
When we came into school today we learned about answering sentences with proper words. We also learned what words sound like and where we put them if we have to use them.

After that we learned a whole lot of French like, how to say, I have blue eyes or like I have light brown hair. Kimberley went over the top and she said in French, what people were wearing. Here is some examples.

After playtime we did the daily mile. People went in front of others like Kimberley,Leah k,Carry,Ryan and James all went ahead and down a little bit more of x2 the much that Mr Mcmullan done with his gang.

After we did the daily mile we all came in and sat down and did a little bit of maths. We are all working on mental maths and revision. Today some people wanted the last piece of help the could have with rounding decimals. All the people now know a lot more than the did before.

After we did that we moved on to something more quit and fun and that is by going out side and putting bread out for all the squirrels to come down and then we will hide in the trees and bushes because we don’t won’t them to see us and quietly watch them come down and eat it all or just some. We also went outside to check on our pumpkins because when we sat them down the other day in the nature garden to see if they will come down and nibble on that as well. We unfortanly didn’t get to see any because some boys in the bushes were making to much noise.

After lunch we were reading some more of our Percy Jackson book. We have read quite a lot of it and in my opinion,I think it is a really fun excitement book. Here is some people reading there book.


After when we read for for a little bit it was time to go to I.c.t. In I.c.t we were on code.org. We were learning what parts we needed to move a little character. For some people it was really easy but for anther children it was a little bit hard.

From kimberley

Hope you all have an excellent holiday.



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