Homework week beginning 27th November


We are working on our understanding of text this week. This means that we need to read a piece of text and explore what the words mean on their own and as a full piece of text. An important part of this is inference – this means reading between the lines and working out extra information. Another important part is knowing the meaning of tricky words.

For homework, go on one of the following science news websites, read a few articles and write a summary of the information in the article.






We are continuing to work on our understanding of multiplying and our times table recall.

For homework, play hit the button and record your best scores for the following times tables

2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 7, 9.

Try and beat your score!



We are exploring how carbon dioxide affects the temperature of the earth. This is called “The greenhouse effect”. For homework, you can calculate your “carbon footprint” which shows you how much carbon you release in a year!


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