Monday 6th November 2017

This morning, we were guessing how many words we could spell that started with “pre”. Our spelling words for this week are:

pressure, present, pretzel,premature,presentation,preparation and president.

After that ,we started to write a letter about ww1 as if we were a soldier in the war and we were writing to our family. When we had finished we used vcop to evaluate how many wow words, punctuation,openers and connectives.

After we had finished our world war letters we put wet tea bags on it and it made them make it old. Here is a picture of lexi and her letter.



After lunch we started maths. In maths we started adding and subtracting with rounding. we were learning to round to help us answer calculations.We also used empty number lines to round the numbers to the nearest ten.You round to the nearest 10 by if it is 5 or above you got to the nearest ten if it is 4 or below you go to the smaller ten.We added in decimals as well.


we got given price lists and to take money off.

here are some pictures of the price lists and questions:



At 2:30 we started to design and color in poppies for remembrance day. some people even put words like respect on them.

By Sian














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