Monday 4th May

This week’s spelling words are words that are commonly misspelled. There are two options – guess which one you think is correct and then check them to see if you are correct. You can check using the internet or a dictionary. Test someone else at home or test your friends to see if they can spell them correctly!

accommodation     or             accomodation

        achieve           or                     acheive

buisness                   or                     business

conscious                 or                     concious

existance         or             existence

immediately           or             immediatly

knowlege                or             knowledge

occurred          or             occured

seperate          or             separate

tomorrow                or             tommorrow


You can also write each word out and write the rule for that word e.g. 2 Cs, 1 M, no e

Modern langauges

This week, we will revise numbers in French, or another language if you want to learn.

Start with 0-20. This song is EPIC. We all know it and love it. Give it a listen, then try a French numbers game.



Main task

Today, we are going revise some punctuation. Inverted commas are also called speech marks. Inverted means turned inside out or turned backwards.

Watch these videos and then try the task. You can then open a reading book and have a look at how the author uses speech marks. Sometimes they break up the sentences with words between the speech, even though the person is speaking in one continuous sentence.

For example

“Quickly” Mum said “before it gets dark”.


We are also working on reading for an extended period of time. This will be particularly useful during lockdown as it takes your mind off other things. Why not try and read your favourite book/magazine/website for 20 minutes today without getting distracted.




Remember the nrich factors game? This really helps us to understand multiplying, dividing and number patterns. Have 5 goes and see how long a chain you can make. ***don’t google answers!***

We are going to recap some information on fractions which we started a few weeks ago.

A fraction is a piece of something, just like a decimal. It is a number which is between 0 and 1.

However, unlike a decimal, a fraction can also be a whole number – this is when the top number (numerator) and bottom number (denominator) are the same.

e.g. 2/2            4/4           7/7           100/100


This website is excellent at explaining what a fraction is and each page has 10 questions at the bottom. Read through the website and try the questions to check your understanding.

You can also click on some other fractions links at the bottom of the page as well and read through them to further your understanding.


Above are some fraction games you can play.


Want some more maths? Get on sumdog for 20 minutes and get warmed up for this week’s sumdog competition on Wednesday 11am. This week it’s in teams – Boys vs Girls.

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