
Today when we came in we went through to p7s class and, we did some Christmas activities.

The teacher forgot about the Sumdog challenge that he put on about everybody against Kimberley, and then he shouted it to our class and then people started to play it but there is no way they are going to beat me. (I play it all the time!).

When we finished doing what we were doing we went to the gym hall and practised our song because it is on Friday.

When we finished doing our song it was playtime. It was an outdoor so we could all get fresh air.

When we came back in we went to p7s class and finished watching our elf movie. When it finished, we came back to our class and we watched some of our movie. (It is called planet earth.)

Before Mrs Thomson came and got us for Christmas lunch mr McMullan told us what we are doing after lunch. Straight when he finished, she chapped the door and asked us for all the Christmas lunch people.

We all thought it was a delicious lunch but we had to move on. It was an outdoor, so we could play with our friends and forget about Christmas lunch.

When we came back in we started to read some of our Percy Jackson book.

After lunch we went outside to do outdoor learning. We are learning about pine and holly trees. We also lit some fires and played some games. Altogether we all had a fun day, and everybody had great manners.

If you see any of these words. teach your kid the correct word you should be saying because, the teacher will make you write out the correct word 250 times in your thinking jotter.

By kimberley

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