
Today when we came in, we started to do some maths. We are learning to add and subtract calculations. We are also learning to partition it to make maths easier. e.g 56 + 25 (50 + 20) (6 + 5) Firstly get the answer to the calculations and then when you have the answer add them together so you will get your final answer.

After that we did some literacy. We are learning to use outstanding V ( vocabulary) C ( connectives) O ( openers) P ( punctuation). We are also learning to use marvellous VCOP, at the beginning of a sentence. E.g firstly, secondary, Next time, after that. ( never give up because, there are lots of them).

When we finished that, it was break time and it was an indoor so, some people got to play on the computers, and some other p7s got to go and buddy the little ones.

When break time was finished we wrote an application, of what we wanted to be, in the advert for the honey. We had to use extremely good VCOP. We also had to evidence them, why we would be good doing it and why he should give us the part we want.

When we had finished our applications, the bell ran for lunch time.

When lunch time was over we went for the daily mile. and some people who didn’t finish there applications stayed in and finished it.

After we came in it was assembly time. Mr green watched news round, and did some awards. It felt Quick!

When the assembly was finished we came back to class and watched a little movie. It is called blue planet. When we finished watching a little bit of our movie.

We had questions that we had to answer and they where about how  much money we have sold for the equipment that we are selling.

After we finished our questions, we went to the p7s class to practise our singing for the navitity. We showed the people, who weren’t here yesterday, the actions because we made up new ones.

By Kimberly and Kyla



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