Homework 29/9/15

We have been leaning to add, subtract and multiply with decimals. One of the most important rules is to keep your decimal points in a straight line; this helps you put all the digits in the correct columns! You can practise your times tables to help with your multiplication.


Ideas for further practise at home:


Reading: Reading with expression and understanding – Can you read an extract of a book at home to an audience (of any size)?  Remember to read the punctuation too!
Writing: Fantasy Story – Main characters, real world and fantasy world setting and a trigger in the real world to take you to the fantasy world. Don’t forget to include paragraphs!

Spelling: Soft c sound (after e, i or y) celebrate, incident or literacy


Ideas for further practise at home:

  • Practise reading to someone at home being sure to add expression to help make it interesting.
  • Create your own fantasy story where the characters have a problems the need to solve before travelling back to the real world.
  • Think of some words with the soft c sound in them. You can practise these in pyramid, rainbow or fancy writing.
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/spellits/activities_y5/activity3.shtml



Japan topic – looking at life in Japan

Ideas for further practise at home:

Remember you can use your thinking jotter to record any thoughts or ideas you have when looking at these topics and I would love to see anything you create at home!

Mrs Park

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