12/1/18 Happy Friday!

In the morning everyone came in with a smiley face.

Firstly, we did a R.A.T sheet. A R.A.T is 3 words that can only be linked to one word. For example cottage swiss and cake. The word would be cheese.

After that, we did our Green Cities project.

To explore the geographyof different cities.

To choose an ideal location for my eco city.

I can research where different cities are located. I can chooses a country and place for my city.

I can identify the pros and cons of different locations.

Here is what we were doing to achieve the success criteria.

we were learning about the pros ands cons of putting a city in the mountains, on land,or on the coast.

Here are some pictures of Mr Mcmullan’s project:


After break time we went straight to a house assembly. In assembly we did a house quiz to earn points. All of the houses did very well! When we came out of assembly we went straight for lunch.


After lunch we did a game of press the buzzer if it’s your reading book.

Here is a picture of people playing the game:

After we had finished the game we found out the winners the nouns were the winners.

Finally we did our project plan Here are some photos:

Have a good weekend


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