Thursday 21st February


this morning we are starting the day off by doing morse code

what you do is they’re signs on the smart board and then you look for that sign on the sheet of paper and if you find the sign whatever letter is next to it is the letter you use and at one point you will make a word.

Now we are making up a word for our partner and making that into a morse code.


After that we were filling out our emotions like this, this is to help us realise what we are felling instead of constantly saying I am good. We are then more able to control our behaviour when we feel a very negative or very positive emotion.

This is the examples

Later on we were finding out how people like to write so Mr Mcmullan can find out what group we would be in because we are all different.

this is  Carri’s

Then we are doing chalk talk where it is complete silence and you have to write on the chalkboard like this it is fun and helps you because you don’t get spoken over.

Now we are doing daily mile you can only walk to the fence and back to the infant fence and back because to many cars are going in the car park

YAY now it is playtime 😀

After playtime we are doing maths for this we are doing chalk talk but this time we are doing it on paper here are some examples

Now it is lunchtime 🍽

  • after lunch we are doing parachutes yay 😀

Next we are going for assembly and it isthe eco committee who are doing a fairtrade fortnight assembly also it is a house assembly 😀here are some pictures

This is the Sumdog math champions

This is p6/7s star pupil

Well done Emma 🥳🥳

Home time now and everybody had a great day 😁😁



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