🤩terrific Tuesday 🥳

Hey it’s DG here doing today’s blog and today we were doing literacy By analysing and evaluating our new class novel the two options were the hobbit and fireweed we read both books and we had to choose so we had a debate and the winner was the hobbit

then it was breaktime 😁😆🥳

after break time we went to ict and started to use ecosia if you don’t know what that is it’s a search engine just like google but ecosia uses its profit to plant trees 🌲 and it also unlike google respects your privacy because if you don’t know google tracts you,follows you and listens to you to get information on you aka data then sell that to advertisers and others so I’d recommend to try ecosia they have plant 73 million trees around the world and gives jobs to people try ecosia anyway in ict we were given a political party to research and make a power point or word document on the party you were given

then lunch time 😋🍫🍪🍔🍟🍕

we done maths

then we done the daily mile🚶🏻‍♂️

also we are going to plant trees tomorrow so please bring a change of clothes and shoes 🙂

Then we were doing gym🏋️‍♂️🤸🏼‍♂️⛹️‍♀️🤾‍♂️

And that’s the end of the day here are some important notes 📝

switch to ecosia and bring a change of clothes for tomorrow because we are planting trees 🌲😁




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