Tuesday 21st April

Tuesday 21st April 2020





Write your words out and stick them up around the house so that you see them when you walk around. This will help you remember them!


Main task


Nouns and Pronouns. A noun is a person, place or a thing. You can touch it or go to it or use it. A Pronoun is a word that you use to take the place of the name of a noun e.g. this, it, he she, that.


Have a go at this online lesson about nouns and pronouns.





Warm up task



Try a few of these Fractions, Decimals and Percentages games.


Main task

yesterday’s answers

Today we are going to focus on equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are the same size e.g. ½ and 2/4 and 3/6. To make a new equivalent fraction, we look at how much you need to multiply the bottom number by to get the bottom number of the next fraction and then do the same thing with the top number. We can also look at an equivalent fraction wall.

Tomorrow we will be doing a live sumdog Primary 7 competition from 11 until 12.

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