This morning when we came into the classroom we got some new spelling words .
Our new words are linked to our new topic of global warming ,here is the words in case you want to practise them at home.
In case you can’t read Allan’s beautiful writing here are the words typed :
After we practised our spelling words we made a flow chart for our books. A flow chart is like a v.i.p. carpet but you can go in all different directions , all you have to do is write down the main parts of the story we made an example of one based on the class novel “stormbreaker”
Here are our new reading books
Paige has animal heros , the verbs have got saving finnegan , the nouns have Jammy dodgers on the run,and the commas have the last wolf
After playtime
After playtime we played a game of times table elimanation. We looked at the links between the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.Kiera and Calum ended up head to head
After that Mrs Rutherford and the rest of the choir came in, we have a new choir song and we spent our time practicing.
After lunch
When we came in from our lunch break we had a 12 question true or false quiz about global warming here are some of the questions
After that we planed our own anti-deforestation advert
These are the slogans I came up with
“Dont ruin the greenary ,it’ll ruin the scenery !”
“Don’t let mother nature become a once upon a time story !”
Here is the one megan came up with
“Keep calm and save the rainforrest ”
by Lexi