Friday 19th June



Last day to complete the sumdog spelling challenge!

FUNday Friday – Virtual Sports Day

Today is our yearly sports day. Just because we are at home, it does not mean we can’t have a super sports day! Here is our virtual sports day agenda for you and your family to take part in at home.  There will also be a whole school Sports Day next week. There are 6 main events listed below. Please share your photos and videos of your participation. Good luck!

Egg and Spoon Race · Use a boiled egg or potato, race against someone in your house over a set distance. · If you have no competitors in your house, time yourself to travel the distance and try and beat your highest score each time. The aim is to complete the race without dropping the egg.

*Challenge* Make it an obstacle egg and spoon race.

Welly Boot Toss OUTDOOR · Decide on your starting point and use an underarm throw to toss the welly as far away as you can. · Each person has 3 turns, with the furthest throw being the winner.

Sack Race · Find an old carrier bag or a strong bin bag. · Hold the bag by the handles and put your feet inside the bag ready to race. · Hop from the starting point to the finish line. If you have no competitors in your house, time yourself over a set distance and try to beat your score.

Standing Long Jump · Agree on a starting point. · Bend your knees and swing your arms to propel yourself forward into a long jump. · Measure your distance using a measuring tape or by counting footsteps. Each member will have 3 jumps. The furthest jump wins!


‘Shot Put-tato’ OUTDOOR · Normally a real shot put will be used. However, we will use a potato for the ‘Shot-Put-ato’ event! · Decide on a starting point and throw the potato as far as possible using an over arm throw. Each member will have 3 throws and the furthest throw wins!


Create your own obstacle course ·

Option 1 – Basic Course ·

Start > Bottle Flip > Crawl under a blanket > Jumper ·

Step 1 – Balance: Balance a plastic cup on your head. ·

Step 2 – Flip a bottle ¼ of water before you move on. ·

Step 3 – Crawl under a big blanket. ·

Step 4 – Put on a jumper to finish the race. ·


Option 2 – Challenge Course

Start > Bottle Flip > 10 sit ups > Plastic Cup Balance > 10 Burpees > Jumper and Shorts:

Step 1 – Bottle Flip Challenge ·

Step 2 – 10 Sit Ups and hop one footed to next station. ·

Step 3 – Balance Plastic cup and move to next station. ·

Step 4 – Complete 10 burpees and run to next station. ·


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