Tuesday 13.3.18

THIS MORNING  we had Mrs Rutherford and we were learning about the landscapes in Scottish cities . After that we learned some French we were all given a French name by Mr McMullan once we had our new French name we had to learn how to say, spell and read them . Once we learned our names we all went around the room , found someone to talk to and we had a French conversation.🇱🇺🇱🇺

Here is our French conversation!


After  break we started our new topic of fractions in maths we started it off by making a mind map of what we already know about fraction and then we added some more things that we learned in the lesson after that we all got a fractions worksheet.


After  lunch we came into class and we did  some literacy

This is our success criteria

The verbs were answering questions,the nouns were making questions and the commas were making a grid about the main characters

After that we  did some science

By lexi 😘

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