Terrific Tuesday 👌🏻

In the morning we did maths. After playtime we did literacy. We started with handwriting here are some hand writing the children did.

After handwriting we did reading here are the books we read.

After reading we also did Scottish language. Here are some examples.

On Thursday we are doing a peace of writing.

after lunch we did art here are some art we did.

By Ryan.


Fun Friday

This morning is the pancake 🥞 breakfast.We are very excited to sing   For the parents.


the class was excellent at singing.

after the pancake breakfast we were doing some reading.


We then did different kinds of art.

After that we did a scavenger hunt unfortunately we weren’t able to get pictures because of the rain.

New Topic

We are finished our Forces topic and are now starting a topic exploring art history.


Tomorrow we are going to explore different time periods in art and what they represent.

We are going to be analysing these art periods and trying to recreate some of them over the next few weeks.


Here are some websites if you would like to research the topic some more at home.


We will be looking at baroque, pointilism, surrealism, cubism, pop art, realism and impressionism.

Terrific Thursday

when we came in today we started off by making up a new nick name for us. We had to write it on a sticky label then put it on us somewhere. After we had to share it and for the full day we had to call everybody by there nick names. When we shared all the names we hard to go and sit in our seats because we could only drink water when the water truck arrived and we could only eat pumkin and other seeds.

After that it was playtime. It was a indoor. We got extra playtime because there was a meeting. It took us to 11:00. When the buddies came back did a short quiz about holes, then we came and sat back down on the carpet and watched a couple of short clips of holes. When we finished that we had to pick some where in the book to draw about. During that the teacher was setting up the scavenger hunt. When he came back the teacher took the people who wanted to dig holes out. They digged big holes. The people who didn’t want to dig holes they had to say in and finish there posters they started. If they were finished they got to go on Sumdog.

After that it was lunchtime. It was another indoor.

When we came back it was the scavenger hunt time. We only had 20m to do it until it was assembly. The teacher said to us he will leave it up for tomorrow and we can do it again tomorrow. We came in and went to assembly. The classes had to practise singing there songs in front of the school.



Wizzered Wednesday 🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️

In the morning we went to the high school for science  we were make little bulbs home on by using batteries wires a Motor and a small bulb

When we got back to our school we to assembly and we were singing our songs for pancake breakfast 🥞

We then did writing ✍ and watched a clip of a marshmallow video                        ⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅

the dragon wanted the little boys marshmelow


We then did some fair trade activities

By Logan Bell 🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♀️😃😂😜






When we came in today we started off by doing some comprehension . We had to read the story and then write the answers in your jotter. When we finished our comphrension we moved onto reading. There is three groups, commas, verbs, and nouns. Nouns and verbs got new reading books. They had to read the first chapter and then they got questions to answer. Commas had to fix the mistakes. Then they moved onto Sumdog.


Then after that we finished our posters




After playtime time we had Gaelic teachers from the high school teaching us about Gaelic. We did Gaelic Simon Says, we all did really well!


Then after lunch we did some Fairtrade activities! We made a banana song and we learned about the journey of a banana. 🍌 🍌

Moody Monday

When we came in we started off by making some morse codes for our partner. Then we moved on chalk talk debates. We had to go in partners and then we had to pick something to do a debate about. One person says the should then the other person Wright’s about why the shouldn’t have/do it. When web finished some people had to read out what they and there partner wrote.

After literacy we went to I.c.t with mr green. We finished off our Poster that we started last week and when we finished it we went on Sumdog.

After I.c.t with mr green it was play time.

When we came back in it was maths. In maths we were doing times table assessments. Some people went on hit the button and some people did some word problems. When we finished that we started to get ready about division. Division is going to be our new topic.

After maths we did the daily mile.

When we came back in it was lunch time.

After lunch time we came in and read a bit about holes. After holes we went to assembly. We did some songs, mr green told us some stuff and then more songs.

After assembly we moved onto IDL and that is fair trade. We got in 2 groups. One was a selling group and then one as a buying group. It was fun.

By Kimberley