Wednesday 13th May

***Sumdog Championship 11am today***


spelling words

hideous, suspicious, delicious, ferocious, poisonous, mysterious, miscellaneous, tremendous, generous, courageous, advantageous.

Can you think of any other –ous spelling words to add to our list?

Why don’t you type them as many times as you can in 5 minutes to practice.


French/modern languages

Write these dates in your language of choice

  • Wednesday 2nd January
  • Friday 15th February
  • Thursday 19th April
  • Saturday 22nd June
  • Sunday 11th August
  • Wednesday 31st December



Reread yesterday’s reading pages (scroll back on the blog).

Another skill of visualisation is continuing to write the story without knowing what happens next. This helps your prediction skills and helps to check your understanding of the story so far.

Write the next few pages of the story. You can do this as a comic strip or stop motion if you want, or you can just write it in words.

Think about the following things.

What is Elya going to do with the pig?

How is Myra feeling about Elya now that he told her to marry Igor?

What is Madame Zeroni going to do about it?

How is Stanley going to feel after digging another hole?

How are the other boys going to treat Stanley now that they know him a little bit better.

Is Stanley going to get any better at digging the holes?


Send me your final writing.




Weekly Sumdog championship at 11am today.


If you want some written work, here are some adding and subtracting problems.

If you would like to learn a bit more about adding and subtracting fractions, here is a bbc bitesize link you can try.

Finally, here is also an interesting science lesson you can try


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