Monday Madness!!!

Firstly, when we came in school we were doing some maths.

We were doing adding, subtracting and times sums!

After doing the sums we were going to create a timetable.

Next we had ICT with Mr Green. We were doing some coding. (

And now it was playtime!!!

After playtime we came back into class and we are doing literacy with some spelling words. We did handwriting. We got new spelling words.


Then we we were planing our talk. We watched a video. We had to write in our thinking jotter what were good and bad things.


Then after we were watching the videos, it was lunchtime!!

Then we went to assembly,we watched news round and sang some songs. Then we came back from assembly and we did the daily mile!!

Now we are doing health and well being about being active outside so we pick and area and make it better for being active!!


And now it is hometime!!!

By Carri and Kimberley!

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