Tuesday 12th May


This week’s spelling words have –ous in them. They are usually adjectives which means they are describing something e.g. a person or a thing. –ous comes from Latin and means “full of”, so the thing you are describing is full of this.

For example = poisonous is full of poison.

hideous, suspicious, delicious, ferocious, poisonous, mysterious, miscellaneous, tremendous, generous, courageous, advantageous.

Click on this link to explore more words and try an –ous word quiz.



French/modern languages

This week, we will explore dates and months. We have worked on numbers last week, so we can apply that learning to this topic.

Have a go at these games



Why don’t you make your own calendar with the dates and days in French (or another language if you want). You could put it on the wall and use it to plan your home school work!

main task

Our class novel is Holes. Continue reading these pages below to learn a little more about how Stanley is getting on at Camp Green Lake and to learn a little more about his ancestors and family.

The link to the pdf of the book is here and todays pages on the pdf are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.


We are going to work on visualisation skills today. Visualisation is where you take the words and turn them into an image in your mind and also a picture. You need to focus on descriptive language.

First of all we are going to hunt in these pages for language features that will help us – adjectives, similes, metaphors and any other sentences which describe what you would see if you were there inside the pages of the book.

Adjectives are describing words e.g. dry, scary, sad.

Similes compare two things using “like” or “as” e.g. Stanley’s mouth was as dry as sandpaper.

Metaphors describe something without using like or as. E.g. Stanley’s tongue was sandpaper inside his mouth.

You should read the pages and try and find language describing the following:

  • Madame Zeroni and where Madame Zeroni lives.
  • Elya
  • Stanley
  • Camp Green Lake
  • The other prisoners


Once you have read the pages and written down descriptive language, you should draw two scenes – one involving Stanley and one involving Elya/Madame Zeroni. Remember to pay attention to the language in the book and make your visualisation (picture) accurately represent what the author has said. You can label your picture with quotes from the text to show how accurate it is.



This week, we are going to revise some adding and subtracting. We are just going to blast out loads of adding and subtracting including decimals, large numbers and more than two numbers. To get your brain ready for this, do a few games of Daily 10 adding and subtracting.

If you can add smaller numbers quickly, then you will be able to apply this to larger numbers.

Daily 10 –https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

Earlier in the year, we explored lots of different adding and subtracting strategies. When you see an adding and subtracting problem, ask yourself what the best strategy to solve that is.

Here are some strategies we created:

Partitioning = 36 + 22 = (30+20) + (6+2) = 50 + 8 = 58

Adjusting 28 + 9 = 28 + 10 – 1 = 38 – 1 = 37

Invicimal point = 3.2 + 2.4 = 32 + 24 = 56 then add the . back in = 5.6

Formal method = use a chimney sum

Counting on and back = 53 – 22 = 53 count back 2 = 51 count back 20 = 31.

Doubles and near doubles = 32 + 33 = 32 x 2 + 1 = 64 + 1 = 65

Try these adding and subtracting questions – there are three different pages. You can do one page, two pages or all three – you choose!

***Don’t forget – tomorrow is the weekly sumdog competition. This week we are going individual. 11am for 1 hour.***

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