
When we came in today, we started off by doing some punctuation. We are learning to put in the correct puncation and where it goes correctly. The are 3 groups. Nouns, verbs, and commas. The nouns had a full page of writing and they had to fix and add in the correct puncation. They were also spelling  what was spelled wrong. Then the teacher went over the answer with them. The verbs had a sheet of punctuation aswell. The commas went to read with miss Livingstone.

After doing some punctuation we moved onto planning a talk. We got to go in partners or just by ourselves. The teacher sat out 4 books and we had to pick one of them. We had to read the book and pick a bit to talk about. When we picked a bit we had to go up to the teachers computer and put our name in and the name of what we are gonna be talking about. The reason we had to do that, if anybody is doing the same book, they aren’t gonna be talking about the same page. We had to do our plan in our jotter and plan what it is gonna look like.

After doing literacy,  it was break time.

When we came back in it was maths. The triangles and squares did a text book and word problems. The circles went on Sumdog and then played elimination with the teacher. After they finished the 1 game they did a times table work sheet. While they were doing that the teacher called down the triangles and squares to mark there work.

After maths it was lunch time.

When the bell 🔔 rang we did the daily mile.

When we came back in we did I.d.l. We finished painting our rockets, decorated our eggs and secured them so they won’t die.

By kimberley

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