
Today when we came in we did some maths. We are learning to partitioning numbers . We are also learning to add and subtract numbers while partitioning it. We are learning to make maths easier and that is called BOGLF.

After we did a lot of maths it was break time. When we came back in, we went to the gym hall and on the stage we practised our navitity song. When we finished we listened to the p6s sing, and I have to admit it was really good, but we are still better than them.

After we listened to them, we came back and did some quizzes, and who wants to be a million air.

After we did some quizzes we went for our lunch 🥗

We came back in and the quire went away to practise there song so the kids who doesn’t want to be in it, they did some maths. They did some daily 10 and sumdog. When we were playing the daily ten Mr McMullen lost, because he got 3 wrong, Ciaran had 2 wrong and Kimberley, got them all correct.(Just admit he is a loser)!

When the choir came back we did some V (vocabulary) C (connectives) O ( openers) P ( puncation) VCOP. We practised of making better sentences, and we are upstepping our game, to add in lots of extremely good words to sentences.

We are trying to add in good words into this paragraph.

Here is some excellent examples, of people’s paragraphs.

After we had to write down as many words as we could, what is a time related opener. Here is what everybody thought, what was time related openers.

After that we moved onto making our own sentences with VCOP, or we could just fill in these sentences that the teacher made us, but we had to have to VCOP.

After that, we had to cool down, so we did the daily mile.

By Kimberley


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