Happy Tuesday!

This morning we were writing our spelling words out but we had to do the vowels in red! We then went to read our reading books for 15 mins.

After break we did some maths. We were learning about speed, distance and time! We then had to make a time sheet about anything.

After maths we were doing the daily mile!

Then it was lunch time!

After we were doing health and well being. We had to draw a picture of us being active on a big piece of paper and then we had to paint it. We were choosing an area near the school or our house that we thought could be improved and designing how to improve it.

Then we were doing skipping outside!!!

Then we came back inside and did IDL. We were learning about forces! (e.gif you rub something together it makes heat!!)

Then it was home time!


By Kimberley and Carri


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