I The Firstly we finished our applications for a place in our advert! For our delicious woodlands honey!!!! We are taking part in different things and our class is highly recommended you buying it.we are selling the honey in February.
After that we watched a video called planet earth.We used a alphagrids for good words from the video we are copying words we are hearing for example we are hearing about fish we don’t know for exsample mud fish.The mud fish can camouflage into the bottom of the sea! Then we went on the daily mile.
just before break we done our book club and josh told us about his book it was an amazing and it was interesting!we all listened carefully and Lisbon’s to him speak he was great!
~After break~
We took what we wrote for our application and made it more interesting hat we had to do was the reason you would be super at the job and why you want the job and tell a little about yourself it was great writing our job applications!
After writing our application
Outdoor learning!
we went and did out door learning For 10 minutes it was so fun we were soaked and We did a scavenger hunt! For nature! the sheet could of ripped in half.
~After lunch~
After that we went to I.C.T
we played hit the button Well what you do is pick a table say 20 and then you pick the button to make the full numbers then we practised our typeing for the end of the day
Thanks for reading
by leah p