Tuesday 26th May

Sumdog spelling assessment

You all have a sumdog spelling assessment, take your time and give it a go!

***Don’t forget tomorrow is the sumdog championship at 11am***


Debating is a very important skill in developing your creative thinking and using your logic skills. It is very important to be able to think about an idea from both sides, plan what you think the arguments are for one side and think about how someone from the other side will respond to your ideas and arguments.


Check out this lesson about debates and write an argument for one of the debate ideas. I particularly like the one

Oceans are massive and full of fish, it doesn’t matter if we catch lots of fish.


You could also take some time to research the issue and get some facts to back up what you are saying.




Give this maths game a go – you need to read timetables and work out time durations.


Main task


Have a look at this train timetable. Can you create some questions about the timetable to ask someone else to answer? Start with simple questions like “what time does the First train leave from Nairn at”. You could then try some true or false questions e.g. “True or False a train leaves Aberdeen at 7:08 on Sundays”.


No word problem today, but here are last week’s answers


I go out for a bike ride at 11am. I cycle for 2 hours. My average speed is 10 miles per hour (mph). I stop for lunch beside the river and eat my sandwich. It takes me 20 minutes to have lunch. I cycle home much faster because I have so much energy from my lunch. I cycle home at 20 miles per hour.

  1. How far do I cycle before I stop for lunch? 20 miles
  2. How long does it take me to cycle home? 1 hour (20 miles at 20 miles per hour)
  3. True or false – I get home at 2:20pm? True 11 + 2 hours = 1pm + 20 minutes = 1:20pm + 1 hour = 2:20 pm



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