – tomorrow is the weekly sumdog competition. This week we are going individual. 11am for 1 hour.***

Thursday 7th May




Now we are at the numbers 70-100, it gets tricky in French.

Instead of 80 they say “four twenties” which is quatre-vingt (quatre is 4, vingt is twenty)

Instead of 90, they say four twenties and ten, which is quatre-vingt-dix. Then for 91, it is “four twenties eleven”, which is “quatre-vingt-onze”.

It can be very confusing, but don’t worry!

Watch this song and see if it helps make sense.

Have another go at some of the digital dialects numbers games.


main task

We are reading the book “Holes” Together. I will put up pictures of the pages each day, but here is a link for a pdf of the book which you can download. I will put up the pdf pages each day as well as pictures.

Here are today’s pages (on the pdf it is pages 7,8,9,10)

Sort these statements into True and False.

  • There were 6 red tents
  • Mr Sir has quit smoking
  • X-Ray wears glasses
  • Zero is very clever
  • Armpit and Stanley had an argument the first time they met
  • They ate meat and vegetables for dinner.
  • They were allowed a 5 minute shower
  • Clyde Livingston’s nickname was “sweet feet”
  • Clyde Livingston felt bad for Stanley
  • Stanley got bullied at school

Clyde Livingston was rich when he was young.



Daily 10

Keep doing the daily 10 EVERYDAY. This is very important to help your mental maths skills. You can mix up which maths skill you work on, or change the level or length of time per question to help challenge you. Keep a record of your scores. You could also challenge someone in your house or a partner to a game.




Here are some statements about Fractions for you to answer.

  1. Which is a bigger piece = one half or one third?
  2. Two thirds plus one third is a whole? T or F
  3. One quarter of 12 is ___?
  4. How many eighths is the same size as one half?
  5. Put these in order of size = two sixths, two thirds, two twelfths.
  6. What would you rather have = half of one million pounds or three quarters of one million pounds?
  7. How many minutes is a quarter of an hour?
  8. How many hours is a third of a day?
  9. True or false one tenth of 120 is 1.2?
  10. What is one quarter as a percentage? 10% 20% 25% 40% or 50%
  11. Which fraction is 33.333% – one third, one thirty third, one quarter, one half.
  12. What is one fifth of 100?
  13. What is one fifth written as a percentage? 5% 10% 20% 50%

Tomorrow is a holiday, so relax and enjoy yourself as much as you can!

Sumdog Competition

This week’s sumdog competition was a one sided event!

It started close, with the boys taking an early slim lead, but then the girls got together and started to put together a solid run of points.

It ended up with a huge victory for the girls. 203 -76.

Well done to all who took part

Also shout out to MF who took the overall points total with 269 correct answers.


Same time next week.

Wednesday 6th May

***Sumdog Championship today at 11am***



French numbers.

We are now on to numbers 50-70. Again, some more EPIC songs to help us learn and remember them. Look out for more patterns in the numbers and keep making links to the smaller numbers. If you want to learn numbers in a different language, go ahead!


main task

Yesterday we were introduced to some of the characters in the book holes, which was made into a film in 2003. The book has a slightly different start, focusing more on different parts and different characters, although the overall storyline is the same.

We are going to read this book together as a class novel. I will upload a few pages everyday. If you miss some, you can just go back to the previous blog and get the pictures and catch up. Take some time every day to read this book and help you work on your fluency and understanding. Some days, there will be work specifically set on thsi book.

Read the following pages from the start of the Holes story and rewatch the start of the movie.


What parts are the same?

What parts are different?

What is in the movie that isn’t in the book?

What is in the book that isn’t in the movie?

Which characters are most focused on in the book?

Which characters are most focused on in the movie?





Today is the weekly sumdog competition. It starts at 11am. You need to click on competition at the side or else, your answers won’t be included in the leader board.

If you are having any problems getting into the competition, just let me know!

Here is a maths comprehension if you would like some written maths instead. Remember to read the main paragraph at least twice and take some notes about the numbers and people involved to help you with the questions.



Mrs McMillan has set up a youtube channel for relaxation – it’s called “TAKE A MOMENT WITH MRS MCMILLAN”

She has some videos up about breathing at the moment that you might enjoy. Check them out.

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