Happy Friday

This morning we were continuing on handwriting. We are doing this to improve on it. We were learning to joing we, oa,  oo, ou. I can make different letters different heights. I can not join capital letters. We were making a handwriting activity and then when we where finished, we had to swap with a partner. They had to fill it in.

After handwriting we did some maths. We are learning about doubles and halves. Today we were answering some questions that where on the chalkboard. We had 3 different levels, Bronze,silver,gold.

Here is some information that we have all ready learnt. When some of the digits are more than 4, split it up.(partitioning). When all of the digits are even you can just half them. When the units are odd you need to use decimals. When at least one of the digits is odd then you need to split it up, half it and put it back together. When all the digits are less  than 5, just double each digit.

After maths we went outside to do some laps on the daily mile. During the daily mile the bell ran for break. We went outside. After break we finished off by doing some more laps on the daily mile. It was refreshing, but tiring at the same time.

After the daily mile we were learning about French. We are learning to listen, say, read, write. We are doing it by step by step. We are also learning to break it down, when we are saying it. After that we played a quick French game. We were trying to match the saying, to the pictures.

After that we were doing a weather report. We were meant to draw a weather in a box and then write the saying on what you draw, or you could get 3 boxes with the sayings already on it, and alll you have to do is draw the weather.

After we drew/French it was lunchtime. After lunch we went to ict. In ice we went back on the French magic cards. Mr McMullan had a record of 11 secs but Dylan came in and got 8 secs. Everybody boooooopd him. When Kyla was on it she found how to do it in 1 sec. she kinda hacked/cheated.

After that we went onto scratch. We were learning to learn different stuff and to just play about with it. We were trying to make different people talk to each other in French. We got to work in partners and we got to take turns.

After ict we came back in the class and we went outside to do STEM activities on air resistance. We learned how to build a paper airplane. After we built our airplane we went outside and text it. We had to throw it in between hoops in the air.

By Kimberley




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