Monday 1st June



Instead of spelling words this week, I have set you a spelling challenge on sumdog. You need to answer 100 questions correctly this week. That’s just 20 words a day! Don’t forget to choose spelling when you log in.



I’m sure that, like me, the thing you are missing the most about school is the class French videos that I find, so here are a few for you to enjoy. I personally love the first time one the best.



Today’s holes reading pages.


Answer these comprehension questions

  1. What does the author mean by “the bodies in the room were little more than bags of flesh and bones, dumped across broken chairs and couches.”?
  2. Why was X-Ray so full of energy, when the other kids are so tired?
  3. What was Zigzag doing in the wreck room?
  4. What do you think they are digging for? What is the warden looking for?
  5. What does “understuffed” mean? It’s an adjective describing the chair.
  6. Why were the shovels locked up at night?
  7. Who is your favourite character in the story so far? Why?



This week, we are going to work on the maths skill of measuring.

Try this game and choose the level with kg, mm, cm or ml. This will help you understand some more about different units of measurement.

1kg = 1,000g

1m = 100cm

1m = 1,000mm

1cm = 10mm

1L = 1,000ml

Reading scales can be tricky, because they look quite different to each other sometimes. The best thing to do is to count the SPACES between numbers, not the lines. Then work out using division, how much each space is worth. Try this game to explore reading scales.

Now we should apply what we have learned! Baking bread is easy and is a great activity to do with others at home. I have been making sourdough bread this week and it turned out great (see below). It is very important, however, that you measure accurately. If you have your own bread recipe give it a go. Or try this one –

Don’t forget to send me pictures of what you make!


***This week’s sumdog competition is going to be done in teams. If you would like to be in a team with someone else, send me an email to let me know who. If not, I will make up the teams.***

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