Article 28
Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free. Secondary education must be avaible for every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s difnility.
When we came in today we started off by getting our thinking Jotters. We had to draw 3 columns. We had to write at the top e for easy, m for medium, and h for hard. We got spelling words that we used yesterday at the high school. We had to write what we thought the spelling words were, easy, medium or hard. Then the teacher set a 5 minutes timer for us to write the spelling words as many times as we can. After that we moved onto writing. We got to write a different deliema story. We didn’t get long. If we wrote some of it in Scots we got extra points. We were learning to write the story as if the character is the narrator.
Then it was playtime. It was an outdoor.
Article 31
Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
We came back in and we took 15 minutes to try and finish our deliema. It was fun.
After finishing our deliema we got all organised for maths. In maths we were learning to apply multiplying and dividing shapes, I can use my times tables to help with area and perimeter. Area = number of squares on the inside, perimeter = distance around the outside. Some people did a booklet and they were learning the same but there was another I can. It was, I can find volumes and surface areas. The circles did a work sheet about area, and then everybody else did a booklet.
Article 13
Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information.
After that it was lunch time. It was an outdoor.
When we came back in we did some art. The teacher said some information on how to do it. Then mr mcmullan demonstrated on how to do it. It turned out good. Then everybody got a shot. We got to try many times to see what ones Are better for tomorrow because tomorrow, we are gonna do it on a big piece of paper. We got to do a lot of tries and it was fun.
Then it was time for assembly. We did some singing 🎤, star pupils, Sumdog champions and more songs.
By Kimberley and carri
Article 29
Education must develop every child’s personality.