Friday 15th May

Friday 15th May



Spelling test – get someone at home to test you on this week’s spelling words or any –ous words. You could also test someone else in the class.



Report writing is a great skill and is used in many jobs – journalist, police officer, teacher etc.

Check out this lesson to learn how a sports reports writes a report and have a go writing one yourself.



Try some handwriting practice. Sometimes if you don’t use a pen or pencil for a while it can feel weird! You could write a letter to someone else in lockdown, a friend or family member, to help to make them feel good by telling them what you’ve been up to and asking them how they are getting on. You could then post it to them. Do it in your best handwriting and it will definitely cheer them up! You could also do this on a computer to practice your typing.



Word problem of the day

How did you get on yesterday?

Johnny gets up at 9am. He spends 20 minutes in the shower and 15 minutes eating breakfast. He then decides to go for a walk. When he returns from his walk, he looks at the clock and sees that it is 10:30am. On his walk, he walked 1.3 miles away from his house and then turned around and walked straight home. He watched TV for 70 minutes and then had a 15 minute nap. 

1.What time did he finish eating breakfast at? long after he woke up did he get home from his walk at?

3. how far did he walk? long did his walk take?

5. What time did he wake up from his nap at?

6.How long after he finished his shower did he start to nap?


  1.   9:35 am

2.    1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes)

3.    2.6 miles

4.    55 minutes

5.    11:55am

6.    2 hours 20 minutes (140 minutes)


Today’s word problem of the day

I have £100 in the bank.

On Monday, I spend £20 on toys and £5 on food.

On Tuesday, I earn £10 from my Granny for cleaning her garden.

On Wednesday I give £10 to my sister because she was nice to me.

On Thursday I spend £50 on a new football top. I also get on the bus which costs £1.50

On Friday I find £3 down the back of the sofa.

1.How much money did I spend on Monday?

2. How much money do I have at the end of Tuesday?

3. True or False – at the end of Wednesday, I have £50

4. What is my total amount of money spent?

5. do I have enough money on Saturday to buy a new pair of trainers that cost £33?


Comprehension. When we do maths comprehension, we need to read the information carefully first and find the information that will help us answer the questions. In this type of comprehension, numbers and names are the things that will help the most.

You can take notes about the passage as well, this can help.

Then read the question and ask yourself what is the calculation you need to do to work out which answer is correct. You can also say – are any of these answers unrealistic? Which ones don’t seem correct?



Enjoy your weekend.

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